Gujarat Smoke-Nuisances Rules, 1966

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Section 1


Short Title and Commencement: Specifies the name and effective date of the rules. Definitions: Key terms like "smoke," "nuisance," "occupier," and other relevant definitions.

Section 2

Prohibition of Smoke Nuisance General Prohibition: Outlines the prohibition of emitting smoke in a manner that causes a nuisance to public health and safety. Exceptions: Situations or conditions under which certain emissions may be permissible.

Section 3

Standards for Emissions

Permissible Limits: Sets the maximum allowable limits for smoke emissions from various sources. Measurement and Monitoring: Guidelines for measuring smoke levels and monitoring compliance.

Section 4

. Duties of Occupiers Responsibilities: Specifies the obligations of occupiers of premises or industries to prevent smoke nuisances. Maintenance of Equipment: Requirements for maintaining equipment that may produce smoke.

Section 5

Powers of Authorities

Inspection and Enforcement: Authority granted to designated officials to inspect premises, enforce rules, and take action against violators. Seizure of Equipment: Powers to seize equipment or materials that contribute to smoke nuisances.

Section 6

Complaint Procedures

Filing Complaints: Process for individuals or organizations to file complaints regarding smoke nuisances. Investigation of Complaints: Guidelines for how complaints will be investigated by authorities.

Section 7

. Penalties and Offenses Offenses Defined: Specific actions considered offenses under the rules. Penalties: Fines, penalties, and possible legal actions for non-compliance.

Section 8

Appeals Appeal Process: Procedures for appealing decisions made by authorities regarding smoke nuisances or penalties.

Section 9

Miscellaneous Provisions

Exemptions: Categories of individuals or entities that may be exempt from certain provisions of the rules. Amendments: Authority to amend the rules as necessary to address emerging issues.

Section 10

Schedules Standards and Guidelines: Detailed standards, guidelines, or forms that support the implementation of the rules.