Section 16 of Gujarat Panchayat Services Rules, 1964

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(1) A member of the panchayat service shall not, except with the

previous permission of relevant district panchayat or of the
authority as may have been empowered in this behalf by such
district panchayat, acquire or dispose of any immovable property by
mortgage, purchase, sale or gift in his own or in the name of any
member of his family:
Provided that this sub-rule shall not apply to the bonafide purchase
of property by a member of panchayat service for the purpose of
bonafide residence, if the fact of such a purchase has been notified
to the immediate superior who sha'l communicate the same to the
district panchayat.
(2) The district Panchayat, or the authority as may have been
empowered in this behalf by such district panchayat, shall ordinarily
convey the orders within the period of two months from the date of

application for grant of permission and if no orders are received

within this period, the applicant may complete the transaction by
assuming that the permission has been granted;
(3) A member of the panchayat service who enters into any
transaction concerning any movable property exceeding Rs. 500
invalue whether by way of purchase, sale or otherwise shall
forthwith report transaction to the district panchayat:
Provided that no member of the panchayat service shall enter into
any such transaction exceeding Rs. 1,000 in value except with or
through a regular or reputed dealer or agent of standing or with
the previous permission of the district panchayat or of the authority
empowered by it in this behalf.
(4) The district panchayat or the authority as may have been
empowered in this behalf by such district panchayat shall ordinarily
convey the order within a period of one month from the date of the
application and in case no orders are received within this period,
the permission may be deemed to have been granted :
Explanation-For the purpose of this Rule the expression, "movable
property" shall include,
(a) Jwellery, insurance policies, share, securities and debentures;
(b) motor cars, motor cycles, horses or any other means of conve

yance; and

(c) refrigerators, radios and radiograms.
(5) The district panchayat or the authority empowered by it in this
behalf may, at any time, by general or special order require any
member of the panchayat service or members of any class of the
panchayat service to submit within a period specified in the order, a
full and complete statement of movable or immovable property
held or acquired by him or by any member of his family, and the
means by which or the sources from which such property was
acquired, and may further require the submission of a yearly return
in such form as the district panchayat or the said authority may