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<h1 style="text-align:center">'''CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE IN INDIA''' = =

Any type of child abuse that involves having sex with a minor is known as child sexual abuse. There is no way for a child to consent to any kind of sexual behaviour. When someone interacts with a youngster in this manner, they are committing a felony that may have long-term consequences for the victim. Physical contact between the perpetrator and the kid is not a need for child sexual abuse. Most of the offenders are someone whom the child or family knows. Ninety-three percent of victims under the age of eighteen are aware of the abuser. It is not necessary for an adult to injure a youngster. A parent of another child, a family member, an older sibling or playmate, a teacher, a coach, or an instructor, a caregiver, or any other relationship can be formed with the youngster. As per the findings of 1 in 6, child sexual assault is attributed to abusive behaviour that exploits a child's vulnerability and is not associated with the sexual orientation of the perpetrator.[1]

<p style="margin-left:18.0pt" >''&ldquo;There can be no keener revelation of a society&rsquo;s soul than the way in which it treats its children&rdquo;''</p>

<p style="text-align:right">-Nelson Mandela</p>

<p style="margin-left:18pt">India accounts for 19% of the world&rsquo;s children and statistically speaking, India&rsquo;s 42% population is under 18 years of age. Shockingly yet, a government commissioned survey reveals that more than 53% of the children in India are subjected to sexual abuse/assault. The above written quote should put shame to the dark society we live in today, that promises to become a global superpower but cannot ensure the security and well-being of its future assets. Child abuse, born out of dissatisfactions of society, is shrouded in secrecy and is maintained that way to suit the ignorant image of the outside world where children are assumed right less and mere pawns and followers of society. In India, there is no way for a child to consent to any kind of sexual behaviour legally, hence any kind of abuse with a minor which happens in nature of cohabiting sexual relations, sexual exploitation or verbal and physical sexual behaviour, constitutes Child Sexual Abuse or CSA. This is such a heinous crime because it leaves long lasting impacts and trauma in minds of the victim, closing them to certain aspects of society and quality professional psychological help is required to overcome this trauma and the impact of that tragedy; because of the unfortunate intersectionality in India, not everyone is able to afford or get that, thus making Child Sexual abuse a dark unnerving reality that needs to be tackled heads on.</p>

*<sup><ref>#cite_note-1 [1]</ref></sup> is a renowned Indian nonprofit organization dedicated to the welfare of street children. Founded in 1988, it provides shelter, education, health care and vocational training to homeless and marginalized youth in major Indian cities. SBT&rsquo;s impactful work offers hope and a brighter future to countless underprivileged children. Since its inception, this organization has supported children in toto, provided shelter to children, distributed meals, engaged children to literacy programs, provided vocational training to beneficiaries and reunited children with their families.
<h2 style="margin-left:18pt">CONTEMPORARY CSA via CSAM: == ==

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<p style="margin-left:18pt">According to a media report by BBC News Hindi, there was an increase in child pornography and increase in demand of Child Sexual Abuse Material or CSAM. &ldquo;Grooming&rdquo; Cells were found by the police which develop and &ldquo;groom&rdquo; a child/ teenager for CSAM. Grooming is a term that begins with the perpetrator having the intention to sexually abuse the child from the beginning and collect personal data and private sexual material from the child. According to the police, grooming usually begins online from friendship, then developing it into an emotional romantic relationship with the victim and then the demand for video call and request for sexual material is made from the victim who is emotionally manipulated to supply such. The same material is further distributed on dark net and chat rooms in dark web for cryptocurrency which cannot be traced back, thus making this system an untraceable crime for the records. According to a report by India Child Protection Fund 2020, titled &ldquo;''Child Sexual Abuse Material in India''&rdquo;, there was a hiked demand for CSAM during COVID pandemic and keywords like, &lsquo;child porn&rsquo;, &lsquo;sexy child&rsquo; and &lsquo;teen sex video&rsquo; were flagged to be highly searched. CSAM is primarily used for distribution and purchase on dark web and also extortion purposes.</p>

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<p style="margin-left:18pt">To tackle the issue of CSAM distribution and collection, CCSE Centre i.e. Counter Child Sexual Exploitation Centre uses advance software like ''ICACCOPS'' to trace the IP addresses of culprits distributing CSAM via WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook, etc. Another software: ''grapnel ''helps the police to discover and trace the demand and supply of CSAM on the dark web, it functions as a search engine of keywords on the dark web.</p>

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#<sup><ref>#cite_note-2 [2]</ref></sup> is a renowned nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of underprivileged children in India. Their programs focus on education, health care and protection, aiming to provide children with a better future. Through various initiatives, they strive to ensure every child&rsquo;s rights are upheld and their potential unlocked.
<p style="margin-left:18pt">In a ground report by BBC India, on sexual assault, we find that CSA is not limited to one sex or one gender. A minor boy was sexually assaulted by 3 boys and was severely injured and the ground report consisted of the interview of the victim&rsquo;s mother and doctors. The doctor revealed that socially boys are raised to be family leaders and future family heads, if in stages of development, such kind of incidents happen that question this leadership masculinity and leave the boy as a victim of CSA, the child will not be able to get out of shock and get over that PTSD left by that incident, and thus not be able to effectively step up to lead.</p>

<h2 style="margin-left:18pt">PAEDOPHILIA AS A MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE: == ==

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<p style="margin-left:18pt">A post-modernist perspective on this issue can trace the main issue of this societal menace to paedophilia i.e. sexual attraction towards children and allow the sufferers to come forward without judgement to cure themselves via psychological treatment. A documentary campaign by &ldquo;Don&rsquo;t Offend India&rdquo; worked on destigmatising paedophilia and enabling the sufferers with a clinical help to tackle it. The perspective regards paedophilia as an issue of mental health and not a totalitarian criminal approach. It is so because in the angle of &ldquo;romantic cases&rdquo; in the POCSO Act 2012, wherein despite consensual sexual relations between minors or 1 minor and a major, there is charge of statutory rape attached because simply minors are ineligible to consent for establishing sexual relations and according to CJI D.Y. Chandrachud addressing a keynote speech in a conference organized by the Juvenile Justice Board of the Supreme Court, on the issue of Child Sexual Abuse, this issue is vexed and needs policy intervention with expert opinions and suggestions from experts in Adolescent development and matters concerning teenagers. It is sad that we live in a country where homosexuality is taught as a vice and actively condemned and looked down upon socially, whereas a blind eye is turned towards the increasing and impending issues of child sexual abuse.</p>

<h2 style="margin-left:18pt">PREVENTIVE MEASURES: == ==
<li><sup><ref>#cite_note-3 [3]</ref></sup> is a prominent humanitarian organization working tirelessly to improve the lives of vulnerable children and communities across India. Established in 1951, it focuses on education, health care and economic empowerment, with a mission to combat poverty and promote child well-being. Its extensive outreach has positively impacted countless lives due to its focus on improving ration and household supplies for the economically vulnerable.</li>

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<p style="margin-left:18pt">The Constitution recognizes the plight of children and under doctrine of positive discrimination under article 15, grants them special attention through necessary laws and amendments to safeguard their rights.</p>

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<p style="margin-left:18pt">In 2012, the POCSO Act, Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act was passed, finally addressing and redressing the crimes committed against children in a special manner ensuring that jurists and public prosecutors recognize the sensitive nature of these cases and handle issues of minors like their privacy and psychological trauma with utmost care and attention.</p>

<p style="text-align:right"></p>
<li><sup><ref>#cite_note-4 [4]</ref></sup> is a global organization with a strong presence in India, offering loving homes and holistic care to orphaned and abandoned children. Established in 1964, it provides stable family environments, education and support to ensure children&rsquo;s emotional and social development. It is a beacon of hope for disadvantaged youth, especially with their long-term customized care interventions such as family-like care, special needs childcare, individual foster care, short stay homes, family strengthening, kinship care, emergency childcare, education and youth skilling.</li>

<p style="margin-left:18pt">The psychologists also recommend the sensitization of both genders to concepts of good touch and bad touch and building a communication with parents about relationships with external society. Too long the narrative of parents talking about sex with their children has been tabooed in Indian society, leading to a complete ignorance of children&rsquo;s sexuality and urges in their adolescence. This has to change and a healthy discussion on sex-life and adolescents should be taken up in households to destigmatize the issue so that teenagers do not hesitate to talk about this in severe cases of abuse.</p>

<p style="text-align:right"></p>

<li><sup><ref>#cite_note-5 [5]</ref></sup> is a dedicated organization committed to the welfare of children in India&rsquo;s capital. Founded in 1952, it focuses on providing programs, such as PALNA and BAL CHETNA, which are aimed at encouraging holistic development of the youth in the areas of nutrition, medical services, vocational training, care of abandoned children, adoption, rehabilitation of mentally and physically challenged children and providing day-care and non-formal education. Over 2,500 children benefit from these programs daily. [2]</li>

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Legal frameworks designed to safeguard children from the dangers associated with convicted sexual offenders must include provisions for the registration and monitoring of sexual offenders. These laws usually impose registration requirements on those convicted of specific sexual offenses, requiring them to provide personal details including name, address, and conviction details to law enforcement organizations.
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Enhancing public safety through the ability of law enforcement to trace the whereabouts of convicted sexual offenders is one of the main goals of laws pertaining to the registration of sexual offenders. Authorities can keep an eye on the whereabouts and activities of people who have committed sexual offenses by keeping a record of those individuals. This practice lowers the probability of reoffending and, in the event that it is required, facilitates early intervention. Laws pertaining to sex offender registration frequently contain clauses requiring regular updates and verification of registration data. It can be necessary for offenders to submit to law enforcement on a frequent basis to verify their current residence and other information. There may be legal repercussions, including more criminal charges, if registration requirements are not met. Furthermore, a lot of jurisdictions have put in place sex offender monitoring programs, like GPS tracking devices or electronic ankle bracelets. With the use of these technologies, authorities can enforce adherence to geographical limits, such forbidding offenders from living close to schools or other places where kids congregate
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<li>CSA is a significant public health issue, necessitating public health interventions.</li>
<li>The population must be the focus of the preventive measures, and the most prevalent and important CSA-affecting factors must be addressed.</li>
<li>Parents should create a trustworthy environment and should ask if any questionable activity by adults or older children should be reported by the child to the parents.</li>
<li>The child should be assured not to feel guilty by their parents.</li>
<li>Children between the ages of 3 and 5 can be instructed on &ldquo;good&rdquo; touch, &ldquo;acceptable touch,&rdquo; and &ldquo;poor touch.&rdquo;</li>
<li>Teenagers require more in-depth instruction on topics like body physiology, sexual activity, pregnancy, healthy relationships, and sexual abuse, which is best delivered in the classroom by trained teachers.</li>
<li>Teachers in India&rsquo;s schools use innovative methods to teach students about adolescent health, including puberty, as part of the &ldquo;Health and Wellness Curriculum.&rdquo;</li>

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Preadolescent sexually abused children fall for posttraumatic stress disorder diagnosis, depression, conduct disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Adolescent children who experience CSA have a strong feeling of hopelessness, suicidal ideation, and suicidal attempts. Owing to various emotional, social, and cultural factors, CSA has long-lasting negative effects on mental health. Effects can be immediate, intermediate, and long-term. The Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) established Sakhi: One Stop Centres (OSC) in 2015. It is established preferably within a hospital/medical facility to provide support and assistance to victims of gender violence. As a result, &ldquo;under one roof&rdquo; services like medical, police, psychosocial counselling, legal aid, shelter, referral, and video conferencing are provided.[3]
[1]<sup><ref>#cite_note-6 [6]</ref></sup>
[2] <sup><ref>#cite_note-7 [7]</ref></sup>
[3]<sup><ref>#cite_note-8 [8]</ref></sup>
<li><ref>" rel="nofollow</ref> Salaam Baalak Trust (SBT)</li>
<li><ref>" rel="nofollow</ref> Save the Children or Bal Raksha Bharat</li>
<li><ref>" rel="nofollow</ref> World Vision India (WVI)</li>
<li><ref>" rel="nofollow</ref> SOS Children&rsquo;s Village</li>
<li><ref>" rel="nofollow</ref> The Delhi Council for Child Welfare (DCCW)</li>
<li><ref>" rel="nofollow</ref> Child Sexual Abuse| RAINN</li>
<li><ref>" rel="nofollow</ref> 5 Organizations Protecting Children&rsquo;s Rights in India - The Borgen Project</li>
<li><ref>" rel="nofollow</ref> Child Sexual Abuse in India - ClearIAS</li>
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Latest revision as of 16:22, 3 July 2024



“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children”

-Nelson Mandela

India accounts for 19% of the world’s children and statistically speaking, India’s 42% population is under 18 years of age. Shockingly yet, a government commissioned survey reveals that more than 53% of the children in India are subjected to sexual abuse/assault. The above written quote should put shame to the dark society we live in today, that promises to become a global superpower but cannot ensure the security and well-being of its future assets. Child abuse, born out of dissatisfactions of society, is shrouded in secrecy and is maintained that way to suit the ignorant image of the outside world where children are assumed right less and mere pawns and followers of society. In India, there is no way for a child to consent to any kind of sexual behaviour legally, hence any kind of abuse with a minor which happens in nature of cohabiting sexual relations, sexual exploitation or verbal and physical sexual behaviour, constitutes Child Sexual Abuse or CSA. This is such a heinous crime because it leaves long lasting impacts and trauma in minds of the victim, closing them to certain aspects of society and quality professional psychological help is required to overcome this trauma and the impact of that tragedy; because of the unfortunate intersectionality in India, not everyone is able to afford or get that, thus making Child Sexual abuse a dark unnerving reality that needs to be tackled heads on.


According to a media report by BBC News Hindi, there was an increase in child pornography and increase in demand of Child Sexual Abuse Material or CSAM. “Grooming” Cells were found by the police which develop and “groom” a child/ teenager for CSAM. Grooming is a term that begins with the perpetrator having the intention to sexually abuse the child from the beginning and collect personal data and private sexual material from the child. According to the police, grooming usually begins online from friendship, then developing it into an emotional romantic relationship with the victim and then the demand for video call and request for sexual material is made from the victim who is emotionally manipulated to supply such. The same material is further distributed on dark net and chat rooms in dark web for cryptocurrency which cannot be traced back, thus making this system an untraceable crime for the records. According to a report by India Child Protection Fund 2020, titled “Child Sexual Abuse Material in India”, there was a hiked demand for CSAM during COVID pandemic and keywords like, ‘child porn’, ‘sexy child’ and ‘teen sex video’ were flagged to be highly searched. CSAM is primarily used for distribution and purchase on dark web and also extortion purposes.

To tackle the issue of CSAM distribution and collection, CCSE Centre i.e. Counter Child Sexual Exploitation Centre uses advance software like ICACCOPS to trace the IP addresses of culprits distributing CSAM via WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook, etc. Another software: grapnel helps the police to discover and trace the demand and supply of CSAM on the dark web, it functions as a search engine of keywords on the dark web.

In a ground report by BBC India, on sexual assault, we find that CSA is not limited to one sex or one gender. A minor boy was sexually assaulted by 3 boys and was severely injured and the ground report consisted of the interview of the victim’s mother and doctors. The doctor revealed that socially boys are raised to be family leaders and future family heads, if in stages of development, such kind of incidents happen that question this leadership masculinity and leave the boy as a victim of CSA, the child will not be able to get out of shock and get over that PTSD left by that incident, and thus not be able to effectively step up to lead.


A post-modernist perspective on this issue can trace the main issue of this societal menace to paedophilia i.e. sexual attraction towards children and allow the sufferers to come forward without judgement to cure themselves via psychological treatment. A documentary campaign by “Don’t Offend India” worked on destigmatising paedophilia and enabling the sufferers with a clinical help to tackle it. The perspective regards paedophilia as an issue of mental health and not a totalitarian criminal approach. It is so because in the angle of “romantic cases” in the POCSO Act 2012, wherein despite consensual sexual relations between minors or 1 minor and a major, there is charge of statutory rape attached because simply minors are ineligible to consent for establishing sexual relations and according to CJI D.Y. Chandrachud addressing a keynote speech in a conference organized by the Juvenile Justice Board of the Supreme Court, on the issue of Child Sexual Abuse, this issue is vexed and needs policy intervention with expert opinions and suggestions from experts in Adolescent development and matters concerning teenagers. It is sad that we live in a country where homosexuality is taught as a vice and actively condemned and looked down upon socially, whereas a blind eye is turned towards the increasing and impending issues of child sexual abuse.


The Constitution recognizes the plight of children and under doctrine of positive discrimination under article 15, grants them special attention through necessary laws and amendments to safeguard their rights.

In 2012, the POCSO Act, Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act was passed, finally addressing and redressing the crimes committed against children in a special manner ensuring that jurists and public prosecutors recognize the sensitive nature of these cases and handle issues of minors like their privacy and psychological trauma with utmost care and attention.

The psychologists also recommend the sensitization of both genders to concepts of good touch and bad touch and building a communication with parents about relationships with external society. Too long the narrative of parents talking about sex with their children has been tabooed in Indian society, leading to a complete ignorance of children’s sexuality and urges in their adolescence. This has to change and a healthy discussion on sex-life and adolescents should be taken up in households to destigmatize the issue so that teenagers do not hesitate to talk about this in severe cases of abuse.


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