Section 8 of Patna University Act, 1993

Amendment Of Section 23 Of Bihar Act 24 Of 1976 :-

In the said Act, in Section 23- (i) For sub-section (1), the following shall be substituted, namely:- "(1) The Syndicate shall be the Executive Council of the University and it shall consist of the following members:- (a) Vice-Chancellor; (b) Pro-Vice-Chancellor; (c) Commissioner-cum-Secretary of Higher Education or his representative not below the rank of Joint Secretary; (d) Director, Higher Education; (e) Dean, Students, Welfare and Proctor; (f) Two Head of the University Departments to be nominated by rotation as prescribed by the Statutes whose term of office shall be for one year from the date of nomination; (g) Two Principals of colleges maintained by the University to be nominated by rotation as prescribed by the Statutes whose term of office shall be for one year from the date of nomination; (h) Two from amongst Professors and Readers of the University other than the University Heads of Departments and two such lecturers as have a minimum of five-years of teaching experience, to be elected by the teacher-members of the Senate by single transferable vote in accordance with the system of proportionate representation, one of whom shall be from other Backward Classes from the rank of Professors and readers, and one from Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes from the rank of lecturers; (i) Four from amongst the members of the Senate other than teachers, students and employees of the University and Colleges, to be elected by the non-teacher members of the Senate by single transferable vote, in accordance with the system of proportionate representation, one of whom shall be from Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes and one from the Other Backward Classes; (j) One reputed Educationist nominated by the Chancellor; (k) Three persons to be nominate by the State Government one of whom shall be from Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/other Backward Classes and one from Women having academic interest and attainments in social work." (ii) After sub-section (3), the following new sub-section shall be added, namely:- "(4) The Syndicate shall have perpetual succession and any of its acts or proceedings shall not be invalid merely because of any vacancy or vacancies in its membership."