School Health Assistant Recruitment Rules, 2000: Difference between revisions

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Bare Acts
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==Section 1==
== Section 1 ==
These rules may be called the School Health Assistant(Class-III)
(Panchayat Service) Recruitment Rules, 2000.
==Section 2==
Appointment to the post of School Health Assistant,(Class-III),
(Panchcyat Service) shall be made either:
(a) by promotion of a person of proved merit and efficiency from
amongst the persons who have worked as Vaccinator, (Class-III)
(Panchayat Service) for not less than five years; or
(b) by transfer on deputation from suitable persons working in the
cader of Sanitary Inspector, (Class-III) (Panchayat Service).
==Section 3==
A candidate appointed shall be required to undergo such training
for such period and pass such post training examination as may be
prescribed by the Government.
==Section 4==
A selected candidate shall be required to pass the departmental
examination and an examination in Gujarati or Hindi or both as may
be prescribed by the Government.

These rules may be called the School Health Assistant Recruitment Rules, 2000.

== Section 2 ==

Appointment to the post of School Health Assistant,, shall be made either: by promotion of a person of proved merit and efficiency from amongst the persons who have worked as Vaccinator, for not less than five years; or by transfer on deputation from suitable persons working in the cader of Sanitary Inspector, .

== Section 3 ==

A candidate appointed shall be required to undergo such training for such period and pass such post training examination as may be prescribed by the Government.

== Section 4 ==

A selected candidate shall be required to pass the departmental examination and an examination in Gujarati or Hindi or both as may be prescribed by the Government.
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[[Category:Bare Acts]]

Latest revision as of 23:35, 6 July 2024

Section 1

These rules may be called the School Health Assistant Recruitment Rules, 2000.

Section 2

Appointment to the post of School Health Assistant,, shall be made either: by promotion of a person of proved merit and efficiency from amongst the persons who have worked as Vaccinator, for not less than five years; or by transfer on deputation from suitable persons working in the cader of Sanitary Inspector, .

Section 3

A candidate appointed shall be required to undergo such training for such period and pass such post training examination as may be prescribed by the Government.

Section 4

A selected candidate shall be required to pass the departmental examination and an examination in Gujarati or Hindi or both as may be prescribed by the Government.