Gujarat Panchayat Services Rules, 1964

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Section 1

Commencement and application (1) These rules may becalled the Gujarat Panchayat Services

(Conduct) Rules, 1964.
(2) They shall come into force at once.
1 [(3) Except as otherwise provided by or under these rules, they
shall apply to all persons appointed to the Panchayat Service and
persons hold- ing post under a Panchayat:
Provided that nothing in these rules shall apply to officers and
servants of the State Service who are posted under a Panchayat,
under sec. 207 or are on loan service to the Panchayat, under
section 208 of the Gujarat Panchayats Act, 1961.
1. Substituted vide Gujarat Government Gazette, Extraordinary, Pt.
I-A, dated 21-5-1985 p. 53-2

Section 2

In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires: (a) "the Act" means the Gujarat Panchayats Act, 1961.

(b) "Appendix" means the Appendix appended to these rules.
(c) "Government" means the Government of the State of Gujarat.
1 [(d) "Panchayat" means a District Panchayat, a taluka panchayat
or as the case may be a gram panchayat or a Nagar Panchayat].
(e) "Panchayat Service" means the panchayat service as constituted
under section 203 of the Act.
(f) "Member of a panchayat service or a Panchayat Servant" means
any person appointed to the Panchayat service and includes an
officer or servant allocated to the panchayat service under section
206 or 206A of the Act.
(g) "Members of the family" means in relation to a male member of
the Panchayat Service, include his

(i) wife, child or step-child, whether residing with him or not;

(ii) any other person related to him or to his wife whether by blood
or by marriage and wholly dependent on him; and in relation to a
female member of the panchayat service

(i) child or step-child, whether residing with her or not, and the

husband residing with her and dependent on her, and

(ii) any other person related to or to her husband whether by blood

or by marriage and wholly dependent on her, but does not include
a wife or husband legally separated from the member of the
Panchayat Service or child or step-child who is no longer dependent
on him or her, or of whose custody he or she has been deprived by
reason of legal proceedings.
1. Substituted vide Gujarat Government Gazette, Extraordinary, Pt.
I-A, dated 21-5-1985 p. 53-2.

Section 3

1-Every Panchayat Servant shall at all times, (i) maintain absolute integrity;

(ii) maintain devotion to duty; and
(iii) do nothing which is unbecoming of a Panchayat Servant.
1. Substituted vide Notification No. KP/i2/(87)/PRR. J084/4925-KH

1 dated 23-4-1987-Gujarat Government Gazette, Extraordinary

Part IV dated 29-4-1987, p. 54

Section 4

(1) No panchayat servant shall be a member of, or be otherwise

associated with, any political party or any organisation which
ordinarily takes part in politics nor shall he take part in, subscribe
in aid of, or assist in any other manner, any political movement or
(2) It shall be the duty of every panchayat servant to endeavour to
prevent any member of his family from taking part in, subscribing
in aid of, or assisting in any other manner, any movement or
activity which is, or tends directly or indirectly to be subversive of
the Government as by law established or of a panchayat; and
where a panchayat servant is unable to prevent a member of his
family from taking part in subscribing in aid of, or assisting in any
other manner, any such movement or activity he shall make a
report to that effect to his immediate superior, who shall in turn
report through the taluka panchayat or, as the case may be the
district panchayat, to Government. If any question arises whether
any movement or activity falls within the scope of this rule, the
decision of the Government thereon shall be final.
(3) No panchayat servant shall canvass or otherwise interfere with
or use his influence in connection with, or take in, an election to

any legislature or local authority : Provided that (i) a panchayat servant qualified to vote at such election may

exercise his right to vote, but where he does so, he shall give no
indication of the manner in which he proposes to vote or has voted;
(ii) a panchayat servant shall not be deemed to have contravened
the provisions of this rule by reason only that he assists in the
conduct of an election in the due performance of a duty imposed on
him by or under any law for the time bing in force or by an order of
Government or of a panchayat.
Explanation-(1) The display by a panchayat servant or, his person,
vehicle or residence or any electorals, symbol, shall amount to
using his influence in connection with an election within the
meaning of this rule.
(2) Proposing or according the nomination of a candidate at an
election to any legislature or local authority or acting as his agent
shall amount to taking part in an election to such a body within the
meaning of this sub-rule.

Section 5

No panchayat servant shall participate in any demostration or resort

to any form of strike in connection with any matter pertaining to as
conditions of service.

Section 6

No Panchayat servant shall join, or continue to be a member of an

association the objects or activities which are prejudicial to the
interest of the sovereignty and integrity of India or public order or

Section 7

(1) A panchayat servant shall not unless generally or specially

empowered by the concerned panchayat in this behalf,
communicate directly or indirectly or panchayat servant belonging
to other panchayats or to non- official persons or to the press any
document or information which has come into bis possession in the
course of the performance of his duties in connection with the
affairs of the panchayat or has been prepared or collected by him in
the course of those duties whether from official source or otherwise.

(2) Panchayat servant shall not. without the previous sanction of

the relevant district panchayat, become the proprietor in whole or
in part, or conduct or participate in the editing or manngement, of
any newspaper or other periodical publication. Such sanction shall
be given only in the case of a newspaper or publication mainly
devoted to matters not of a political character, and Blayatany time
be withdrawn at the discretion of the said district punchayat:
Provided that the provisions of this rule shall not apply to any
publication of a panchayat, published by or under the orders of the
(3) No Panchayat servant shall, in any radio broadcast or in any
document, publish anonymously or in his name of any other person
or in any communication to the press or in any public utterance in
any public place make any statement of fact or opinion:
(i) which has the effect of an adverse criticism of any current or
recent policy or action of the Government or any other Government
in India or of any panchayat in the State of Gujarat, or;

which is capable of embrassing the relations between

Government of India and the Government of any foreign State or
between the Government and a Panchayat or between different
Provided that nothing in this rules shall apply to any statements
made or views expressed by a panchayat servant in his official
capacity in due performance of the duties assigned to him

Section 8

(1) Save as provided in sub-rule (3) no panchayat servant shall,

except with the previous sanction of the panchayat, give evidence
in connection with any enquiry conducted by any person,
committee or authority,
(2) Where any sanction has been accorded under sub-rule (1) no
panchayat servant giving such evidence shall criticise the policy or
any action of the Government or of any other Government in India
or of a panchayat in the State of Gujarat.
(3) Nothing in this rule shall apply to

(a) evidence given at an enquiry before an authority appointed by

the Government, by Parliament or by a State Legislature or by a

panchayat, or,

(b) evidence given in any judicial inquiry or,
(c) evidence given at and department enquiry ordered by the
Government or by an authority sub-ordinate to the Government or
by a panchayat or, as the case may be, by a competent authority in
a panchayat

Section 9

No panchayat servant shall, except with the previous sanction of

the relevant district panchayat or of such authority as may be
empowered by it in this behalf, ask for or accept contributions to or
othelwise associate himself with the raising of any fund in
pursuance of any object whatsoever.

Section 10

(1) Save as otherwise provided in these rules, a panchayat servant

shall not, except with the previous sanction of the relevant district
panchayat, accept or permit his wife or any other member of his
family to accept from any person any gift of more than a trifling
Provided that- Gifts of a value, reasonable in all circumstances of
the case may be accepted from relations and personal friends or
presented to such persons on occasions such as wedding,
anniversaries, funerals and religious functions when the making or
receiving of such gifts is in conformity with the prevailing religious
or social customs but acceptance of such gifts other th in these of a
trifling value be reported, to the relevant district panchayat ard the
gifts shall be disposed of in such manner the said district panchayat
may direct.
Explanation.-For the purpose of this sub-rule, any trowel, key or
ofier similar articles, offered to a panchayat servant at the laying of
the fo indation stone or the opening of a public or panchayat
building or any ceremonial function, shall be deemed to be a gift.
(2) If a question arises whether any gifts is of a trifling value or
not, or where a panchayat is in any doubt whether a gift offered to
him is of a triffling value or not, a reference shall be made to the
relevant district panchayat by such servant and the decision of the
said district panchayat thereof shall be final.
Explanation.-Whether or not a gift should be treated as of a triffling

value shall depend on, who the the donor is and the circumstances

in which the gift is made. A gift exceeding in value equal to l/20th
of the monthly emoluments of a panchayat servant or Rs. 20
whichever is less, from a person who is not his relative or his
personal friend shall ordinarily be regarded as a gift not of triffling
value. Gifts from relatives and personal friends upto the value of
l/8th of the monthly emoluments of the panchayat servant or Rs.
50 whichever is less, or even upto the value of one half of such
emoluments or Rs. 200 whichever is less, on special occasions such
as mentioned in the proviso to sub-rule (1), may be regarded as of
triffling value

Section 11

(1) Save as otherwise provided in this rule, a panchayat servant

shall not, except with the previous sanction of the relevant district
(a) receive any complimentary or valedictory address or accept any
testimonial presented to him, or attend any public meeting or
entertainment held in his honour, or
(b) take part in the presentation of any complimentary or
valedictory address or a testimonial to any other panchayat servant
or to any person who had recently quitted panchayat service, or
attend any public meeting or entertainment held in honour of such
panchayat servant or person.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1)

(a) a panchayat servant may at the request of any public body or

panchayat, sit for a portrait, bust or statue not intended for
presentation to him;
(b) Subject to the provisions of any general or special order of the
relevant district panchayat a panchayat servant may attend a
farewell entertainment of a substantially private and informal
character held as a mark of regard to himself or to some other
panchayat servant or to a person who has recently quitted the
panchayat service on the occasion of the retirement from the
service l'or departure from a district or station of himself or such
other panchayat servant

Section 12

Panchayat servants shall not enter into any pecuniary

arrangements for the resignation by one of them of any office
under a panchayat for the benefit of the others. Should this rule be
infrigned, any nomination or appointment consequent upon such
resignation shall be cancelled and such parties to the arrangement
as are still in the service, will be, suspended pending the orders of
the Government

Section 13

(1) No panchayat servant shall, except with the previous s auction

of the relevant district panchayat, engage directly or indirectly in
any trade or business or undertake any employ- ment;
Provided that a panchayat servant may, without such sanction,
under take honorary work of a social or charitable nature or
occasional work of a literary, artistic or scientific character, subject
to the condition that his official duties do not thereby suffer; but he
shall not undertake, or shall discontinue, such work if so directed
by the district panchayat.
Explanation.- Canvassing by a panchayat servant in support of the
business of an insurance agency, or commission agency, etc.,
owned or managed by his wife or any other member of his family
shall be deemed to be a breach of this sub-rule.
(2) No panchayat servant shall without the previous sanction of the
relevant district panchayat except in the discharge of his official
duties, take part in the registration, promotion or management of
any bank or other company which is required to be registered
under Companies Act, 1956 (I of 1956) or any other law for time
being in force or any co-operative society for commercial purpose:
Provided, that a panchayat servant may take part in the
registration, promotion or management of a cooperative society
substantially for the benefit of panchayat servants registered under
the Gujarat Co-operative Socieues Act, 1961, or any other law for
the time being in force, or of literary, scientific of charitable society
registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860)
or any corresponding law in force.

Section 14

(1)No panchayat servant s-hall speculate in any investment.

Explanation -The habitual purchase or sale of securities, a

notoriously, fluctuating value shall be deemed to be speculation in

investment within the meaning of this sub-rule.
(2) No panchayat servant shall make or permit his wife or any
member of his family to make any investment likely to embarass or
influence him in the discharge of his official duties,
(3) If any question arises whether a security or investment is of the
nature referred to in sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2), the decision of
the relevant district panchayat thereon shall be final.
(4) No panchayat servant shall, except with the previous sanction
of the relevant district panchayat, lend money to any person
possessing land or valuable property within the local limits of his
authority or at interest to any person :
Provided that a pancliayat servant may make an advance of pay to
a private servant or give a loan of small amount free of interest to
a personal friend or relative even if such person possesses land
within the local limits of his authority.
(5) No panchayat servant shall, save in the ordinary course of
business with a bank or a firm of standing borrow money from, or
otherwise place himself under pecuniary obligation to, any person
within the local limits of his authority or any other person with
whom he is likely to have official dealings, nor shall he permit any
member of his family, except with the previous sanction of the
relevent district panchayat, to en;er into any such transaction:
Provided that a panchayat servant may accept a purely temporary
loan of a small amount, free of interest, from a personal friend or
relative or operate a credit account with a bonafide tradesman.
(6) When a panchayat servant is appointed or transferred to a post
of such a nature as to involve him, in the breach of any of the
provisions of sub-rule (5), he shall forthwith report the
circumstances to the relevant district panchayat and shall
thereafie{ act in accordance with such orders as may be passed by
such district panchayat :
Provided that this rule, in so far as it relates to the lending to or
borrowing by a panchayat servant from a Co-operative Society
registered under the Gujarat Co-operative Societies Act, 1961 (Guj.
X of 1962) shall be subject to any general or special restriction or
relaxation made or permitted by the District Panchayat

Section 15

(1) When a panchayat servant is adjudged or declared an insolvent

or when a moiety of the silary of such panchayat servant is
constantly being attached, or has been continuously under
attachment for a period exceeding two years, or is attached for a
sum, which in ordinary circumstances cannot be repaid within a
period of two years, tie shall be liable to be dismissed,
(2) In such cases, the matter shall be reported to the relevant
district panchayat or to such authority as the district panchayat
may by general or special order direct.
(3) Where a moiety of the salary of a panchayat servant is
attached, the report shall show what is the proportion of his debts
to the salary, how far they detract from the debtor's efficiency as a
panchayat servant whether the debtor's position is irretrievable,
and whether, in the circumstances of the case, it is desirable to
retain him in the post occupied by him at the time wnen the matter
is brought to the notice or any other post in pancha- yat service.
(4) In every case under this rule, the burden of proving that the
insolvency or indebtedness is the result of circumstances which,
with the exercise of ordinary diligence, the debtor could not have
foreseen or over which he had no control and has not proceeded
from extravagant or dissipated habits, shall be upon the debtor.

Section 16

(1) A member of the panchayat service shall not, except with the

previous permission of relevant district panchayat or of the
authority as may have been empowered in this behalf by such
district panchayat, acquire or dispose of any immovable property by
mortgage, purchase, sale or gift in his own or in the name of any
member of his family:
Provided that this sub-rule shall not apply to the bonafide purchase
of property by a member of panchayat service for the purpose of
bonafide residence, if the fact of such a purchase has been notified
to the immediate superior who sha'l communicate the same to the
district panchayat.
(2) The district Panchayat, or the authority as may have been
empowered in this behalf by such district panchayat, shall ordinarily
convey the orders within the period of two months from the date of

application for grant of permission and if no orders are received

within this period, the applicant may complete the transaction by
assuming that the permission has been granted;
(3) A member of the panchayat service who enters into any
transaction concerning any movable property exceeding Rs. 500
invalue whether by way of purchase, sale or otherwise shall
forthwith report transaction to the district panchayat:
Provided that no member of the panchayat service shall enter into
any such transaction exceeding Rs. 1,000 in value except with or
through a regular or reputed dealer or agent of standing or with
the previous permission of the district panchayat or of the authority
empowered by it in this behalf.
(4) The district panchayat or the authority as may have been
empowered in this behalf by such district panchayat shall ordinarily
convey the order within a period of one month from the date of the
application and in case no orders are received within this period,
the permission may be deemed to have been granted :
Explanation-For the purpose of this Rule the expression, "movable
property" shall include,
(a) Jwellery, insurance policies, share, securities and debentures;
(b) motor cars, motor cycles, horses or any other means of conve

yance; and

(c) refrigerators, radios and radiograms.
(5) The district panchayat or the authority empowered by it in this
behalf may, at any time, by general or special order require any
member of the panchayat service or members of any class of the
panchayat service to submit within a period specified in the order, a
full and complete statement of movable or immovable property
held or acquired by him or by any member of his family, and the
means by which or the sources from which such property was
acquired, and may further require the submission of a yearly return
in such form as the district panchayat or the said authority may

Section 17

Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 12, no member of a

Panchayat Service shall, except with the permission in writing of
the panchayat he is serving, purchase or bid independently, either

in person or by agent, or jointly with others, in his own name or in

the name of a member of his family, for any movable or immovable
property auctioned or offered for sale by a panchayat in the district
in which in he is serving.

Section 18

A member of Panchayat Service shall not act as an arbitrator in any

case which is likely to come before him in any shape by virtue ofthe
post he may be holding.

Section 19

(1) A panchayat servant shall not, without the previous sanction of
the panchayat he is serving, have, recourse to any Court or to the
Press for the vindication of his official acts or character from
defamatory attacks. In granting sanction to recourse to a Court, the
panchayat shall in each case decide whether it will itself bear the
costs of the proceedings, or whether the panchayat servant shall
institute the proceedings at his own expense and if so, whether in
the event of a decision in his favour the panchayat shall reimburse
him to the extent of the whole or any part of the cost incurred by
him in excess of the costs and damages, if any, awarded to him by
the Court.
(2) When a panchayat, agree to bear the costs of criminal or civil
litigation instituted by a panchayat servant only the excess if any,
of such costs over the amount that may be awarded by the court to
the panchayat servant by way of compensation, damages or costs
shall be borne by such panchayat. In according sanction to the
institution of such litigation, it shall be expressly stated that the
amount of any compensation, damages or costs which may be
awarded to the plaintiff or complainant shall be first set off against
the cost incurred by the panchayat and only the balance, if any
shall be retained by him.
(3) Nothing in this rule shall limit or otherwise affect the right of
any panchayat servant to vindicate his private acts or character

Section 20

No panchayat servant shall bring "or attempt to bring any political

or other outside influence to bear upon any superior authority to
further his interests in respect ofmatters pertaining to his service
under the panchayat.

Section 21

(1) No panchayat servant who has a wife living shall contract

another marriage without first obtainlig the permission of the
relevant district panchayat or the authority empowered by it in this
behalf notwithstanding that such subsequent marriage is
permissible under the personal law for the time being applicable to
(2) No female panchayat servant shall marry any person who has a
wife living without first obtaining the permission of the relevant
district panchayat or the authority empowered by it in this behalf
notwithstanding that such marriage is permissible under the
personal law for the time being applicable to her.

Section 22


(a) A district Panchayat may, after such inquiry as it deems fit,
grant recognition to an association of panchayat servants other
than the associations specified in clauses (b) and (c), if in its
opinion such association has complied with the conditions specified
in Appendix A (in the Panchayats and Health Department).
(b) The State Government in the Panchayats and Health
Department may after such inquiry as it deems fit grant recognition
to a State-wide association of Panchayat servants with membership
extending to all the districts in the State or a federation of
associations if in its opinion such association or federation has
complied with the conditions specified in Appendix B.
(c) The State Government in the Education and Labour Department
may, after such inquiry as it deems fit, grant recognition to a State
wide association with membership extending to all the districts in
the State or federation of Primary Teachers serving under the
District Panchayats or Taluka Panchayats if in its opinion such
association or federation has complied with the conditions specified
in the Appendix B.
(2) An association or federation to which recognition is granted
under sub-rule (1) shall be a recognised association or federation.
(3) The State Government or the District Panchayat may cancel the
recognition of an association or federation to which recognition is

granted by it under sub-rule (1): (a) if the District Panchayat or the State Government is satisfied


such recognition was granted under any mistake,

misrepresentation or fraud, or
(b) if after giving an opportunity to the association or federation to
be heard, the District Paiichayat or the State Government is of the
opinion that 

(i) the association or federation has committed breach of any of the

conditions specified in the Appendix A or Appendix B; or
(ii) it is not in the interest of the Panchayat service to continue to
recognised the association or federation.
(4) An association or federation which is not a recognised
association shall not be entitled to submit any representation or
memorial or send any deputation in respect of any matter affecting
panchayat servant or a class of such servants.

Section 23

N o panchayat servant shall participate in the activities of or be

associated with any institution whose membership is confined to
the members of a particular community or class of communities
notwithstanding the fact that the Institution is of social or an
educational nature.
Explanation.-In case of doubt, whether the membership of any
Institution, comes within the scope of this rule, or otherwise, the
decision of the relevant district panchayat shall be final

Section 24

No panchayat servant shall except with previous sanction of the

relevant district Panchayat, associate his own name or allow it to be
associated with any Public Institutions like Libraries, Hospitals,
Schools and Roads or sush objects as shields, trophies, prizes,
medals and cups. A panchayat servant shall also not allow any
member of his family living with or wholly dependent on him to
associate his name with any such Institution or object


. :

24A(1) The general questions affecting the conditions of service

(including welfare, improvement of efficiency and standared of

work) of the Panchayat servants shall be dealt with in accordance

with the scheme as set out in Appendix C.
(2) In the event of any dispute pertaining to any class of panchayat
servants being referred to arbitration under the said scheme, the
award made therein shall be binding on all the servants belonging
to that class.
1. R. 24-A inserted vide G.G. Gaz. Ext. Pt-I-A, 4-5-1985, P. 47-1

Section 25

If any question arises relating to the interpretation of these rules, it

shall be referred to the State Government whose decision thereon
shall be final

Section 26

Any rules corresponding to these rules in force immediately before

the commencement of these rules and applicable to the panchayat
servants to whom these rules apply, are hereby repealed:
Provided that any order made or action under the rules so repealed,
shall be deemed to have been made or taken under the
corresponding provisions of these rules