Section 27 of Andhra Pradesh Tenancy And Agricultural Land Rules, 1950

27. Revision: (1) The Deputy Collector, the Collector, the Board of Revenue or the Government may at any time of their own accord or on the application of any person, call for and examine the final record of tenancies prepared under Rule 24 relating to any village and pass such orders as they may deem fit and proper for alteration, deletion, substitution or addition of any entry therein. (2) Every order passed in revision under the provisions of sub-rule (1) shall be communicated to the Tahsildar who shall thereupon amend the final records of tenancies in accordance with fresh orders under his signature. The Tahsildar shall communicate copies of the entries so amended to the Patwari of the Village. The Patwari shall make the necessary correction in his copy of the record. Rule 27 of this said rules shall be deleted, but the provisions thereof shall continue to apply in respect of proceedings instituted or action taken thereunder, in revision by the Deputy Collector, Collector, Board of Revenue or the Government, as the case may be.