Section 82 of Indian Forest Act, 1927

Recovery of money due to Government.—All money payable to the Government under this Act, or under any rule made under this Act, or on account of the price of any forest-produce, or of expenses incurred in the execution of this Act in respect of such produce, may, if not paid when due, be recovered under the law for the time being in force as if it were an arrear of land-revenue. STATE AMENDMENTS Maharashtra Amendment of section 82 of Act 16 of 1927.—In section 82 of the principal Act, the words and figures “or on account of compensation or value of property agreed to be paid under section 68” shall be deleted. [Vide Maharashtra Act 21 of 2015, s. 20]. Orissa Amendment of section 82, (16 of 1927).—For section 82 of the Indian Forest Act, 1927 (16 of 1927), the following section shall be substituted, namely:— “82. All money, other than fines, payable to the State Government under this Act, or any rules made thereunder, or on account of timber or other forest produce, or of expenses incurred in the execution of this Act in respect of timber or other forest produce, or under any contract relating to timber and other forest produce including any sum recoverable thereunder for the breach thereof, or in consequence of its cancellation, or under the terms of a notice relating to the sale of timber or other forest produce by auction or by invitation of tenders, issued by or under the authority of a Forest Officer and all compensation awarded to the State Government under this Act, may, if not paid when due, be recovered, under the law for the time being in force, as if it were an arrear of land-revenue.” [Vide the Orissa Act 25 of 1952, s. 2] STATE AMENDMENT Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh (UTs).— Section 82.-For section 82, substitute the following section, namely:– 82. Recovery of money due to Government.– All money payable to the Government under this Act or under any rule made under this Act, or on account of the price of timber, or other forest produce, or of expenses incurred in execution of this Act in respect of timber and other forest produce, or under any contract relating to timber and other forest produce including any sum recoverable there under for breach thereof, or in consequence of its cancellation, or under the terms of a notice relating to the sale of timber or other forest produce by auction or by invitation of tenders, issued by or under authority of a forest officer and all compensation awarded to the Government under this Act shall, if not paid when due, be recovered, under the law for the time being in force, as if it were an arrear of land revenue. [Vide the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization (Adaptation of Central Laws) Order, 2020, notification No. S.O. 1123(E) dated (18-3-2020).] STATE AMENDMENT Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh (UTs).— Section 82-A to 82-H.-After section 82, insert the following sections, namely:- 82-A. Recovery of penalties due under a bond.-When in respect of any forest lease any person binds himself by any bond or instrument to perform any duty or act, or covenants by any bond or instrument that he, or that he and his servant and agents will abstain from any act, the whole sum mentioned in such bond or instrument as the amount to be paid in case of a breach of the conditions thereof shall notwithstanding anything in section 74 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872, be recovered from him in case of such breach as if it were an arrear of land revenue. 82-B. Restoration of advantage or benefit or payment of compensation.–Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or in the Indian Contract Act, 1872, or in any other law for the time being in force,– (a) where any transaction or lease relating to sale of forest produce or extraction of timber from any forest is or is discovered to be void only on the ground that the transaction or lease is not in conformity with the provisions of article 299 of the Constitution of India or any order or direction issued thereunder, any person who has received any advantage or has enjoyed any benefit by virtue of such transaction or lease shall be bound to restore it or to make compensation for it, to the person or party from whom he received it; (b) the extent of any advantage or benefit or the amount of compensation payable in lieu thereof, referred to in clause (a), shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the value of the advantage or benefit or the amount of compensation so determined shall be recoverable as arrears of land revenue. 82-C. Constitution of Authority.–For the purposes of determining the extent of advantage or benefit or the value thereof or the amount of compensation under section 82-B, the Government of Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir shall, by notification in the Official Gazette, constitute, as and when necessary, an Authority consisting of one or more members having such qualification and experience and on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed and where the Authority consists of more than one member, one of them may be appointed as Chairperson thereof. 82-D. Powers of the Authority.-(1) The Authority shall, for purposes of holding inquiry for determining the extent of advantage or benefit or value thereof or the amount of compensation, as the case may be, under section 82-B, have all the powers of a civil court while trying a suit under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 in respect of the following matters, namely:– (a) summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person or witness and examining him on oath or solemn affirmation; (b) requiring the discovery or production of any document relating to the subject matter of inquiry; (c) receiving evidence on affidavits; (d) requisitioning any public record or copy thereof relating to the subject matter of inquiry from any court or office; and (e) issuing commissions for examination of witnesses, documents or other books of accounts relating to the subject matter of inquiry. (2) The Authority shall also have power to issue a commission to such person as it considers fit for local investigation which may be requisite or proper for the purpose of elucidating any matter which is the subject matter of inquiry or of ascertaining the market value of any property. (3) The person directed to execute a commission for any purpose under this section shall have all the powers of a commissioner appointed by a Civil Court in pursuance of the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908). (4) The Authority shall have the power to pass such orders as it thinks fit for the seizure, attachment, management, preservation, interim custody or sale of any forest produce or timber (wherever it may be in the State) which may be the subject matter of proceedings before it including the appointment of a receiver for any of the aforesaid purposes. 82-E. Restriction on alienation.–(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force,– (a) where at any stage of the inquiry, the Authority is satisfied by affidavit or otherwise that a person liable to restore any advantage or benefit or to pay compensation in lieu thereof under any transaction or lease referred to in section 82-B, is likely to alienate his movable or immovable property with intent to evade payment or to defeat the recovery, of the advantage or benefit or the value thereof or the amount of compensation, that may be determined by him, it may by order in writing direct that such person shall not alienate his movable and immovable property or such portion thereof, as it may specify in the order, during the pendency of the inquiry; (b) any alienation of property made in contravention of any order or direction issued under clause (a) shall be void, and no transferee of such property shall be deemed to have acquired any right, title or interest therein. Explanation.–For the purposes of this section “alienation” includes mortgage, sale, gift, bequest, benami transaction, family settlement or any other mode of transfer of any right, title or interest in the property. (2) For removal of doubts it is hereby declared that restrictions imposed under this section on the rights conferred by clause (1) of article 19 of the Constitution of India shall be deemed to be reasonable restrictions. 82-F. Procedure to be followed by the Authority.-(1) The Authority shall, subject to any rules made by the Government of Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir in this behalf, have power to regulate its own procedure in all matters arising out of or connected with the discharge of its functions, in consonance with the principles of natural justice. (2) The parties shall have a right of being represented by counsel. 82-G. Appeal.–(1) Any person aggrieved by a final order of the Authority, determining the extent of advantage or benefit or value thereof or the amount of compensation under section 82-B, may, within thirty days of the date of the order, file an appeal against such order before the High Court and every such appeal shall be heard by a Division Bench of the High Court. (2) No other order of the Authority shall be appealable. (3) The order of the Authority shall, subject to the decision of the High Court under sub-section (1) in appeal, be final and shall be deemed to be a certificate within the meaning of section 90 of the Jammu and Kashmir Land Revenue Act, 1996. (4) No further appeal shall lie against the decision of the High Court. 82-H. Exclusion of jurisdiction of Civil Court.- No Civil Court shall have jurisdiction to entertain any suit or other proceeding in respect of any matter which the Authority has taken cognizance of under section 82-B. [Vide the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization (Adaptation of Central Laws) Order, 2020, notification No. S.O. 1123(E) dated (18-3-2020).]