Section 7 of Gujarat Panchayat Services Rules, 1964

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(1) A panchayat servant shall not unless generally or specially

empowered by the concerned panchayat in this behalf,
communicate directly or indirectly or panchayat servant belonging
to other panchayats or to non- official persons or to the press any
document or information which has come into bis possession in the
course of the performance of his duties in connection with the
affairs of the panchayat or has been prepared or collected by him in
the course of those duties whether from official source or otherwise.

(2) Panchayat servant shall not. without the previous sanction of

the relevant district panchayat, become the proprietor in whole or
in part, or conduct or participate in the editing or manngement, of
any newspaper or other periodical publication. Such sanction shall
be given only in the case of a newspaper or publication mainly
devoted to matters not of a political character, and Blayatany time
be withdrawn at the discretion of the said district punchayat:
Provided that the provisions of this rule shall not apply to any
publication of a panchayat, published by or under the orders of the
(3) No Panchayat servant shall, in any radio broadcast or in any
document, publish anonymously or in his name of any other person
or in any communication to the press or in any public utterance in
any public place make any statement of fact or opinion:
(i) which has the effect of an adverse criticism of any current or
recent policy or action of the Government or any other Government
in India or of any panchayat in the State of Gujarat, or;

which is capable of embrassing the relations between

Government of India and the Government of any foreign State or
between the Government and a Panchayat or between different
Provided that nothing in this rules shall apply to any statements
made or views expressed by a panchayat servant in his official
capacity in due performance of the duties assigned to him