Gujarat Taluka And District Panchayats Rules, 1963

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Section 1

Short title :- These Rules may be called the Gujarat Taluka and District Panchayats (Procedure) Rules, 1963.

Section 2

Definitions :- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires:- (a) "the Act" means the Gujarat Panchayats Act, 1961; (b) "clear days" means days exclusive of the day of a notice or intimation, and of the day of meeting: (c) "Form" means a form appended to these, rules, (d) "member" means a member of a panchayat; (e) "motion" means a proposal made to evoke action on the part of the panchayat and includes an amendment of a motion; (f) "panchayat" means- (i) in relation to taluka panchayat, the taluka panchayat, and (ii) in relation to a district panchayat, the district Panchayat; (g) "President" and "Vice-President" means respectively "President" and "Vice-President" of panchayat, (h) "Secretary" means the Secretary of a panchayat, (i) "section" means a section of the Act.

Section 3

Time, place and agenda of meetings :- -Subject of the provisions of section 110 or as the case may be, section 130 of the Act, a panchayat shall meet on such date as may be fixed by the President or in his absence by the Vice-President. The meeting shall generally he held at the Panchayat office which shall normally be located at the head quarters of the taluka or District, as the case may be, or at such other place which the State Government may, by an order made in writing in this behalf, determine to be the head-quarters of the Panchayat. The agenda of the meeting shall be prepared by the Secretary in consultation with the President.

Section 4

Notice of ordinary meeting :- The Secretary shall, at least fifteen clear days before the date fixed for any ordinary meet ing cause to be sent to all the members intimation of the date, time and place of and the place of and the business to be transacted at such meeting. 1 Except in Exceptional Circumstances, no meeting shall be held on any day observed as holiday by the panchayat. 1. These words were inserted by GNRDD No. KP/100/PRR.11(2)/64- JH, dated llth September, 1964.

Section 5

Special meeting :- The Secretary shall, at least ssx clear days before the day fixed for a special meeting send or cause to be sent to all the members intimation of the date, time and place of such Special meeting and of the business to he transacted thereat.

Section 6

Notice of meeting to be displayed on notice board :- A notice slating the date, lime and place of every meeting of the panchayat and of the business to be transacted, thereat, shall be displayed on the notice board at the office of the panchayat.

Section 7

Mode of delivery of notice :- Every notice under these rules shall be sent to the members by ordinary post under a certificate of posting.

Section 8

Presiding officer of meeting :- Where at any meeting, neither the President nor the Vice-President present within 30 minutes from the time appointed for holding the meeting, the members present at the meeting shall choose one of the members present and entitled to vote to preside over the meeting: Provided that where the President or Vice-President attends at any time during the course of such meeting, the person so presiding over the meeting shall vacate the chair and the meeting shall continue under the presidentship of the President or as the case may be, the Vice- President.

Section 9

Quorum :- (1) The quorum for the transaction of business at the meeting of the panchayat shall be, (a) one fifth of the total number of members where the total number of members entitled to vote does not exceed 50; (b) 11 or one-sixth of the total number of members whichever is greater where the total number of members entitled to vote exceeds 50 but does not exceed 80; (c) 12 or one-eighth of the total number of members whichever is greater where the total number of members entitled to vote exceeds 80 but does not exceed 120; (d) 13 or one-tenth of total number of members where the total number of members entitled to vote exceeds 120. Explanation-For the purposes of this rule, if the total number of members entitled to vote is odd then in calculating the number fur the purposes of quorum, fraction shall be counted as one i.e. if the number of, members is fifty-nine the number required for quorum shall be Eleven. (2) If at any time during a meeting it is brought to the notice of the presiding officer that the number of members present inclusive of the presiding officer falls short of the number required for quorum the presiding officer shall, if there be no quorum after waiting for a period of not less then thirty minutes and not more than one hour, adjourn the meeting to some other day, fixing such time and place as he thinks convenient and the business which remains undisposed of at such meeting shall be disposed of at the adjourned meeting or at any subsequent adjournment thereof, whether there be quorum thereat or not: Provided that no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than that left undisposed of at the previous meeting.

Section 10

Adjournment for want of quorum :- If within one hour from the time appointed for a meeting there be no quorum, the meeting shall, if called upon the requisition of members, be dissolved and in any other case unless all the members present agree to wait longer, the presiding officer shall adjourn the meeting, to such hour on the same day* or some other day as he may reasonably fix and notice of such adjournment shall be displayed on the notice board at the office of the Panchayat and the business which would have been brought belore the original meeting had there been a quorum thereat, shall be brought before the adjourned meeting and may be disposed of at such meeting or at any subsequent adjournment thereof whether be a quorum thereat or not: Provided that no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than that left undisposed of at the previous meeting.

Section 11

Meeting to be open to Public :- All meetings of a panchayat shall be open to the public, provided that the presiding officer may in any particular case direct that the public generally or any person shall withdraw from the meeting.

Section 12

Order of business at a meeting :- .The items of business at a meeting of the panchayat shall generally be shown in the following, order, namely:- (i) Confirmation of the minutes of the Previous meeting; (ia) interpeltation or questions; (ii) report of (he action taken on the decision at the previous meeting; (iii) election of members to different committees of the panchayat; (iv) matters relating to urgent official business brought forward by the presiding officer; (v) any motion regarding change of agenda; (vi) motion, if any, sent by the members; (vii) resolutions; (vii) resolutions; (viii) statement of receipts and expenditure; (ix) progress reports; (x) items such as budget, plans, programmes and audit reports, etc.; (xi) any matter which the State Government or any other officer authorised by the State Government in this behalf, may reqire the panchayat to consider; (xii) any other item which may be brought up at the meeting with the permission of the presiding officer. 1. These words and clause, were Substituted by G.N.RD.D. No KP/ 166/PRR. 11(2) 64, JH-dated llth September, 1964, vide G.N.P. and H.D. No. KP/2102/PRR, 11(7) 70, JH dated 18th Nov. 1970.

Section 13

Ordinarily business to be transacted according to agenda :- Except with the permission of the presiding officer- (a) no business; which is not entered in the agenda, shall be transacted at any meeting; (b) the business to be transacted at any meeting shall be taken up in the order in which it is entered in the agenda: Provided that, in granting permission for priority for transacting any business, the presiding officer shall be guided by the majority of votes for or against the motion moved thereof.

Section 14

Notice of amendment of resolution :-

, -Subject to be provisions of the section 116 or as the case may be section (36 of the Act, the notice of motion for modification, amendment, variation or cancellation of any resolution of a panchayat shall be given to the members in accordance with the provisions of rule 7 and the notice shall set forth fully the resolution which is proposed to be modified, amended, varied or cancelled, at the meeting and also the motion for the modification, amendment, variation or cancellation of such resolution.

Section 15

Adjournment of meeting :- A me ting may, with the consent of the majority of the members present be adjourned from time to time. But no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than that left undisposed of at the previous meeting. The date, time and place of the adjourned meeting shall be announced at the meeting before it is adjourned and no separate notice shall be necessary.

Section 16

Procedure for questions :- (1) It shall be open to any member to ask questions at any meeting of the panchayat. In respect of every such question, not less than seven clear days notice shall be given by the member in writing to the President. The President may disallow any question which is not in accordance with the provisions of sub-rule (1). A list of questions so disallowed shall be displayed on the notice board of the panchayat office. In the case of questions which are defamatory in character, only the serial number of the question and the name of the member asking the same shall be given and not the details thereof. (2) In order that a question may be admissible- (a) it must not bring in any name or statement not strictly necessary to make the question inelligible; (b) if a question contains a statement the member asking it must (b) if a question contains a statement the member asking it must himself responsible for the accuracy of the statement: (c) it must not contain any arguments, inferences imputations, ironical expressions, opithelts or defamatory statements; (d) it must not ask for an expression of opinion or the solution of an abstract legal question or hypothetical proposition; (e) it must not be asked as to the character of or conduct of any person except in his official or public capacity; (f) it must not be of excessive length; (g) it must not be a question which was once fully answered; (h) it should be asked with aview to getting information of any matter pertaining to the administration of the panchayat. 3. [deleted]

Section 17

Notice of no confidence motion :- (1) Any member of a panchayat who desire to move a motion of no confidence against the President or Vice-President of the panchayat shall give notice thereof to the Secretary in Form A. Where the motion of no confidence is to be moved against the President as well as Vice-President two separate notices shall be given. If the notice is given jointly by more than one member the motion may be moved by any of the members who have signed the noticeEvery such notice shall be supported by at least one-half of the total number of members of the Panchayat. (2) The member giving any notice under sub-rule (1) shall forward therewith three additional copies there of to the Secretary who shall deliver one copy to the President, one copy to the VicePresident and one copy.- (i) to the District Development Officer where the motion relates to the President or Vice-President of a taluka panchayat or; (ii) to Officer authorised in this behalf by the State Governments, where the motion relates to the President or Vice-President of a district panchayat. 1 "Explanations.-For the purposes of (his rule, if the total number of members of a panchayat is odd, then, incalculating the number for the purpose of this rule a fraction shall be counted as one, that is to say, if the number of members is thirty one, the members required for supporting the notice so that a motion may be moved shall be sixteen and so on." 1. This explanation was added by G.N.R D.D. No. KP/41/PRR 11(2) 64-JH, dated 7th April, 1964.

Section 18

Meeting for consideration of no confidence motion :- (1)A motion of which a notice has been given under sub-rule (l) of rule 17 shall be considered by the panchayat at the next ordinary meeting if it is to be: held not earlier than the expiry of seven days and not later than the expiry of thirty days after the date of receipt of the notice by the Secretary (2) If an ordinary meeting of the panchayat is not due at any time during the period specified in sub-rule (1) a special meeting of the panchayat shall be convened during that period for considering the motion.

Section 19

Panchayats decision and names of members voting for or against motion to be reported :- .When the panchayat takes a decision on any motion of no confidence, the Secretary shall forthwith communicate to the officer to whom a copy of the motion was sent under/sub rule (2) of rule 17 the names of all the members who were present at the meeting at which such decision was taken and the nature of vote given by each member. whether in favour of or against the motion and the names of members who abstained from voting: 1 Provided that, if, in accordance with the provisions of rule 37, votes, on any motion of no confidence are taken by ballot, the number of members who were present at the meeting and the number of members voting in favour of and against the motion and the number of members who abstained from voting shall be communicated by the Secretary to the Officer mentioned in this rule. 1. Inserted vide G.N.P.H. and U.D.D. No. KP/124/PRR. 11(8)-77- JH, dated 30th July, 1977.

Section 20

Resolutions :- (1) Subject to the provisions of this rule any member may move a resolution relating to a matter concerning the administration of the panchayat (2) (a) A member who wishes to move a resolution shall give at least eight clear days notice of his intention to do so and shall together with the notice submit a copy of the resolution which he wishes to move. The President shall decide on the admissibility of a resolution and shall disallow any resolution which in his opinion does not answer to the requirements of sub-rules (3) to (6) or contravens the provisions of the Act or the rules made thereunder and his decision shall be final. (b) The President may for reasons to be stated by him, allow a resolution to be entered in the items of the agenda at a shorter notice. (3) Every resolution shall be clearly and precisely expressed and shall raise one definite issue. (4) A resolution shall not contain arguments, inferences, ironical expressions or defamatory statements nor shall it refer to the conduct or character of any person except in his official or public capacity. (5) A resolution shall be of an affirmative character. (6) Notice of a resolution shall be in writing and signed by the mover.

  • (7) Deleted.

(8) The order in which the resolution of which notice* shall be moved shall be determined by ballot. (9) No member shall be entitled to ballot for more than one resolution at a time. (10) Resolutions balloted but not reached or disposed of at a meeting shall lapse. (11) A member shall be at liberty to give a fresh notice in respect of a resolution which has lapsed. (12) Not more than ten resolutions according to the order of priority determined by ballot shall be set shown for every meeting. (13) A member in whose name a resolution appears on the agenda shall, when called upon, either,- (a) move the resolution; (b) withdraw the resolution, in which case he shall confine himself to a mere statement to that effect (14) If the member, when called upon, is absent, the resolution standing in his name shall be deemed to have been withdrawn. (15) Every resolution which has been moved shall required to be seconded. A resolution which has not been seconded shall not be discussed nor shall any question be put on it. (16) The discussion on a resolution shall be limited to the subject of the resolution. (17) Where any resolution involving several points has been discussed it shall be in the discretion of the presiding officer to divide the resolution, and put any point to vote separately as he thinks fit. (18) Routine resolutions, may be put to the meeting by the presiding officer without their having been moved or seconded. (19) The presiding officer has the same right of moving or seconding on a resolution of a motion as any other member: Provided that the provisions of sub-rules (8) and (9) shall not apply in the case of a resolution moved by the Presiding officer.

Section 21

Presidents power to dispense with notice :- The president may at his discretion, allow any question of Resolution at shorter notice or at meeting itself.

Section 22

Resolutions to be relevant to business :- No member shall be entitled to propose a resolution other than the one directly arising out of the subject before the meeting and relevant thereto, except in the case of emergency and with the consent of the presiding officer.

Section 23

Power to divide motion or amendment :- The persiding officer may divide a resolution into two or more distinct resolution or an amendments, as he may deem necessary.

Section 24

Resolutions not properly proposed etc. not to be discussed :- No resolution shall be discussed or noted in the Minute Book of the Panchayat unless it has been properly moved and seconded, provided that resolution by the passing officer need not seconded.

Section 25

Decision of panchayat how to be ascertained :- A matter requiring the decision of the panchayat shall be decided by means of acquistion by the presiding Officer on resolution made by a member.

Section 26

Procedure on admission of resolution :- (1) Member who has given notice of a resolution shall when called upon, either:- (a) state that he does not wish to move the resolution or (b) move the resolution which shall be duly seconded by another member. (2) Same as otherwise provided in sub-rule (14) of rule 20 if a member when called upon, is absent any other member may with permission of the person presiding, move the resolution sending in the name of the absent member. If permission is not granted if any other member to move the resolution shall lapse.

Section 27

Presiding Officer to propose the question :- After a resolution has been moved and seconded the presiding officer shall propose the question by reading the resolution for the consideration of the meeting.

Section 28

Withdrawal of resolution :- After a resolution has been moved and seconded it shall not be with drawn or altered in substance except with the consent of the member who seconded it.

Section 29

Amendments to resolution :- (1) After resolution has been moved and seconded any member may move an amendment thereto (2) Every amendment must he relevant to, and within the scope of the resolution to which it relate. (3) No amendment shall be moved which has merely the effect of negative vote. (4) An amendment in the alternative shall not be moved. (5) Any number of amendments may be moved to the same motion but no member shall move more than one amendment to the same resolution. (6) The presiding officer may disallow any amendment which is in his opinion irrelevant or frivolous.

Section 30

Conduct of members during meeting :- (1) A member desiring to make any observation on any matter before the meeting shall rise in his seat and if called upon by the presiding officer, address his remarks to the presiding officer. If he is not called upon by the presiding officer he shall resume his seat Provided that the presiding officer, may permit any member to address the meeting while sitting. (2) A member shall confine his speech strictly to the question before the meeting and shall cease to make remarks which are held by the presiding officer to be irrelevent or offensive. (3) Members shall not talk amongst themselves in the meeting so as to disturb the proceedings or a member who is speaking.

Section 31

Right of presiding officer to address meeting :- (1) The presiding officer may address the meeting at any stage of a debate. (2) Save as provided in the proviso to sub-rule (1) of rule 30, he shall rise in his seat while addressing the meeting

Section 32

Mover to start debate :- After a motion has been placed before the meeting for consideration under rule 24 the mover may speak in support of the motion and the seconder may either follow or reserve his speech for a later stage of the debate thereon.

Section 33

Right of reply :- The mover, or if the mover waives his right. the seconder of a substantive resolution may reply at the conclusion of the debate thereon but no other member shall, without the express permission of the presiding officer speak more than once on the same, resolution except for the purpose of making a personal explanation but in such case no debatable matter shall be brought forward.

Section 34

Time limits for speech :- The presiding officer may fix a reasonable time-limit within which the mover the seconder and any other member shall and his speech.

Section 35

Resolution to be voted on conclusion of debate :- (1) The presiding officer may on the conclusion of a debate on a Resolution or at any time when the presiding officer is satisfied that the resolution has been sufficiently discussed, put the resolution to the vote of the meeting. (2) (i) When there are one or more amendments to a resolution. the presiding officer shall first put to vote the amendment or amendments one by one; (ii) If all amendments are lost, the presiding officer shall put the resolution to vote, (iii) If any amendment or amendments are carried the presiding officer shall put to vote the resolution incorporating the amendment or amendments which have been carried; (iv) The presiding officer may group together amendments which are substantially the same: Provided that in group of amendments the presiding officer may give precedence to any amendment which is most comprehensive and that when such amendment is either carried or lost it shall not be necessary to put to vote the other amendments in the group". (3) The resolution with or without an amendment or amendments as finally carried under sub-rule (2) shall be considered to be the decision of the panchayat.

Section 36

Resolution for adjournment or postponment to have precedence :- (1) A resolution to adjourn a meeting or to postpone the consideration (2) A resolution under this rule cannot be made more than once during the debate on any question.

Section 37

Manner of taking votes :- (1) Votes may ordinarly betaken by a show of hands but shall if the majority of members present so decide, be taken by a ballot. (2) any member present at a meeting may refrain from voting if he so chooses.

Section 38

Procedure at voting by ballot :- In the case of voting by ballot, each member shall record his vote on a paper which shall not be signed by him. The papers used for voting shall not be destroyed until the expiration of one months after the date of the declaration of the result.

Section 39

Points of order :- (1) The presiding officer shall decide all point of order and his decision shall he final. (2) A member may at any time raise a point of order for the decision of the presiding officer hut in doing so he shall confine himself to stating the point. (3) No discussion on any point of order shall be allowed except with consent of the presiding officer.

Section 40

Member Speaking to resume his seat when Presiding Officer stands or points of order is raised :- If, while a member is speaking the presiding officer rise or another inember raises a point of order, the member speaking shall resume his seat.

Section 41

Maintenance of order at meeting :- The presiding officer shall preserve order at the meeting and have all powers necessary for the purpose of enforcing his decision.

Section 42

Unruly meeting may be adjourned :- The presiding officer may adjourn any meeting that refuses to abide by his ruling on or if there is disorder in the meeting.

Section 43

Suspension and withdrawal or unruly members :- When any member disregards the authority of the presiding officer or is guilty of obstructive or offensive conduct at any meeting, the presiding officer shall forth with put the question that such member be suspended from the meeting for the remainder of the sitting and if three-fourths of the members present are in favour thereof, the member named shall withdraw, failing which the presiding officer may call such aid as he deems expedient to secure such suspension or withdrawal Explanation.-For the purpose of this rule "obstructive conduct" means willfully and persistently adopted with a view to preventing business being done at the meeting.

Section 44

Procedure of leaving meeting :- A member who wishes to leave the meeting before its close shall immediately befor leaving intimate his intention to the presiding officer.

Section 45

Records of Proceedings of meeting :- .The minutes of each meeting of the panchayat shall be recorded in a bound book in Gujarati by the Secretary. In this book shall be entered the names of the members present at each meeting, the decision arrived at the numbers voting for or against and of the members remaining natural The minutes of the meeting shall be prepared on the day following the day of the meeting or as soon thereafter, as may be, and shall be signed by the Presiding Officer and shall be read out at the next meeting of the panchayat for confirmation. A copy of minutes shall, in the case of a taluka panchayat be sent to the district panchayat concerned and in the case of district panchayat to the officer authorised by the State Government in this behalf, within 1 [fifteen] days of the close of the meeting The mainutes shall be open to inspection, at all reasonable times, by any member of the panchayat. 1. Subs. for -seven vide G.G. Gaz. Ext. Pt. 1-A, dt. 13-12-1982, P. 123.

Section 46

Important decisions to be displayed on notice board :- Important decisions which the panchayat consider necessary to being to the notice of the general public shall be displayed on the notice board of the panchayat at its office.

Section 47

Power to summon a meeting of Committee and period of notice for such meeting :- (1) The meeting of a Committee shall be held normaly every three month and shall he held on such date, at such time and at such place as may be fixed by the Chairman of the Committee. Atleast three clear days notice of an ordinary meeting and atleast one days notice of a special meeting shall be given. (2) (a) During the leave or absence of a Chairman of a Committee other than the Education Committee of a District panchayat a meeting of the Committee other than the Education Committee of a District Panchayat may be convened by the Secretary of the concerned Panchayat. At least three clear days notice of an ordinary meeting and at least one days notice of a special meeting shall be given. (b) During the leave or absence of the Chairman of the Education Committee of a District Panchayat, a meeting of that Committee for electing the Chairman under sub-seetion(3)of section 132 shall beconvened by the Secretary of the concerned District panchayat. At least seven clear days notice of such meeting shall be given. 1. Rule 47 substituted vide PRR 11 (11) 82-JH, dated 25th September, 1982.

Section 48

Manner of service of notice :- The manner of service of notice shall be the same as that for the meeting of the panchayat.

Section 49

Quorum :- No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the committee unless, one-third of its strength or three members wichever is more, are present.

Section 50

Rules of procedure :- The rules of procedure for the meetings of the panchayat shall generally apply mutatis mutandis to the meeting of committees.

Section 51

Chairman of the committee :- The chairman of the committee shall preside over the meeting when ever he is present and on his absence the members shall elect a chairman.

Section 52

Secretary :- The officer of the Panchayat dealing with the subjects allotted to a committee under the Panchayat Functions List* and where there are more such officers than one, such one of them as the Panchayat may determine shall be the Secretary of the Committee. If there be no such officer then the Secretary of the Panchayat shall be the secretary of the Committee. 52A. Eligibility of Associate members to take part in proceedings :- Where any Associate member is assigned to any committee under Chapter III-A he may speak or otherwise take part in the proceeding of such committee.

Section 53

Record of proceedings :- A written record of the proceedings of every meeting shall be kept.

Section 54

Proceedings of meeting to be signed :- A person who under rule 51 presides over the meeting shall affix his signature to the record of the proceedings of the meeting. The record of the proceedings so signed shall be read out at the next meeting of the Committee for confirmation. 1. Rules 54 and 62 are Substituted by GNP and HD KP/781/PRR ll(3)/66- JH dated 9th September, 1966.

Section 55

Secretary to maintain record of proceedings :- The responsibility for the maintenance of the records of proceedings shall be that of the Secretary of the committee.

Section 56

Proceedings to be placed before Panchayats :- The proceedings of every meeting of every committee shall be placed before the Panchayat at its next meeting [Provided that a copy of the proceedings of the meeting of the Executive Committee of a District Panchayats shall be sent to such officer of the Government as may be specified by the State Government within seven days from the date of the meeting of the Executive Committee]. 1. These words were inserted by GNRDD No. KP/166/PRR 11(2)/64- JH, dated 11th September, 1964. 2. Proviso added by vide G.G. Gazette Ext., Part I;A, date 4-9- 1982, p. 84. . 56A. Circumstances in which and conditions, subject to whi ch propositions may be circulated for the votes of members :- Wherever a question requiring urgent decisions arises within ten days from the date of the meeting of a committee last held or during a period when seasonal agricultural operations are in progress, or whenever for any special reasons calling of a meeting of the committee may not be feasible, and it appears necessary to the Chairman of the committee to take immediate decisions on such questions, the question may be rendered in the form of the proposition which may be circulated by the Chairman for the votes of the members: Provided that a copy of such proposition may be sent to each member of the committee together with a reply paid post card or envelope or with postage stamps of sufficient value for the reply specifying a time limit within which reply should be sent by the member concerned and the member may be informed that if no reply is received from him within the time limit so specified, a decision of the committee on 56B. Record of voting by circulation of proposition :- The provisions of rules 53 to 56 shall, so far as may be, apply to the proceedings adopted and decision taken pursuant to the provision of rule 56-A".

Section 57


Section 58

Panchayat to control assigned powers :- Where powers are assigned to a committee, the panchayat shall reserve to itself the power to review, cancel, modify or otherwise amend any decision of the committee within 90 days of such decision. 1. Substituted by G.N.P. and H.D. No. KP/1348/PRR. ll(6)/68-JH dated 20th July, 1968.

Section 59

Implementation of decisions of committee :- Each committee shall be responsible for the implementation of all i t s decisions in respect of the subjects assigned to it. All administrative work involved in carrying out the decisions of a committee shall be attended to by the executive authority of the panchayat. The responsibility for ensuring participation of the members of the public where necessary for proper supervision of the work which is being done, and for the timely completion of the work shall be that of the committee. The committee may in turn assign different items of its work to a sub-committee consisting of one or more of its members.

Section 60

Office procedure :- The office procedure for the work of a committee shall be the same as that for the panchayat.

Section 61

Venue of meeting :- The meetings of a committee shall normally be held at the panchayat office unless the committee unanimously decides to meet elsewhere. 61A. Choice to be expressed by Associate Members :- 1 -The President of a district or as the case may be, a taluka panchayat shall within fifteen days from the constitution of committees, intimate to an Associate member, to chose any three committees in the order of preference in which he desires to speak or otherwise take part in the proceedings thereof. 1. Substituted vide GNPH and UDD No.KP/109/PRR-11(13) 83-JH, dated 7th May, 1963. 61B. Assignment to Associate Member to Committee :- (1) The President shall, with due regard to the preference shown by the member, (2) If no reply is received from such Associate member within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the communication by him under rule 61-A, the President shall proceed to assign the member to any one of the committees". 61C. Authority to whom confidential reports may be sent under section 123(2)(g) :- (1)The confidential reports of officers allocated to the Panchayat Service and holding office under a taluka panchayat shall be forwarded by the Taluka Development Officer to the District Development Officer. (2) The confidential reports of an officer posted under section 207 or deputed under section 208 to a taluka panchayat shall be forwarded by the Taluka Development Officer through the District Development Officer to the authority in the State Government competent to order his posting or deputation. 61D. Authority to whom confidential reports may be sent under section 143(2)(g) :- The confidential reports of an officer posted under section 207 or deputed under section 208 to the district panchayat shall be forwarded by the District Development Officer to the authority in the State Government competent or order his posting or deputation.

Section 62

Notice under section 65 or section 77 :- The notice referred to in section 65 shall be given by the Taluka Development Officer and that referred to in section 77 shall be given by the District Development Officer. In such notice the followings particulars shall be stated, namely:- (1) The date of the vacancy. (2) The cause of vacancy. (3) The date on which the term of office in which the vacancy has occurred expires. 1. Rule 62 substituted by GNP and HD No.KP 781/PRR 11(5)PRR/66- JH, dt. 9th September, 1966.

Section 63

Form of Warrant :- The warrant to be issued by an authorised officer under sub-section (2) of section 318 shall be in Form B.