Section 14 of Karnataka Educational Institutions Rules, 1995

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Procedure for admission.-(1) The procedure for admission for any class or institution shall be open and transparent. (2) Admissions shall commence after a notification is issued and displayed prominently in the premises of the educational institution, inviting applications for admission and specifying the number of seats available for admission. Application forms shall be made available to the parents for at least five working days of not less than four working hours each. The parents shall be given a minimum of three working days of not less than four working hours each for registering the application form. The dates and working hours shall be clearly notified on the Notice Board. The application fee prescribed if any shall not exceed five rupees. In additional a brochure containing all the details may be made available to the parents at their option, the cost of which shall not exceed twenty rupees. (3) Every recognised educational institution imparting education from pre-primary upto degree level and situated within a largerer urban area or smaller urban area shall admit in each year such number of students not exceeding twenty five percent of its total intake in each class as may be specified by the State Government from time to time. EXPLANATION: "Larger Urban Area" and "Smaller Urban area " means the area specified as such under the Karnataka Muncipal Corporations Act, 1976 and the Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1963 : Provided that if sufficient number of such students are not available within the specified area, the educational institution may admit students from other areas. (4) the State Government while specifying the percentage of students and the distance under sub-rule (3), shall have regard to; (i) the density of population in the vicinity of the educational institutions; (ii) the location of the educational institution; (iii) the availability of transport facility to school going children residing in the locality where educational institution is situated; (iv) the existence or other similar educational institutions in the same area. The State government may specify different percentage of students and different distances for different urban areas of for different classes of recognised educational institutions situate in the same urban area; (5) Every recognised educational institution from pre-primary upto degree level which is established, maintained or aided by the State Government shall make provision for reservation of seats for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and other Backward Classes as per Government Orders in force from time to time. (6) Every process of admission from pre-primary upto degree classes in educational institutions allowing co-education, shall ensure that fifty percent of the total available seats in each institution in each category and reservation group shall be reserved for girl students. If no sufficient number of girl students are available for admission against such reservation the unfilled seats may be treated as un-reserved: Provided that provisions of sub-rules (5) and (6) shall not apply to minority educational institutions to the extent of admissions made by these institutions from among their own community students. (7) During the month of April of every year the Head of the educational institution shall display on the notice board the details regarding the calendar of events detailing the various stages involve in the admission process like date of issue of applications, last date fixed for receipt of applications, mode and place of issue of application forms, date of announcement of list of selected candidates, last date for admission etc., The process of admission shall be conducted accordingly. (8) The Head of the educational institution shall alongwith the calendar of events also display on the notice board the details regarding the number of seats available for each class, the fee structure specified and the criteria specified for selection of candidates. (9) The parent/guardian shall tender the application in person and get proper acknowledgement from the institution. The Head of the educational institution shall enter particulars of every such application in the 'Register of Applications' maintained for that purposes, in the order of their receipt. (10) The Head of the educational institution shall prepare a list of all eligible candidates who have registered for admission in the institution. Separate sub-lists shall also be prepared in respect of candidates of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and other Backward Classes as the case may be. Every candidate shall be allotted a registration number. (11) The lists of eligible and rejected candidates containing the name and registration number shall be published on the Notice Board of the institution, inviting objections from any aggrieved party within a date to be specified in the notice so however that a minimum of five working days shall be allowed for filling objections. The objections received shall be registered and proper acknowledgments shall be issued. After considering the objections a final list shall be prepared and published on the Notice Board. (12) (a) The managing Committee shall from among the list of eligible candidates as published in sub-rule (11) and according to provisions made in sub-rules (2) to (7) shall prepare a list of selected candidates. Separate sub-lists shall also be prepared for each reservation groups in each category as per provision. (b) In case of admissions to secondary, pre-University and degree courses the Head of the educational institution shall after taking into consideration the total number of seats available for admission in the institution shall allocate eighty percent of such seats for admission through merit and allocate remaining twenty percent for admission by the management. (c) The procedure for selection shall be as follows:- (i) The Head of the educational institution, shall from among the list of eligible candidates published under sub-rule (11) and according to provisions made in sub- rules (2) to (7) and further taking into consideration the marks secured by the student in the qualifying examination prepare a list of selected candidates in the order of merit. Separate lists shall be prepared for each reservation group. (ii) the Managing Committee shall from among the list of eligible candidates published under sub-rule (11) prepare a list of selected candidates on the basis of merit. (d) Admissions to all classes shall be made on the basis of selection lists so published. If any of the seats remain unfilled even after the exhaustion of the list, the procedure as specified above shall be repeated till after all admissions are completed. (13) Educational institutions which are composite in nature shall make admissions to higher classes run by the same educational institution upto and inclusive of secondary level only to the extent the seats in such higher classes are rendered vacant by the students or their parents voluntarily refusing admission for higher classes. A student admitted of lower kindergarten course or any other course which forms the initial course in that educational institution shall have a right to continue his studentship in the same educational institution upto and inclusive of secondary level provided he passes the terminal or the public examinations. In case of composite educational institutions involving pre-university and degree courses admissions to pre-university course shall be completed in accordance with clause (b) and (c) of sub-rule (12) Provided that a provision of fifteen percent concession in the cut-off percentage shall be allowed to the students of that institution and students of sister institutions run by the same management. The admission to degree courses shall be automatic, subject to the student passing the terminal or public examination. The institution authorities shall have no right to ask the student to quit the educational institution on any ground including his poor performance in examination, provided he has secured a pass in the examination. (14) These rules shall apply to all admissions made by an educational institution not only to the initial course or standard appeared in that institution but also to admissions made to additional sections in any standard or course whether existing or newly opened. (15) Not-withstanding anything contained in these rules, the practice of institutions conducting interviews or tests or both to students or to parents or both for admissions upto primary level is expressly prohibited. (16) The Head of the educational institution shall be responsible for the strict compliance of provisions of this rules. He shall maintain all records concerning admissions and shall produce them for verification before the inspecting authority during visits and inspections. Any deviation or violation of rules noticed by the inspecting authority shall be referred to District level education regulating authority.