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From its obscure beginnings in the late 1940s[1].


Despite insufficient evidence that connects the drug to treat COVID-19, political leaders publicized it as the potential medication to cure the world of this pandemic. This led to change in the medical history as well as geo-political relations of India and USA. This common drug filled the shelves of most pharmacies on local Indian streets, but the announcement of its probable effects led to restrictions being put on its free sale[2], it has gained an unprecedented high. The reversal of India's export ban on medication supply with the US President has now become inextricably linked to this. The discussions between the two countries took place at a time when the drug began to present itself as a success. The notoriously high number of affected persons in the US made it imperative for the country to reach out for help. This urgent need faced by USA could be satisfied by the largest manufacturer and supplier of the medicine in the world (India).


The US President's continued faith on this prophylactic medicine has led to wide spread acceptance of the same by the public. He also acknowledged his own consumption of the medication, accompanied by a zinc supplement, as two staff members of the White House contracted the disease. This confirmation by the President was almost contemporaneous with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)'s announcement for restricting the usage of HCQ[3]. Given theories about India’s separate mutated strain of the virus, avariance inthe results when compared with other countries is possible. This seems plausible because an RNA virus,mutates at a relatively slow pace, thus,is unable to project the desired results. This study, not yet peer-reviewed either, is the only conclusive proof of the separate strain variant theory,thus cannot act like substantial evidence.


The unstable relations between India and the United States, existing since circa 1970s housed a situation that allowed US to strengthen itsrelationship with India only after lifting the sanctions that it placed to condemn the latter's development of nuclear capabilities[4].


COVID-19, a disease with no predecessor like it, raised important questions about India’s capability to sustain and balance the global as well as the local supply for large demands over long periods of time. It also raised questions about the legality of India’s ban on export of medical drugs. Albeit any reliable empirical evidence of HCQ’s effectiveness, by using the justification of humanity, India continued to help US. (Additionally, given the higher level risk and lack of preventive measures in the US, it is justified.) Moreover, controlled consumption of HCQ does not have major side effects. Upon reflection of the results and factors of the tests, it becomes obvious that the India-US relationship goes beyond the current predicaments and is actually based on a shared history that is pluralistic. Nations must be able to depend on their neighbors in times of need and should also be willing to extend the same kind of support, especially in dire situations.