Shree Somnath Sanskrit University Act, 2005

From Advocatespedia

Section 1

(1) This Act may be called the Shree Somnath Sanskrit University Act, 2005. (2) It extends to the whole of the State of Gujarat. (3) This section shall come into force at once and the remaining provisions shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint; and different dates may be appointed for different provisions and any reference in any such provision to the date of the commencement of this Act shall be construed as the reference to the date of coming into force of that provision.

Section 2

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, - (a) "affiliated college" means a college affiliated under section 50; (b) "approved institution" means an institution approved under section 52; (c) "college" means a degree college or an affiliated college, teaching any of the courses leading to a certificate, diploma or a degree; (d) "hostel" means a unit of residence for students maintained or recognised by the University under this Act; (e) "pathashala" means pathashala recognised as such by the State Government and which is imparting education in Sanskrit leading to a certificate of Prathma, Madhyama granted and a degree of Shastri and Acharya conferred, by the State Examination Board, as the case may be; (f) "prescribed" means prescribed by the regulations; (g) "principal" means the head of a college; (h) "recognised institution" means the institution of research or specialised study and recognised as such by the University under section 51; (i) "regulations" means the regulations made under section 57; (j) “Sanskrit” includes Prakrit, Magadhi, Ardhamagadhi and Pali; (k) "teacher" means professor, reader, lecturer imparting instruction or guiding research in the University or a University college or an affiliated college or a recognised institution or an approved institution or such other persons as may be declared to be the teachers by the Regulations; (l) "University " means the Shree Somnath Sanskrit University constituted under section 3; (m) "University area" means the area of the whole of the State of Gujarat; (n) "University college" means a college which the University may establish or maintain; (o) "University Department" means any post-graduate or research institution or department maintained by the University.

Section 3

(1) There shall be established and constituted in and for the State of Gujarat a University to be known as “the Shree Somnath Sanskrit University". (2) The Chancellor, the first Vice-Chancellor, of the University and the first members of the Executive Council and the Academic Council of the University, the first Registrar and all persons who may hereafter become such officers or members so long as they continue to hold such office or membership, are hereby constituted a body corporate by the name of "the Shree Somnath Sanskrit University". (3) The University shall have perpetual succession and a common seal and shall sue and be sued by the said name. (4) The University shall be competent to acquire and hold property, both movable and immovable, to lease, sell or otherwise transfer any movable or immovable property which may vest in or be acquired by it for the purposes of the University, to raise loans on the securities of its assets and to contract and do all other things necessary for carrying out the purposes of this Act:

Provided that the power to raise any such loan shall be exercised

after obtaining the previous permission of the State Government. (5) The headquarters of the University shall be at Somnath, District- Junagadh, Gujarat State.

Section 4

The objects of the University shall be as follows, namely: – (a) to rejuvenate, cherish and disseminate the universal values, knowledge, wisdom and vision presented in Sanskrit language and literature and establish a progressive synthesis between ancient Indian wisdom and modern scientific thought in harmony with the needs of present and future; (b) to extend the benefits of knowledge and skills for the development of individuals and society by promoting the study of Sanskrit and cognate discipline; (c) to encourage develop and foster the ideals and values enshrined in the Vedic study and Sanskrit literature and Shastras in the Sanskrit and other ancient languages and to bring these ideals and values in harmony with the needs of present and future generation and project a progressive synthesis in the light of the insights contained in the Sanskrit and other ancient languages; (d) to encourage, promote and conduct a system of education relevant to the studies of the Sanskrit literature with special emphasis on, - (i) the traditional relationship between the teacher and the taught (Guru-Shishya Parampara); (ii) methods of studies and experimentation in which discipline (anushashan) and self-study (swadhyaya) are fundamental components; and (iii) development of faculties, not only of empirical and rational knowledge but also of higher modes of consciousness; (e) to create and develop facilities for the integral development of personality of students under an atmosphere conducive to the fostering of capacities and values of physical, vital, mental, moral, scientific, aesthetic and spiritual growth; (f) to provide facilities for teachers and students for learningteaching processes so that individual attention to students is provided and objectives of scholarship and excellence are promoted; (g) to provide facilities for the study and practice of the traditional Vedic system of recitation from the early stage of education and to provide environment and facilities under which foundations of Sanskrit studies can be established among the young learners; (h) to develop and conduct teaching methodologies, practicable Sanskrit pedagogy for the benefit of educational innovations; (i) to provide facilities and programmes of studies centered on the cultural heritage of India leading to a harmonious synthesis of the East and the West; (j) to develop special courses of study of Sanskrit and to apprise of the major contribution of the Sanskrit in the maintenance of the emotional integration of the nation and to conduct special courses of study and to undertake activities therefor; (k) to organise and conduct expositions, exhibitions and extension programmes related to the themes expounded in the VedaVedanga literature and other related literature for generating new thoughts and ideology in that context; (l) to provide facilities for studies and research in Indian classical languages; and other classical languages such as Greek, Latin, Avestan, old Persian and also foreign languages such as South Asian languages, English, French, German, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Tibetan and encourage comparative study of these languages along with Sanskrit; (m)to promote interaction and co-ordination among Sanskrit Pathashalas to make the study of traditional type of Sanskrit teaching-learning more purposeful, and to effect a fusion between traditional and modern systems of Sanskrit education; (n) to establish special chair for the prosecution of studies in the Sanskrit and its literature and allied branches of the knowledge (Vidya Sakha) in Sanskrit; (o) to institute career oriented courses through continuing education, correspondence and distance education; (p) to establish the research centres and discover in the ancient Sanskrit literature, the existence of the principles, ideology which are propounded and contained in the humanities and modern sciences such as Physics, Chemistry, Medical Science, Bio-Medical, Surgical and related subjects and which aim at linking the past with the present and enables the nation to meet the challenges of the future; (q) to prepare and conduct special courses to integrate the Ayurveda with modern medicine, the Vastu Shastra with modern architecture, the Arthashastra with modern economics and political science, the Vyakarana with modern grammer and linguistics; (r) to establish the schools for languages and literature, philosophy, veda-vedanga, Shikshaka-Prashikshana, Dharma Shastra and such other schools as may be declared to be schools under the regulations.

Section 5

Subject to the provisions of this Act, the University shall exercise the following powers and discharge the following functions, namely:- (a) to provide for instruction including correspondence courses, teaching and training in such branches of learning and courses of study, as it may think fit; (b) to make provisions for research in Sanskrit, post-graduate courses, conduct special and under-graduate courses, advancement and dissemination of knowledge; (c) to promote national integration and nourish cultural heritage; (d) to establish, maintain and manage University colleges, schools, departments and institutes of research or specialised studies; (e) to sanction affiliation, recognition and approval to the colleges, institutions and Pathashalas respectively; (f) to withdraw or modify affiliation, recognition, or approval of educational institutions; (g) to organise language laboratories, libraries, museums and other equipments for teaching and to promote research; (h) to institute professorships, readerships, lecturerships and other posts of teachers required by the University; (i) to lay down the courses of instructions for the various examinations; (j) to institute degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions and titles; (k) to hold examinations or tests and confer degrees and diplomas on, and grant certificates to, persons who – (i) have pursued approved courses of study in the University or an affiliated colleges, unless exempted there from, in such manner as may be prescribed and have passed the examinations or tests prescribed by the University; or (ii) carry out research on such conditions as may be prescribed; (l) to confer honorary degrees or other academic distinctions in such manner as may be prescribed; (m) to withdraw or cancel any degree, diploma or certificate conferred or granted by the University in such manner as may be prescribed; (n) to associate or admit educational institutions with, or to the privileges of the University by way of affiliation, recognition or approval; (o) to grant such diplomas and certificates to, and to provide such lectures, instructions and training to, persons who are not enrolled as students of the University on such conditions as may be prescribed; (p) to organise and conduct conferences, debates, discussions, seminars, symposia, workshops, refreshers courses and such other programmes at national and international level in furtherance of the objects of the University; (q) to maintain archives, libraries, information centres, data bank, museums and such other institutions which are useful for the furtherance of the objects of the University; (r) to collect, conserve, edit and publish ancient manuscripts, to conserve materials of archaeological values and importance and to reproduce the valuable works of the Sanskrit; (s) to accept donations, grants, gifts, or to borrow money from the Central Government, any State Government or from any individual, association or body corporate: Provided that power to borrow moneys shall be exercised after obtaining previous approval of the State Government; (t) to institute, hold and manage endowments for the promotion of Sanskrit and to give financial and other assistance to deserving institutions or individuals engaged in the dissemination of Sanskrit learning and to institute and award fellowships, scholarships and prizes in accordance with the Regulations for the promotion and propagation of Sanskrit; (u) to give financial and other assistance to institutions or individuals for the publication of literature through printing and electronic media which are conducive to the furtherance of the objects of the University; (v) to inspect colleges, recognised and approved institutions and to take measures to ensure that proper standards of instruction, teaching and training are maintained in them and that adequate library and laboratory provisions are made therein; (w) to lay down and regulate the salary scales, allowances and other conditions of service of the members of the teaching, other academic and non-teaching staff in the affiliated colleges, University colleges and recognised and approved institutions as per the rules of and guideline issued by the University Grants Commission; (x) to control and co-ordinate the activities of and to give financial aid to, University colleges and University Departments; (y) to regulate the fees to be paid by the students in affiliated colleges, recognised and approved institutions; (z) to institute and award fellowship, traveling fellowships, scholarships, studentships, medals, prizes and other awards; (aa) to take disciplinary action against the teachers and students of the University and to impose such punishment upon them as may be deemed fit for the breach of discipline or misconduct, within or outside the University including the use of unfair means at an examination or in relation thereto by themselves or by any other persons or abatement thereof; (bb) to conduct, co-ordinate, supervise, regulate and control post-graduate teachings and research work in the University Departments and affiliated colleges and recognised and approved institutions; (cc) to acquire, hold, manage and dispose of any property movable and immovable, including trust or endowed property within or outside the University and to invest any funds representing such property in such manner as the University thinks fit under the intimation to the State Government; (dd) to institute and manage,- (i) Printing and Publication Department, (ii) Information Bureau, and (iii) Distance Education Department; (ee) to make provisions,- (i) for continuing education, adult education, extra-mural activities, extension services and other recognised educational activities, (ii) for physical education, National Cadet Corps, National Services Scheme, National Sports Organisation and such other recognised activities, and (iii) for yoga, sports, and athletic activities; (ff) to co-operate with other University, authorities or associations or any other public or private bodies in such manner and for such purposes as the University may determine; (gg) to raise public loans on security of the assets of the University for the purposes of the University with the previous approval of the State Government; (hh) to generate resources by frugal and productive utilisation of the University resources; (ii) to organise the projects and programmes for making the Sanskrit languages to be a language of mass for conversation; (jj) to establish within the University area or without the area such field stations, campuses, specialised laboratories and other units for research and instructions and for postgraduate studies in a specialise subjects; (kk) to guide and regulate teaching and research work in University colleges, University Departments and recognised institutions; (ll) to enforce and maintain discipline among the teachers, students, officers and staff and to make necessary arrangements for their welfare; (mm) to fix and collect fees and other charges as may be prescribed by the regulations; (nn) to supervise and control the residence and regulate the conduct and discipline of students of the University and to make arrangements for promoting their health and general welfare and cultural activities; (oo) to do all such other acts and things whether they are incidental to the aforesaid powers and functions or not, as may be necessary in order to further the objects of the University or which may be incidental or ancillary to achieve these objects.

Section 6

(1) No person shall be excluded from any office of the University or from membership of any of its authorities or from admission to any degree, diploma or other academic distinction or course of study on the sole ground of sex, race, creed, caste, class, place of birth, religious belief, or political or other opinion. (2) It shall not be lawful for the University to impose on any person any test whatsoever relating to sex, race, creed caste, class, place of birth, religious belief or profession or political or other opinion in order to entitle him to be admitted as a teacher or a student or to hold any office or post in the University or to qualify for any degree, diploma or other academic distinction or to enjoy or exercise any privileges of the University or any benefaction thereof.

Section 7

(1) All teaching works recognised by the University shall be conducted either, - (a) in the University, or (b) in the affiliated colleges, or (c) in the recognised or approved institutions, or (d) such other places or centres which are recognised by the University, where such courses are conducted. (2) The courses of study and other activities as may be prescribed shall be observed by the University, affiliated colleges, recognised and approved institutions, recognised places or centres.

Section 8

(1) The Chancellor shall have the right to cause an inspection to be made by such person or persons as he may direct, of the University, its buildings, laboratories, libraries, museums, workshops and equipments of any college or hostel maintained, recognised or approved by, or affiliated to the University, of the teaching and other work conducted by the University and of the conduct of examination held by the University and to cause an inquiry to be made in respect of any matter connected with the University. The Chancellor shall in every case give notice to the University of his intention to cause an inspection or inquiry to be made and the University shall be entitled to be represented thereat. (2) The Chancellor shall communicate to the Executive Council his views with reference to the results of such inspection or inquiry and shall, after ascertaining the opinion of the Executive Council, advise the University on the action to be taken. (3) The Executive Council shall report to the Chancellor such action, if any, as it has taken or may propose to take upon the results of the inspection or, inquiry. Such report shall be submitted within such time as the Chancellor may direct.

Section 9

The following shall be the officers of the University, namely:- (i) The Chancellor, (ii) The Vice-Chancellor, (iii) The Deans of Faculties, (iv) The Director (Research), (v) The Registrar, (vi) The University Librarian, (vii) The Finance and Accounts Offic ers, and (viii) Such other officers in the service of the University as may be declared by the regulations to be the officers of the University.

Section 10

(1) The Governor of the State of Gujarat shall be the Chancellor of the University. (2) The Chancellor shall, by virtue of his office, be the head of the University and shall, when present, preside at any convocation of the University. (3) The Chancellor shall have such other powers as may be conferred on him by this Act or the regulations.

Section 11

(1) The Vice–Chancellor shall be appointed by the State Government. (2) The Vice-Chancellor shall be a person of eminence having distinguished himself in the areas such as Sanskrit, Prakrit and ancient Asian languages and literature. He shall be a person of vision and subscribe to the objectives and philosophy of the University and shall be interested in academics.

Section 12

(1) (a) To recommend a panel of three suitable persons for the appointment of the Vice-Chancellor, the State Government shall constitute a Committee consisting of three members, out of whom,- (i) one shall be nominated by the Chancellor who shall be an expert from academics in the field of Indology; (ii) one shall be the scholar in the field of Sanskrit and ancient literature nominated by the Vice-Chancellor of the Universities established by law in the State; (iii) one shall be an expert in the field of Sanskrit and its literature nominated by the Executive Council and the Academic Council jointly in such manner as may be prescribed by the Regulations. (b) The State Government may nominate one of the members as the Chairman of the said Committee. (c) A person nominated on the Committee shall not be eligible to accept any appointment on any post, honorary or otherwise, or nomination on any of the authorities or bodies of the University, for a period of two years from the date of such nomination. (2) (a) The Committee shall, within the period of eight weeks of the constitution prepare a panel of three eminent scholars whom it considers worthy of being appointed as Vice-Chancellor, and shall recommend the panel to the State Government, with such other particulars as may be prescribed by the regulations with the names of the persons so recommended in alphabetical order of surnames and without indicating any preference. (b) The State Government may accept the recommendation of the committee or seek a fresh recommendation from the same committee or require the committee to make change in its members or reconstitute the committee. (c) If the person so appointed as the Vice-Chancellor happens to be a member or an office bearer of any political party or any trade union or staff association or such other bodies or holds the office in any statutory public body or of a body of local self-Government, he has to tender his resignation therefrom, under an intimation to the Chancellor and the State Government, before accepting the appointment. (3) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (4), the State Government shall appoint, one of the persons from the panel as the ViceChancellor: Provided that no person shall be appointed as the Vice-Chancellor or held his office as such after the completion of the age of sixty-five years. (4) The Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a term of three years and he shall be eligible for reappointment as the Vice-Chancellor for a further term of three years only. He shall also not be eligible for appointment as an officer or member of any authority of the University after expiry of the term of his office. (5) The terms and conditions of service and the emoluments to be paid to the Vice-Chancellor shall be such as may be determined by the State Government. (6) (a) During the leave or absence of the Vice-Chancellor, or (b) in the event of resignation or a permanent vacancy in the office of the Vice-Chancellor until an appointment is made under subsection (3) of this section to that office. (7) The State Government shall nominate the Director (Research) or one of the Deans of the Faculties as the Vice-Chancellor for the purpose of carrying out the current duties of the office of the Vice-Chancellor. (8) The Vice-Chancellor may, by writing under his signature, addressed to the State Government after giving one month’s notice, resign from his office and shall cease to hold office on the acceptance of his resignation by the State Government or from the date of expiry of the said notice period, whichever is earlier.

Section 13

(1) The Vice-Chancellor shall be the principal executive and academic officer of the University and shall be ex-officio member and the Chairman of the Executive Council, the Academic Council, the Finance and Accounts Committee and such other authorities as constituted under the regulations, and in the absence of the Chancellor, shall preside at any convocation of the University. (2) The Vice-Chancellor shall be responsible for the development and monitoring of the academic programmes and also the general administration of the University, to ensure efficiency, an order and enhance the reputation of the University. (3) The Vice-Chancellor shall have the power to convene meetings of any of the authorities, bodies or committees, as and when he considers it necessary to do so. (4) It shall be the duty of the Vice-Chancellor to ensure that the provisions of this Act, regulations and that the decisions of the authorities, bodies and committees are properly implemented which are not inconsistent with this Act or Regulations. (5) (a) In any emergency which, in the opinion of the ViceChancellor, requires that immediate action should be taken, he shall take such action as he deems necessary. He shall report to the Executive Council and the State Government such action with grounds for his belief that there was an emergency. (b) When action taken by the Vice-Chancellor under this sub-section affects any person in the service of the University, such person shall be entitled to prefer an appeal through the said authority or body to the Executive Council within fifteen days from the date on which such action is communicated to him. (6) Where any matter is required to be regulated by the regulations, but no regulations are made in that behalf, the Vice-Chancellor may, for the time being, regulate the matter by issuing such directions as he thinks necessary and shall, in the ensuing meeting thereafter, place the directions before the Executive Council or the authority or body concerned for information and at the same time, place before such authority or body for consideration the draft of the regulations, as the case may be, required to be made in that behalf. (7) The Vice-Chancellor shall be the appointing and disciplinary authority for the University teachers and for officers of the University of the rank equivalent to the Assistant Registrar and above, on the recommendations of the selection committee constituted for the said purpose. (8) The Vice-Chancellor may suspend a member as the Chairman of the authority, body or committee of the University, from the meeting of the authority, body or committee if such member persists in obstructing or stalling the proceedings of such authority, body or, as the case may be, committee or indulges in behaviour unbecoming of a member and shall report the matter accordingly to the Chancellor. (9) The Vice-Chancellor shall place before the Executive Council a report of the work of the University periodically. (10) The Vice-Chancellor shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be conferred upon him by or under this Act and Regulations. (11) (a) The Vice-Chancellor shall have the right to cause an inspection or inquiry on such matters and in such manner as may be prescribed. (b) After making such inspection or inquiry, the ViceChancellor may take such action, as he thinks fit, in consultation with the Executive Council.

Section 14

(1) The Registrar shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor in such manner as may be prescribed under section 18. (2) The Registrar shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the University. He shall be a full-time salaried officer and shall act as the Member-Secretary of the Executive Council, Academic Council and such other authorities, bodies and committees of the University in accordance with the regulations made in this behalf and his condition of service and emoluments to be paid shall be determined by the regulations. (3) The Registrar shall make all necessary arrangements relating to conduct of examinations such as preparation of schedule of examinations, preparation of the list of paper setters and examiners, evaluation work, declaration of results and matters incidental and related thereto. (4) The Registrar shall be the custodian of records, common seal and such other property of the University as the Executive Council may commit to his charge. (5) The Registrar shall exercise such other powers and perform such other functions and duties as may be prescribed by or under this Act or assigned to him, from time to time, by the Vice-Chancellor.

Section 15

(1) The University shall appoint a person as the Director (Research) who shall be the whole time salaried officer of the University and shall subject to the provisions of the Act and the regulations made in this behalf, and exercise such powers and perform such duties as the University may assign. He shall discharge his functions under the directions and control of the Vice-Chancellor. (2) He shall supervise and monitor working and maintenance of the institutes of research or specialised studies and shall report to the Executive Council, periodically.

Section 16

(1) The University Librarian shall be appointed by the ViceChancellor in the manner prescribed under section 18. The University Librarian shall be the principal officer of the University. He shall be a full time salaried officer of the University. (2) The University Librarian shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed and assigned to him by the Vice-Chancellor.

Section 17

(1) (a) The Finance and Accounts Officer shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor in the manner prescribed under section 18; (b) The Finance and Accounts Officer shall be the principal finance officer of the University. He shall be a full time salaried officer and shall work directly under the control of the Vice-Chancellor. (2) The Finance and Accounts Officer shall be the MemberSecretary of the Finance and Accounts Committee. (3) The Finance and Accounts Officer shall have the right to be present, speak and otherwise take part in the proceedings of the Executive Council on matters having financial implication, but shall not be entitled to vote. (4) The Finance and Accounts Officer shall maintain minutes of the meetings of the Finance and Accounts Committee and shall ensure proper implementation of the decision taken by the Finance and Accounts Committee. (5) The Finance and Accounts Officer shall be responsible for presenting the annual budget, statement of accounts and audit reports, to the Finance and Accounts Committee and to the Executive Council. (6) The duties of the Finance and Accounts Officer shall be, to- (i) exercise general supervision over the funds of the University and advise the Vice-Chancellor as regards the finances of the University; (ii) hold and manage the funds, property and investments, including trust and endowed property, for furthering any of the objects of the University; (iii) ensure that the limits fixed by the University for recurring and non-recurring expenditure for a year are not exceeded, and that all allocations are expended for the purposes for which they are granted or allotted; (iv) keep watch on the state of the cash and bank balances and of investments; (v) keep watch on the progress of collection of revenue and advise the Vice-Chancellor on the methods to be employed for collection; (vi) have the accounts of the University audited regularly; (vii) ensure that the registers of buildings, land, equipments and machinery are maintained in order and that the stock taking of equipments and other consumable materials in all offices, colleges, workshops and stores of the University is conducted regularly; (viii) call for from any office, centre, laboratory, college or department of the University or University institution, any information and returns that he thinks necessary for the proper discharge of his financial responsibilities; and (ix) exercise such other powers, perform such other duties and discharge such other financial functions as are assigned to him by the Vice-Chancellor from time to time.

Section 18

(1) The Registrar, the Director (Research), the University Librarian and the Finance and Accounts Officer shall be appointed on being selected by the Selection Committee constituted under clause (ii) of sub-section (2). (2) The appointment of the officers referred to in sub-section (1) shall be made in accordance with the following provisions, namely:- (i) The appointment to the post of the Registrar, the Director (Research) and the University Librarian shall be made by direct selection on the basis of the guidelines of the University Grants Commission and the appointment of the Finance and Accounts Officer shall be made either by direct selection or by deputation of an officer from the State Government in accordance with the rules for the time being in force. (ii) The State Government shall constitute a Selection Committee consisting of the following members, namely:- (a) the Vice-Chancellor who shall be the Chairman, (b) an officer nominated by the State Government, and (c) four persons having knowledge and experience in the subjects related to the officer to be selected, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor, (d) one member shall be nominated by the Executive Council. (iii) The Selection Committee shall not select a person for appointment unless at least two out of four persons referred to in sub-clause (c) of clause (ii) are present at the time of the process of selection by the committee. (iv) The person selected by the committee shall be appointed after obtaining concurrence from the State Government. (v) The qualifications and emoluments to be paid to the officers referred to in clause (i) shall be such as recommended by the University Grants Commission in the case of the Registrar, the University Librarian and in the case of the Director (Research) and the Finance and Accounts Officer shall be such as approved by the State Government from time to time.

Section 19

The following shall be the authorities of the University, namely:- (i) the Executive Council, (ii) the Academic Council, (iii) the Faculties, (iv) the Finance and Accounts Committee, (v) such other Boards and bodies of the University as may be declared by the regulations to be authorities of the University.

Section 20

(1) The Executive Council shall be the principal executive authority of the University and shall consist of the following members, namely:- (i) the Vice-Chancellor - ex-officio, the Chairman; (ii) the Secretary to Government, Education Department, Government of Gujarat, ex-officio; (iii) the Commissioner of Higher Education, Gujarat State or an officer not below the rank of the Joint Director of Higher Education nominated by the Commissioner, exofficio; (iv) two eminent persons to be nominated by the Chancellor from amongst persons who have made significant contribution in the field of Sanskrit and its literatures; (v) two distinguished scholars to be nominated by the State Government from amongst persons who have made significant contribution in the field of Sanskrit and its literature; (vi) one Dean of the Faculty nominated by the Vice-Chancellor from amongst the Deans of Faculties by rotation in such manner as may be prescribed; (vii) one of the principal of the colleges nominated by the ViceChancellor amongst the principals of the colleges in such manner as may be prescribed. (2) The term of the nominated members of the Executive Council shall be for a period of three years.

Section 21

(1) The Executive Council shall exercise the following powers and perform the following duties, namely :- (i) to hold, control and administer the property and funds of the University; (ii) to enter into, vary, carry out or cancel contracts on behalf of the University; (iii) to determine the form and provide for the custody and regulate the use of the common seal of the University; (iv) to pass the annual financial estimates of the University; (v) to sanction re-appropriation of grant or fund from one head to another head, limited to twenty-five per cent. of the total allocation made under the concerned heads; (vi) to accept, on behalf of the University, trusts, endowments, bequests, donations and transfer of any movable or immovable property to the University; (vii) to manage and regulate the finances, accounts and investments of the University; (viii) to fix, demand and receive such fees and other charges as may be prescribed by the regulations in accordance with the guidelines prescribed by the State Government; (ix) to create post of teachers, other employees and officers other than Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor and to lay down and regulate payscales, allowances and conditions of service of such teaching, nonteaching staff and other employees and officers; (x) to borrow, with the approval of the State Government whether on the security of the property of the University or otherwise moneys for the purposes of the University; (xi) to acquire and hold property both movable and immovable and to sanction the transfer, lease and mortgage, sale or disposal of the same under the intimation to the State Government; (xii) to cause an inspection or an inquiry to be made in respect of any matter concerning the conduct, working and finance of colleges, institutions or departments of the University; (xiii) to regulate and provide for attendance of the teachers on the premises of the University or colleges or institutions during teaching hours and beyond teaching hours and to prohibit teachers from taking or conducting private tuition or private coaching classes; (xiv) to establish, maintain and manage, whenever necessary- (a) Information Bureau, (b) Distance Education Department, Continuing Education Department, and (c) such other activities, as may be necessary and possible, to fulfill the objects of the University; (xv) to co-operate or collaborate with any other University , institution, authority or organisation for research and advisory services, and for such purposes to enter into appropriate agreement with them to conduct certain courses, as the situation may demand; (xvi) to evolve an operational scheme for ensuring accountability of teachers, non-vacation academic staff and non-teaching staff of the University , institutions and colleges; (xvii) to build and recognise hostels and inspect such hostels and to withdraw recognition; (xviii) to institute and award fellowships, travelling fellowships, scholarships, studentships, exhibitions, medals and prizes; (xix) to fix remuneration of examiners and to arrange for the conduct and for publishing the results of the University examinations and other tests; (xx) to make provisions for instruction, teaching and training in such branches of learning and courses of study as it may think fit, for research and for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge; (xxi) to make such provisions which enables affiliated or recognised or approved institutions to undertake specialisation in studies; (xxii) to organise and make provisions for language laboratories, libraries, archieves, museums and other equipments for teaching and research; (xxiii) to establish, manage and maintain departments, colleges, schools, institutions of higher learning and institutions of research and specialised studies, library and hostels; (xxiv) to institute and confer degrees, titles, diplomas and other academic distinctions and to recommend for and conferment of honorary degrees and academic distinctions in such manner as may be prescribed; (xxv) to make, amend or repeal the regulations; (xxvi) to make provisions relating to the use of Sanskrit, Gujarati and English languages, as the media of instruction and examination; (xxvii) to assess the feasibility of and take decision on proposals for affiliation of a college or a recognition or approval of institution, a University department or a University college entitling it to privileges in the matters of admission of students, prescribing the courses of study, imparting instruction, teaching and training in the courses of study, the holding and conduct of examination and power to make necessary rules for the purpose and withdrawal thereof; (xxviii) to assess the feasibility of proposals received from the Academic Council for new academic programmes and courses and approve diplomas, degrees, certificates and other academic distinctions; (xxix) to arrange for, and to direct, the inspection of affiliated colleges, recognised institutions, approved institutions and hostels, to issue instructions for maintaining their efficiency and for ensuring proper conditions of employment for members of their staff, and in case of disregard of such instruction to modify the conditions of their affiliation or recognition or to take such other steps as deemed proper; (xxx) to supervise and control the residence, conduct and discipline of the students of the colleges, University departments and recognised and approved institutions and arrangements for promoting their health and general welfare and disciplinary action against the students; (xxxi) to recommend to the State Government for the withdrawal or reduction of grant to a college which makes default in carrying out the conditions of affiliation; (xxxii) to recognise a member of the staff of an affiliated college or recognised institution or approved institution as a professor, a reader, a lecturer or a teacher of the University and withdraw such recognition; (xxxiii) to exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be conferred or imposed on it by this Act or under the regulations; (xxxiv) to exercise all powers of the University not otherwise provided for in this Act or the Regulations and all other powers which are required to give effect to the provisions of this Act or the Regulations. (2) The exercise of powers by the Executive Council under subsection (1) in so far as they relate to the laying down and regulating the salary scales and allowances, borrowing moneys, transferring, leasing, selling or disposing, mortgaging of any property of the University and creating posts, shall be subject to the prior approval of the State Government, if the expenditure is to be met with from Government fund. (3) The powers and duties by the Executive Council in all academic matters under sub-section (1) shall not be exercised except upon the recommendation made by the Academic Council.

Section 22

(1) The Academic Council shall be the academic body of the University and shall consist of the following persons, namely:- (i) the Vice-Chancellor - ex-officio, Chairman, (ii) the Secretary to Government, Education Department, exofficio, (iii) the Commissioner of Higher Education, Gujarat State or an officer not below the rank of the Joint Director of Higher Education nominated by the Commissioner, exofficio, (iv) the Commissioner of Schools, Gujarat State or an officer not below the rank of the Joint Director of Schools Education, (v) the Chairman, Gujarat State Examination Board, ex-officio, (vi) five eminent persons to be nominated by the Chancellor who have made significant contribution in the field of Sanskrit, out of whom one shall be a woman and one shall be an eminent person from out of the State of Gujarat, (vii) five distinguished persons to be nominated by the State Government from amongst distinguished or eminent persons who have made significant contribution in the field of Sanskrit and its literature, out of whom one shall be a woman and one shall be a distinguished person from out of the State of Gujarat, (viii) two eminent scholars to be nominated by the ViceChancellor, (ix) four Deans of Faculties to be nominated by the ViceChancellor form amongst the Deans of Faculties by rotation in such manner as may be prescribed, (x) one principal of the college nominated by the ViceChancellor from amongst the principals of the colleges by rotation in such manner as may be prescribed, (xi) one teacher of the affiliated college nominated by the ViceChancellor from amongst the teachers of the affiliated colleges, (xii) one teacher of the recognised or approved institution nominated by the Vice-Chancellor from amongst the teachers of the recognised or approved institution, (xiii) one woman teacher of the affiliated college, recognised or approved institution from amongst the women teachers of the affiliated colleges, recognised or approved institutions, (xiv) the Director (Research) (2) As soon as the Academic Council is constituted under sub-section (1), it may co-opt two eminent persons who are experts in any of the subjects taught in the University, as its additional members, whether they are or are not connected with the University as its members, teachers or otherwise. (3) The term of office of the nominated members of the Academic Council shall be for a period of three years.

Section 23

(1) The Academic Council shall have the control and general regulation of, and be responsible for, the maintenance of the standards of teaching and examinations conducted by the University. (2) Without prejudice to the generally of the foregoing provisions and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by or under the provisions of this Act, the Academic Council shall consider and approve the draft regulations and recommend the Executive Council to make regulations on the following matters, namely:- (i) academic matters including laying down courses of study on the different subjects, as proposed by the concerned Faculty; (ii) special courses of study as proposed by the Faculty; (iii) co-ordination of studies and teaching in affiliated colleges, recognised institutions and approved institutions; (iv) allocation of subjects to the Faculties; (v) the establishment of Faculties, University Departments, institutions of research and specialised studies, libraries and language laboratories; (vi) the institution of professorships, readerships, lectureships and any other posts of teachers required by the University and for prescribing the duties of such posts; (vii) the institution of fellowships, traveling fellowships, scholarships, studentships and medals and other awards and to make regulations for their award; (viii) the conduct of examinations of the University and the conditions on which students shall be admitted in such examination; (ix) the equivalence of examinations; (x) the manner of grant of exemption from approved courses of study in the University or in affiliated colleges for qualifying for degrees, diplomas and certificates; (xi) affiliation of a college and recognition or approval of an institution; (xii) the institution, conferment and grant of degrees, diplomas and certificates and the conferment of honorary degrees and other academic distinctions, in such manner as may be prescribed. (3) The Academic Council shall promote research in the subject taught in the University and such other matters as may be prescribed. (4) The Academic Council shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be conferred or imposed on it by this Act or under the regulations.

Section 24

(1) The University shall have the following Faculties:- (a) Faculty of Sahitya (including Vedic study, Sanskrit language and its literature), (b) Faculty of Darshan ( Indian Philosophy), (c) Faculty of Indian culture and Fine Arts including tradition of falklore of the State of Gujarat, (d) Faculty of Teachers’ training (ShikshakPrashikshan), (e) Faculty of modern science and ancient shastras such as Dharmashasra, Puranas, Ayurved, Astronomy, Menuscriptology, Epigraphy, Physics and Chemistry, (f) Faculty of a comparative study. (g) Such other Faculties as may be prescribed to meet with the objects and functions of the University, Each faculty shall comprise of such subjects as may be prescribed by the regulations. (2) Each Faculty shall consist of – (i) Dean of the Faculty, who shall be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor from amongst University teachers and college teachers by rotation in such manner as may be prescribed, (ii) three teachers nominated by the Vice-Chancellor from the University Departments other than the Deans of Faculty and colleges, (iii) two persons to be co-opted by the Faculty in respect of each Department in the Faculty from amongst such persons who are experts in the subjects dealt with by the Department. (3) The term of the office of a member of a Faculty shall be such as may be prescribed by the regulations.

Section 25

(1) Each Faculty shall have the general control and power of regulation of, and be responsible for, the maintenance of standards of teaching and examinations of the University for subjects comprised in it. (2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by or under the provisions of this Act, the Faculty shall consider and refer the following matters to the Academic Council for recommending the Executive Council to make regulations on those matters, namely: - (i) laying down courses of study in the Faculty; (ii) the special courses of study in the Faculty; (iii) the standards of passing the relevant examinations in the Faculty and for awarding classes at such examinations; (iv) for promoting research in the subjects assigned to the Faculty; (v) allocation of subjects to the Faculty; (vi) the establishment of departments, institutions of research and specialised studies, libraries, laboratories and museums concerned with the Faculty; (vii) the institution of professorships, readerships, lecturerships and any other posts of teachers in the Faculty and for prescribing the duties of persons occupying such posts; (viii) the institution of fellowships, travelling fellowships, scholarships, studentships, medals, prizes and other awards and to make Regulations for their grant; (ix) the maximum work load of teachers, the minimum teaching work for every subject and the minimum laboratory work and any other prescribed work to be done by students for any subject in the Faculty; (x) the equivalence of examinations; (xi) the manner for granting exemption from approved courses of study in the University or in affiliated colleges for qualifying for degrees, diplomas and certificates in the Faculty; (xii) to refer such other matters for the furtherance of the objects of the University.

Section 26

(1) The Vice-Chancellor shall nominate Dean of each Faculty by rotation in such manner as may be prescribed from amongst persons who are the Heads of University Departments. (2) The Dean shall hold office for a term of three years. (3) The Dean shall be the principal executive authority of the Faculty, and shall exercise the following powers and discharge the following duties, namely:- (i) he shall be the Chairperson of the Faculty and shall preside at its meetings; (ii) he may attend the meeting of the Faculty; (iii) he shall supervise and co-ordinate the work of the different the Faculty; (iv) he shall plan and organise seminars, refresher courses and workshops, pertaining to the subjects under the Faculty; (v) he shall inspect and guide the University Departments, affiliated colleges, recognised institutions and approved institutions in respect of subjects under the Faculty; and in case where he considers it necessary to do so, also make a report of such inspection to the Vice-Chancellor; (vi) he shall be responsible for the due observance of the Regulations relating to the Faculty.

Section 27

(1) The University shall constitute a Finance and Accounts Committee. (2) The constitution of committee, the term of office of its members and the procedure to be followed by it shall be such as may be prescribed. (3) The Finance and Accounts Committee shall discharge the following functions, namely:- (a) to review the expenditure incurred by the University; (b) to ensure proper utilization of the money by the University according to budget provisions; (c) to review the position of financial resources of the University; (d) to formulate budget programmes; (e) to recommend economy in administrative expenses; (f) to perform such other functions relating to accounts and audit of the revenue and expenditure of the University as may be assigned to it by the Executive Council; and (g) to advise the Executive Council in financial matters whenever such advice is sought by the Executive Council.

Section 28

(1) The University shall establish a fund to be called the University Fund. (2) The following shall form part of, or be paid into, the University Fund:- (a) any contribution or grant by the State Government, the Central Government, or the University Grants Commission; (b) The income of the University from all sources including income from fees and charges; (c) loans, gifts, donations, endowments, benefactions, bequests and other grants, if any, or transfers; (d) any sum borrowed from the banks with the permission of the State Government; (e) all moneys received by the University in any other manner or from any other source. (3) The University Fund shall be kept i n any Scheduled Bank as defined in the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 at the discretion of the Executive Council on the recommendations of Finance Committee. (4) The funds of the University shall be applied towards the expenses of the University including expenses incurred in the exercise of its powers and discharge of its functions in such manner as may be prescribed.

Section 29

(1) The annual accounts of the University shall be prepared and audited under the direction of the Finance Committee and shall be submitted to the Executive Council for review. (2) The Executive Council shall, after the accounts are audited, submit a copy thereof along with a copy of the audit report to the State Government. (3) The Executive Council shall, having regard to the Government grants that are likely to be available, prepare before such date as may be prescribed, the financial estimates for the ensuing year. (4) The annual accounts shall be considered by the Executive Council at its meeting and may pass resolutions with reference thereto and communicate the same to the Finance and Accounts Committee which shall take them into consideration and take such action thereon as it thinks fit, and finally adopt the accounts. The Finance Committee shall inform the Executive Council at its next meeting of the action taken by it or if no action is taken, the reasons for taking no action. (5) The State Government may conduct the test audit or full audit of the accounts of the University by the auditors appointed by the State Government, when it requires so to do.

Section 30

The University shall prepare for each financial year, the annual report of the University in such form, containing such particulars, as the Executive Council may specify and shall be submitted to the State Government.

Section 31

Save as otherwise provided by or under this Act, the conditions of services including pay and allowances of officers, teachers, teaching and non-teaching employee, of the University, colleges, recognised and approved institutions shall be such as may be prescribed.

Section 32

(1) Any officer or employee of University may be suspended, reduced in the rank, removed or his services may be terminated in case of his proved misconduct, improper behavior, negligence in duty, or in case of charges of corruption, mismanagement, wilful default, behavior unbecoming of an officer, or involvement in any kind of activity detrimental to the interests of University at large being proved: Provided that no officer or employee shall be suspended, reduced in the rank, removed or his services may be terminated by the University unless,- (i) an opportunity of being heard is given by the University; and (ii) prior concurrence of the State Government is obtained. (2) An appeal against an order of suspension, reduction in the rank, removal or termination passed under sub-section (1) shall lie to such authority and in such manner as may be prescribed.

Section 33

The University shall furnish to the State Government, the University Grants Commission and other statutory authorities such reports, returns, statements and other information as may be required by them from time to time.

Section 34

(1) The State Government shall have power to issue directions to the University, from time to time, as may be required for compliance of the provisions of this Act and the regulations. (2) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-section (1), the State Government may issue directions, when it requires, in regard to the following matters, namely:- (a) fees and charges; (b) raising of funds and borrowing money; (c) creation of posts and appointments; (d) revision of pay-scales and up-gradation of scales.

Section 35

No act or proceeding of any authority of the University or any committee constituted by this Act or under the regulations shall be invalidated merely by reason of,- (a) any vacancy in its membership or any defect in the constitution thereof, or (b) any irregularities in its procedure not affecting merits of the case.

Section 36

No suit or other legal proceedings shall be instituted against or no damages or compensation shall be claimed from, the University, the Director, the authorities or officers of the University or any other person in respect of anything which is done in good faith or purporting to be done in pursuance of this Act or regulations made thereunder.

Section 37

Every officer, teacher and other employees of the University shall be deemed to be a public servant within the meaning of section 21 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. Explanation.- For the purposes of this section, any person, who is appointed by the University for a specified period or for a specified work of the University or, who receives any remuneration by way of compensatory allowance or fee for any work done from the University Fund, shall be deemed to be an officer or employee of the University while he is performing and in relation to all matters relatable to the performance of the duties and functions connected with such appointment of work.

Section 38

If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act, the State Government may, by an order published in the Official Gazette, make such provisions not inconsistent, with the provisions of this Act, as appear to be necessary or expedient for removing the difficulty: Provided that no such order shall be made under this section after the expiry of five years from the commencement of this Act.

Section 39

When any vacancy occurs in the office of a member, (other than an ex-officio member) of any authority or other body of the University before the expiry of the term, such vacancy shall be filled in, as soon as conveniently may be, by the nomination, appointment or co-option, as the case may be, of a member who shall hold office so long only as the member in whose place he has been nominated, appointed or co-opted, would have held it, if the vacancy had not occurred.

Section 40

When the office of the Registrar, the Director (Research), the University Librarian or the Finance and Accounts officer falls vacant or when the Registrar, the Director (Research), the University Librarian or the Finance and Accounts officer by reason of illness or absence or due to any other reasons is unable to perform the duties of his office, the ViceChancellor may appoint a suitable person to officiate to the respective post, until the respective officer is appointed and assumes office or, as the case may be, the respective officer resumes duties.

Section 41

The University shall make provisions for the benefit of its officers, teachers and other employees in matters such as insurance, pension, provident fund or other benefits as it may deem fit, in such manner and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed.

Section 42

(1) The governing body of any affiliated college shall make adequate provisions for the benefit of the members of the teaching and of other academic and non-teaching staff of such college or of staff of recognised or approved institution in the matters of pension, insurance and provident fund or for other benefits. (2) The subscription of a member of a teaching staff and of, other academic and non-teaching staff of an affiliated college or of a recognised institution towards his provident fund and the contribution, if any, of the college or, as the case may be, of the institution towards the fund shall be deposited in such manner and within such time as may be prescribed, in a Scheduled Bank as defined in the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.

Section 43

(1) Where the University has established a provident fund for the benefit of its officers, teachers and other servants, such fund shall, notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force, be deposited in the State Government treasury in accordance with such direction as the State Government may, from time to time, by an order in in writing give, and thereupon – (i) the subscriber to the fund shall be entitled to interest on the balance in his provident fund account at the same rate at which the State Government servant is for the time being entitled to on the balance in his provident fund account, and (ii) the rules for the time being in force relating to the limits of withdrawals from the provident fund as applicable to such Government servant shall, so far as may be , apply to the subscriber. (2) Nothing in this section shall apply to a Provident Fund established by the University to which the Employee's Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 applies.

Section 44

(1) The University may for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of te Act, constitute such committees, as may be required by it. (2) The constitution of such committee, the term of office of its members and its powers and functions shall be such as may be prescribed.

Section 45

No student shall be enrolled as a student of the University unless he has passed -- (i) the Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination conducted by the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board in such subjects and with such standards of attainment as may be prescribed, or (ii) the entrance examination, if any, which may be instituted by the University with the consent of the State Government and held in such subjects and in such manner as may be prescribed, or (iii) the Madhyama in Sanskrit (equivalent to Higher Secondary School Certificate) conducted by the Gujarat State Examination Board, or (iv) any other examination prescribed as equivalent to the examinations referred to in clauses (i) and (iii), and possess such further qualifications, if any, as may be prescribed by the Regulations: Provided that a student who has passed the Secondary School Certificate Examination in the tenth standard conducted by the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board in such subjects or Prathama in the Sanskrit (equivalent to the tenth standard conducted by the Gujarat State Examination Board), and with such standards, of attainment as may be prescribed by the Regulations or any other examination prescribed as equivalent to the aforesaid examination may be enrolled as a student of the University for the purpose of such diploma courses as may be prescribed. Explanation.- In this section, “Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination" means the examination of the students in the twelfth standard.

Section 46

The University shall, as far as may be, provide to the students of the University residential accommodation in hostels of the University in accordance with the provisions made by the regulations.

Section 47

The Executive Council may, on the recommendation of the Academic Council institute and confer such degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions as may be prescribed.

Section 48

If, on the recommendation of the Academic Council, not less than two-thirds of the members of the Executive Council recommended that an honorary degree, or other academic distinction be conferred on any person on the ground that he is, in their opinion, by reason of eminent position and attainments a fit and proper person to receive such degree or other academic distinction and the recommendation is confirmed by the Chancellor, the Executive Council may confer on such person the honorary degree or other academic distinction so recommended without requiring him to undergo any examination.

Section 49

(1) The Chancellor may, on the recommendation of the Executive Council, withdraw any distinction, degree, diploma or privilege conferred on, or granted to, any person who has been convicted by a court of law for an offence involving moral turpitude or if he has been guilty of gross misconduct, by a resolution passed by majority of the total membership of the Executive Council and by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members of the Executive Council present and voting. (2) No action under sub-section (1) shall be taken against any person unless he has been given an opportunity to show cause against the action proposed to be taken. (3) The resolution so passed by the Executive Council shall take effect immediately and the copy of the same shall be sent to the person concerned.

Section 50

(1) A college desirous to be affiliated with the University shall apply to the Registrar in such manner, in such form and with such fees as may be prescribed. (2) Such college shall satisfy the Executive Council and Academic Council the need for establishment of a college with the University, management of the Governing body, strength and qualifications of the teaching staff, courses of the instruction, teaching and training to be undertaken by the college, the infrastructure facility such as building, library, laboratory, the financial resources, recruitment of teaching staff, college principal and such other matters as may be prescribed, for purposes of affiliation. (3) The Executive Council, after making such inquiry as it thinks fit, records its views in consultation with the Academic Council and may grant or refuse the affiliation. Where the application or any part thereof is refused, grounds for such refusal shall be stated.

Section 51

(1) The Executive Council shall have the power, after consultation with Academic Council, to recognise any institution of research or specialised studies other than a college as a recognised institution. (2) A institution desirous to be recognised with the University shall apply to the Registrar in such manner, in such form and with such fees as may be prescribed. (3) Such institution shall give full information to the Registrar relating to constitution and personnel of the managing body, subjects and courses in regard to which recognition is sought, accommodation, equipment, library facilities and the number of students for whom provision has been or is proposed to be made, the strength. of the staff, their qualifications and salaries and the research work done by them, fees levied or proposed to be levied and the financial provision made for capital expenditure on buildings and equipments and for the continued maintenance and efficient working of the institution and such other information as may be prescribed. (4) The Executive Council, after making such inquiry as it think fit, records its views in consultation with the Academic Council and may grant or refuse the recognition. Where the application or any part thereof is refused, grounds for such refusal shall be stated.

Section 52

(1) The Executive Council shall have the power to approve any pathashala teaching Sanskrit and its literature, to approve as a approved institution. (2) A pathashala desirous to be approved with the University shall apply to the Registrar in such manner, in such form and with such fees as may be prescribed. (3) Such pathashala shall give full information to the Registrar relating to the name, qualifications, experience and work of the teacher under whom approved work or the subject is proposed to be done, constitution and personnel of the managing body, subjects and courses in regard to which approval is sought, accommodation, equipment, library facilities and the number of students for whom provision has been or is proposed to be made, the strength. of the staff, their qualifications and salaries and the work done by them, fees levied or proposed to be levied and the financial provision made for capital expenditure on buildings and equipments and for the continued maintenance and efficient working of the institution. (4) The Executive Council, after making such inquiry as it thinks fit, records its views in consultation with the Academic Council, may grant or refuse the approval.

Where the application or any part thereof is refused, grounds

for such refusal shall be stated.

Section 53

(1) Every affiliated college, recognised institution and approved institution shall furnish such reports, returns and other information as the Executive Council may require to enable it to judge the efficiency of the college or institution. (2) The Executive Council shall cause every such college or institution to be inspected from time to time by the Inspection Committee. (3) The Executive Council may call upon any college or institution so inspected to take within a specified period, such action as may appear to it to be necessary in respect of any of the matter with respect to affiliation, recognition or approval referred to in section 50, 51 or, as the case may be, section 52.

Section 54

(1) Every college, recognised or approved institution shall, in respect of the medium of instruction, teaching, training and examination therein, comply with the provisions made in that behalf by this Act, and the Regulations. (2) If any affiliated college or recognised or approved institution contravenes the provisions of sub-section (1), then notwithstanding anything contained in the other provisions of this Act - (a) the rights conferred on such college or institution by the affiliation, recognition, or approval shall stand withdrawn from the date of such contravention; and (b) such college or institution shall cease to be an affiliated college or recognised or approved institution for the purposes of this Act. (3) If any affiliated college or recognised or approved institution affected by sub-section (2), raises any dispute as to the withdrawal of its rights of affiliation or recognition or approval, then such dispute shall be referred to the State Government and the State Government shall decide the dispute and its decision shall be final.

Section 55

(1) The rights conferred on a college by affiliation or an institution by recognition may be withdrawn, modified or suspended, if such college has failed to carry out any of the provisions of section 50 or, as the case may be, the recognised institution has failed to observe any of the conditions of its recognition under section 51 is conducted in a manner which is prejudicial to the interests of education. (2) A motion for the withdrawal, modification or suspension of such rights referred to in sub-section (1) shall be initiated and decided by the Executive Council. The manner for withdrawal of affiliation or, as the case may be, recognition, shall be such as may be prescribed. (3) Before any order for withdrawal of the affiliation or, as the case may be, recognition is passed, an opportunity of being heard shall be given to principal of the concerned college or, as the case may be, the head of the institution, in such manner as may be prescribed. (4) Where by an order, the rights conferred on any college by affiliation or, as the case may be, recognition is withdrawn in whole or in part or modified, the grounds for such withdrawal or modification shall be stated in the order.

Section 56

(1) The right conferred on an institution by approval may be withdrawn or suspended for any period by the Executive Council if the institution has failed to observe any condition of its approval or the work assigned to it is conducted in a manner which is prejudicial to the interest of education, or the teacher recognised by the University leaves the institution. (2) Before making an order under sub-section (1) in respect of any approved institution, the Executive Council shall, by notice in writing, give an opportunity of being heard to principal of the concerned institutions in such manner as may be prescribed by the Regulations. (3) The Executive Council shall, after following the prescribed manner, decide whether the approval should be withdrawn, modified, or, as the case may be, suspended and make an order accordingly.

Section 57

Subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by or under the provisions of this Act, the Executive Council may make regulations for all or any of the following matters, namely:- (i) conferment of honorary degrees, (ii) holding of convocations to confer degrees, (iii) powers and duties of the officers of the University , (iv) constitution, powers and duties of the-authorities of the University, save as provided in this Act, (v) institution and maintenance by the University Departments, institutes of research or specialised studies, post-graduate centres in affiliated colleges and hostels, (vi) acceptance and management of bequests, donations and endowments, (vii) registration of graduates and maintenance of register of registered graduates, (viii) procedure at meetings of the authorities of the University and for the transaction of their business, (ix) qualifications of professors, readers, lecturers and teachers in affiliated colleges and recognised and approved institutions, (x) the maximum number of students to be admitted in a college, (xi) suitable and adequate physical facilities such as buildings, laboratories, library, books, equipments required for teaching and research, hostels, (xii) all matters which by this Act are to be or may be prescribed by the Regulations, (xiii) conditions under which students shall be admitted to courses of studies for degrees, diplomas and other academic distinctions, (xiv) conditions governing the appointment and the duties of examiners, (xv) conduct of examinations, (xvi) recognition of teachers of the University, (xvii) conditions of residence, conduct and discipline of the students of the University, (xviii) recognition of hostels, (xix) inspection of affiliated colleges, recognised institutions, approved institutions and hostels, (xx) rules to be observed and enforced by colleges and recognized institutions and approved institutions in respect of transfer of students, (xxi) mode of execution of contracts or agreements for, or on behalf of the University, and (xxii) generally all matters for which provision is in the opinion of the Executive Council necessary for the exercise of the powers conferred or the performances of the duties imposed upon the Executive Council by this Act or the Regulations.

Section 58

Notwithstanding anything contained in section 12, the first, ViceChancellor shall be appointed by the State Government as soon as practicable after the commencement of this Act for a period not exceeding three years and on such terms and conditions as the State Government thinks fit.

Section 59

Notwithstanding anything contained in section 18, the first Registrar shall be appointed by the State Government as soon as practicable after the commencement of this Act for a period of not exceeding three years and on such terms and conditions as the State Government thinks fit.

Section 60

(1) It shall be the duty of the first Vice-Chancellor,- (a) to give recognition to institutions, if any, as far as possible consistent with the provisions of section 51


(b) to make arrangements for constituting, the Executive Council, the Academic Council and other authorities of the University within six months after the date of his appointment or such longer period not exceeding one year as the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette , direct. (2) The first Vice-Chancellor shall, with the assistance of the Advisory Committee consisting of not more than fifteen members who are experts in the field of Sanskrit and its literature, nominated by the State Government,- (a) subject to the provisions of this Act, and the approval of the Chancellor – (i) make provisional Regulations necessary for constituting the aforesaid authorities and regulating the procedure at their meetings and the transaction of their business, (ii) draw up rules, that may be necessary for regulating the method of nomination and appointment to the aforesaid authorities, (b) frame the first Regulations, under this Act and submit them for confirmation to the respective authorities when they commence to exercise their functions. (3) The authorities constituted under sub-section (1) shall commence to exercise their functions on such date or dates as the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, direct. (4) The Regulations framed by the first Vice-Chancellor shall, when confirmed by the Executive Council, be published in the Official Gazette.

Section 61

(1) At any time after the commencement of this Act, until such time as the authorities of the University shall commence to exercise their functions - (a) any officer of the University may be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor with the previous sanction of the Chancellor, (b) till the Executive Council is constituted, the teachers of the University may be appointed by the Advisory Committee referred to in sub-section (2) of section 60 with the approval of the Chancellor on the recommendation of the Selection Committee consisting of the following persons, namely:- (i) the Vice-Chancellor, (ii) a nominee of the Chancellor, (iii) three persons who are experts in the field of Sanskrit and its literature, to be appointed out of a panel of experts drawn by the Advisory Committee. (2) Any appointment made under, sub-section (1) shall be for such period not exceeding. three years and on such terms and conditions as- the appointing authority thinks fit: Provided that no such appointment shall be made until financial provision has been made therefor.

Section 62

The first Vice-Chancellor appointed under section 58 shall have powers until the Executive Council commences to exercise its functions- (a) with the previous approval of the Chancellor, to make additional Regulations to provide for any matter not provided for by the first Regulations; (b) to constitute provisional authorities and bodies and on their recommendations to make regulations providing for the conduct of the work of the University; (c) subject to the control of the State Government, to make such financial arrangements as may be necessary to enable this Act, or any part thereof, to be brought into force; (d) with the sanction of the Chancellor, to make for a period not exceeding three years, such appointments as may be necessary to enable this Act or any part thereof, to be brought into force; (e) to appoint any committee as he may thinks fit, to discharge such of its functions as he may direct; and (f) generally to exercise all. or any of the powers conferred on the Executive Council by or-under the provisions of this Act.