Section 6 of Maharashtra Legislature Members Salaries And Allowances Act, 2007

Amenities.— A member shall be entitled to residential accommodation 5 on such scale and on such conditions and to such other facilities as may be prescribed by rules or orders made under section 8: 6. Subject to rules or orders made under section 8, a member shall be entitled for himself and for members of his family who are residing with, and dependent on him, free of charge, to accommodation in hospitals maintained by the State Government and to medical attendance and treatment. Explanation.— For the purpose of this sub-section, the expression “a member of his family” means the husband, wife, son, daughter, father, mother, brother or sister]. 7 A member shall be entitled, free of charge, to the services of personal assistant. For this purpose, the member may appoint any person, possessing such qualifications as may be prescribed by rules or orders made under section 8, as his personal assistant. Subject to such rules or orders as may be made in this behalf, the assistant so appointed shall receive a fixed salary 8]. 9 There shall be paid to every Member a sum of Rs. 10,000 per month for the availing the services of computer operator.] 10 11 There shall be paid to every member a sum of 12 per month for stationary and postage.] 13 With effect from the date of commencement of the Maharashtra Legislature Members’ Salaries and Allowances Act, 2020 , every Member shall be entitled, free of charge, to the service of a Driver. For this purpose, the Member may appoint any person, possessing valid driving licence and who has not attained the age of sixty years, as a Driver. The Driver so appointed shall receive such fixed salary per month, as may be specified by order issued by the Government, from time to time.] 1 shall once during every session be entitled to one first class railway fare or as the case may be, 3 for his spouse 4 from his usual place of residence to the place where the session is held and for the return journey from such place:] 5 6 The State Government may, by order, subject to such terms and conditions as may be specified in the said order, allot a piece of land, in the vicinity of Vidhan Bhavan or MLAs’ Hostel in Mumbai, to the Maharashtra State Legislature for the purpose of making available to the Members of the State Legislature, amenities like Gymkhana, Club House or Recreation Centre, etc. Explanation.— For the purposes of this section, “the Members of the State Legislature” means the sitting and past Members of the State Legislature. On allotment of the land to the Maharashtra State Legislature by the State Government under sub-section , a Managing Committee consisting of the office bearers as specified below, shall be deemed to have been constituted from the date of such allotment, for the management, supervision, running and maintenance of such Gymkhana, Club House or Recreation Centre, etc., as the case may be, namely:— Chairman . . ex officio Chairperson. Speaker . . ex officio Co-Chairperson. Chief Minister . . ex officio Member. Deputy Chairman, Maharashtra Legislative Council . . ex officio Member. Deputy Speaker, Maharashtra Legislative Assembly . . ex officio Member. Deputy Chief Minister . . ex officio Member. Minister for Parliamentary Affairs . . ex officio Member. Leaders of Opposition in the Assembly and Council . . ex officio Members. Minister of State Parliamentary Affairs . . ex officio Member. One member each from the recognised political . . ex officio Members. parties in the State Legislature, nominated by the Chairperson. The Chairperson shall appoint, from amongst the members, a Treasurer and such other office bearers as deemed necessary, and the Principal Secretary of the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly or the Maharashtra Legislative Council, nominated by the Chairperson, shall be the ex officio Executive Secretary of the Committee. The objectives, the nature and scope of the activities, etc., of such Gymkhana, Club House or Recreation Centre, as the case may be, set up on such land by the Maharashtra State Legislature and the membership fees, the annual subscription fees or any other fees or charges to be collected from the members by such Gymkhana, Club House or Recreation Centre, as the case may be, shall be such as may be prescribed by the rules made in this behalf by the Managing Committee and such rules shall be laid, as soon as may be, after the same are made, before each House of the State Legislature. The Managing Committee may make bye-laws for its governance, and for carrying out its functions and duties, consistent with the provisions of this Act and the rules made thereunder and any other law for the time being in force. The Executive Secretary of the Managing Committee shall be responsible for convening the meetings of the Committee as per the directions of the Chairperson and for recording the minutes of the meeting and shall perform such other duties and functions as may be directed by the Committee. 6C. Constitution of Fund.— The Maharashtra Legislature Secretariat shall, on allotment of land by the State Government under section 6B, constitute a fund to be called “the Gymkhana Fund”, “the Club Fund”, or “the Recreation Centre Fund”, as the case may be. Such fund shall consist of,— initial grant of not less than rupees five crores given by the State Government, after appropriation duly made in this behalf, by law; Membership fees, donations, endowments or any other money received by such institution by way of rent or any other source. The Gymkhana, Club or the Recreation Centre, as the case may be, shall keep the current and savings deposit account with the State Bank of India or any other nationalised bank. Such account shall be operated by such office bearers as may be authorised by the Managing Committee. The Managing Committee shall lay before both Houses of the State Legislature, its Annual Report, not later than three months from the expiry of every financial year.]