Anjani Kumar vs State Of Bihar And Anr on 24 April, 2008
Anjani Kumar was a senior police officer who was accused of misconduct including allegations of abuse of authority and corruption. This led to a inquiry initiated by the department. Based on the inquiry, he was removed from service since it found that he acted in a manner which does not match the practices preached by the department. Mr. Kumar then challenged this decision in the high court claiming that the inquiry was flawed and that it did not follow the principles of natural justice. The case was dismissed by the High Court after which Mr Kumar appealed to the Supreme Court.
The court was to examine if the inquiry and dismissal were done per established procedural and legal norms. Did the disciplinary authority have jurisdiction to dismiss Mr. Kumar and if so, did they follow proper procedure?
The court had to address Mr Kumar's claims that the disciplinary actions were motivated to target him potentially by political or departmental rivals.
The court also had to consider whether the disciplinary authority's findings were supported by credible and substantial evidence.
The court ruled that the authority was within established legal principles and procedural fairness. The courts found that the evidence against Mr Kumar was substantial including witness testimonials document records and material evidence. The court also concluded that the inquiry was impartial and fair. The court also found no denial of natural justice since Mr Kumar was given ample opportunity to defend himself during the inquiry process.