Section 10 of Andhra Pradesh Fiscal Responsibility And Budget Management Act, 2011

Measures for Fiscal Transparency - (1) The State Government shall take suitable measures to ensure greater transparency in its fiscal operations in the pubic interest and minimise as far as practicable, secrecy in the preparation of the budget. (2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, the State Government shall, at the time of presentation of the budget, make disclosures on the following, along with detailed information in such forms as may be prescribed,- (a) the significant changes in the accounting standards, policies and practices affecting or likely to affect the computation of fiscal indicators; (b) details of borrowings by way of Ways and Means Advances/ Overdraft availed of from the Reserve Bank of India. (3) Whenever the State Government undertakes to unconditionally and substantially repay the principal amount and/ or pay the interest of any separate legal entity, it has to reflect such liability as the borrowings of the State.