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Name of the Case: P.D. Agrawal v. State Bank of India and Others, INSC 252 Facts: This case tries to focus on an appeal between P.D. Agrawal and the State Bank of India (SBI). Some of the actions or decisions committed by SBI and its associates were not so tolerable to Agrawal they considered them grievance. These facts involve the legal justifications for such action, history of the case, and the contentions of patient and the hospital administrator. Agrawal also objected SBI’s decisions based on violation of procedural fairness and misconduct. Findings by the trial court, and subsequent operations on appeal make up the foundation of the case determination. Issue: Whether the actions and decisions of the State Bank of India were legal and procedural in relation to P.D. Agrawal? Holding: Yes, because the State Bank of India’s decisions complied with the legal rules of procedural and substantive justice, requested by the procedural norms. Rationale: The Court further took a legal position – concerning the decision of the State Bank of India – that the appellant contravened statutory provisions and violated the procedural norms. That not only natural justice was at play and the right to be heard adhered to, but also no serious prejudicial procedural defects were observed. The evidence supported SBI’s actions as all the actions taken by SBI were vindicated logically as well as legally, and were within the purview of its institutional mandate, as well as being equitable through the duration of the trial. Citation: P.D. Agrawal v. State Bank of India and Ors INSC 252