Section 2 of Andhra Pradesh Hindu Religious Institutions And Endowments Depositing And Investment Of Moneys Rules, 1987

2. . :- Any moneys belonging to a charitable or religious institutionor endowment may be invested: (a) in loans or promissory notes to needy but solvent religiousand charitable institutions; (b) in loans floated by the State ortral Government orUndertakings or public utility guaranteed by the State ortralGovernment. (c) in loans to Public Sector Undertakings and Statutory Corporations,such loans being guaranteed by the State Government; (d) in promissory notes, debentures, stock or other securities of the State ortral Government; (e) in stock or debentures or shares in companies, the interest wherein shall have been guaranteed by thetral or State Government; (f) in fixed deposits in a Nationalised or Scheduled Bankas defined in the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. (g) in the Post Office savings Bank; (h) in National Savings Certificates; (i) in Units issued by the Unit Trust of India; and (j) Housing Development Corporation Limited.