Section 22 of Gujarat Panchayat Services Rules, 1964

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(a) A district Panchayat may, after such inquiry as it deems fit,
grant recognition to an association of panchayat servants other
than the associations specified in clauses (b) and (c), if in its
opinion such association has complied with the conditions specified
in Appendix A (in the Panchayats and Health Department).
(b) The State Government in the Panchayats and Health
Department may after such inquiry as it deems fit grant recognition
to a State-wide association of Panchayat servants with membership
extending to all the districts in the State or a federation of
associations if in its opinion such association or federation has
complied with the conditions specified in Appendix B.
(c) The State Government in the Education and Labour Department
may, after such inquiry as it deems fit, grant recognition to a State
wide association with membership extending to all the districts in
the State or federation of Primary Teachers serving under the
District Panchayats or Taluka Panchayats if in its opinion such
association or federation has complied with the conditions specified
in the Appendix B.
(2) An association or federation to which recognition is granted
under sub-rule (1) shall be a recognised association or federation.
(3) The State Government or the District Panchayat may cancel the
recognition of an association or federation to which recognition is

granted by it under sub-rule (1): (a) if the District Panchayat or the State Government is satisfied


such recognition was granted under any mistake,

misrepresentation or fraud, or
(b) if after giving an opportunity to the association or federation to
be heard, the District Paiichayat or the State Government is of the
opinion that 

(i) the association or federation has committed breach of any of the

conditions specified in the Appendix A or Appendix B; or
(ii) it is not in the interest of the Panchayat service to continue to
recognised the association or federation.
(4) An association or federation which is not a recognised
association shall not be entitled to submit any representation or
memorial or send any deputation in respect of any matter affecting
panchayat servant or a class of such servants.