Section 6 of Patna University Act, 1993

Amendment Of Section 19 Of Bihar Act 24 Of 1976 :- In Section 19 of the said Act- (i) In clause (4) the words "Education Commissioner" shall be substituted by the words "Commissioner and Secretary, Higher Education." (ii) After clause (10) the following new clause shall be inserted, namely:- "(10A) Director, Correspondence Course, Patna University, Patna"; (iii) For clause (13), the following shall be substituted, namely:- "(13) Ten persons, to be elected by and from amongst the members of the Bihar Legislative Assembly in such manner as may be prescribed by the Speaker of the Assembly, one of whom shall be from Scheduled Castes, one from Scheduled Tribes and three from Other Backward classes"; (iv) For clause (15), the following shall be substituted, namely:- "(15) Fifteen teachers other than Deans, Principals and Heads of University Departments having not less than five years teaching experience to be elected by and from amongst the teachers of the Colleges and the University Departments, two of whom shall be from Scheduled Castes, two from Scheduled Tribes and three from other Backward classes"; (v) For clause (17), the following shall be substituted, namely:- "(17) One from amongst the employees of the University and the Colleges to be elected by them in the manner prescribed by the statutes": (vi) For clause (23), the following shall be substituted, namely:- "(23) Six such registered graduates, other than the teachers of the University or its colleges, as have completed a period of five years after graduation, to be nominated by the Chancellor from the panel of registered graduates prepared by the Vice-Chancellor, one of whom shall be from Scheduled Castes, one from Scheduled Tribes and one from Other Backward Classes"; (vii) After clause (24), a new clause shall be added, namely:- "(25) Ten persons to be nominated by the State Government who are known for their academic interest, one of whom shall be from Scheduled Castes, one from Scheduled Tribes and three from Other Backward Classes."