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I was born into a bustling family in the heart of Cameroon. As the youngest of thirteen siblings in a polygamous household, I learned the value of resilience and determination from an early age. Raised amidst the vibrant culture of this homeland, I was instilled with a deep sense of pride in my heritage and a desire to contribute positively to my community. From a young age, I was captivated by stories of my late uncle, a respected lawyer who had dedicated his life to upholding justice. Inspired by my uncle’s legacy and fueled by a desire to make a difference, I set my sights on following in his footsteps. Conversations with my father, coupled with witnessing the challenges my late dad faced as a businessman in Cameroon, solidified I resolved to pursue a career in law, with a particular focus on business law. I recognized the pivotal role that legal expertise played in navigating the complexities of business in Cameroon and saw it as an avenue to effect meaningful change in my country. As a millennial immersed in a rapidly evolving world, I embraced diverse interests ranging from technology and entertainment to sports and media.After completing my bachelor’s degree in Law from the esteemed University of Yaounde 2, I embarked on the next phase of my legal journey by enrolling in the Nigerian Law School. There, I honed my legal skills and gained invaluable experience, ultimately joining the Nigerian Bar in 2017. The following year, I was admitted to the Cameroonian Bar, marking a significant milestone in his career. In 2022, I took a bold step forward by establishing my own law firm, Edanate Lawyers. Founded on principles of integrity, excellence, and commitment to client service, Edanate Lawyers quickly gained recognition as a trusted legal partner for businesses and individuals alike.

Esaya Daniel Abanda Tezo @tezo_abanda @edanate.lawyers

Did you know


Dom Pedro I, the founder and first ruler of the empire of Brazil, declared Brazil’s independence from Portugal.


The Treaty of The Hague was signed between the German Empire, Great Britain, and The Netherlands.

In the news

The Punjab and Haryana High Court criticized the outdated view that a father is a more suitable custodian for an adult woman and reaffirmed that her rights to make her own choices are protected by the Constitution. A habeas corpus petition was filed by a father seeking the release of his daughter from what he alleged to be illegal custody by a man. In the case, the 30-year-old woman expressed her desire to live independently, stating that she did not wish to return either to her father’s home or her husband’s residence due to experiences of violence at both places.

A Bench of Justice Manjari Nehru Kaul responded by emphasizing that such arguments infringe upon the constitutional rights of equality and personal liberty. The Court said, “It is imperative to emphasize that once the alleged detenue, who is a fully mature adult, capable of making her own decisions, has clearly expressed her desire to live independently, this Court cannot override her will. The Writ of Habeas Corpus is a constitutional mechanism to protect the personal liberty of an individual, and the Court is constitutionally bound to uphold this right. It cannot, and should not, compel an adult to return to the custody of another, even if that person is a well-meaning parent.”

Advocate Malkit Kaur appeared for the petitioner and Advocate Shiva Khurmi appeared for the Respondents.

The Court further criticized the notion that a father would be a more suitable custodian for an adult woman than she herself, calling it an outdated perspective that conflicts with constitutional guarantees of personal liberty.

“It is crucial to reaffirm that an adult woman, like any other citizen, possesses the right to be treated as an independent and autonomous individual, free from coercion and undue influence.,” the Court stated.

The Court highlighted, “the identity and autonomy of an adult woman are not defined by her relationships or familial obligations. The Constitution safeguards her right to live freely and make her own choices, without external interference. The notion that her father, or anyone else, can impose their will upon her based on a perceived social role is a direct affront to the right of equality and personal liberty enshrined in our constitution.”

Thus, the Court ruled that while the father's concerns are understandable, they cannot override the woman's constitutional rights to personal liberty. The Court had previously instructed the police to record the woman's statement before the Chief Judicial Magistrate in Chandigarh and to ensure her protection. The affirmed its decision stating that the essence of the writ of habeas corpus is to uphold individual freedom and autonomy, ensuring that no one is detained against their will without lawful cause.

Good morning respected members Regards Advocate Naveen kapila contesting for the post of ADDITIONAL SECRETARY In the forthcoming NDBA Elections. I need your valuable support vote, support and guidance respected members

On this day

Happy Birthday Aman Yadav

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