Section 21 of West Bengal Appropriation Act, 1981

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Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Executive Council shall exercise the following powers and perform the following functions:— (i) to initiate proposals for the making of Statutes and Ordinances including proposals for amendment orrepeal thereof, in the manner hereinafter provided; (ii) to recommend to the Court, after consulting the respective Faculty Councils, the establishment of University Departments, institutions, institutes, centres, libraries and museums for study and research; (iii) to maintain University Departments, University Institutions, University libraries and University museums; (iv) to establish, maintain, manage and recognize halls and hostels; (v) to direct the inspection of University libraries, University museums, halls and hostels; (vi) to recommend to the Court, after consulting the respective Faculty Councils, the institution of fellowships, 356 The Rabindra Bharati Act, 1981. XXXVI of 1981.] (Chapter 111.—Authorities of the University.—Section 21.) travelling fellowships, scholarships, studentships, bursaries, exhibitions, medals and prizes, the expenses of which shall be met from the University Fund, and to award the same after institution thereof by the University; (vii) to recommend to the Court, after consulting the respective Faculty Councils, the creation and institution of Professorships, Readerships, Lectureships and such posts as may be necessary for the establishment of the University Departments, institutions, institutes, centres, libraries and museums referred to in clause (i) of sub section (1) of section 18; (viii) to create, with the approval of the State Government, posts of officers, Teachers and other employees of the University or to recommend to the Court for creation of posts of officers and Teachers of the University; (ix) to prescribe the minimum qualifications for posts of officers, Teachers and other employees of the University; (x) to appoint Teachers, officers and other employees of the University and to fix their emoluments and define their duties and other terms and conditions of service in accordance with the Statutes and the Ordinances and to suspend, discharge or otherwise punish in accordance With the Statutes and the Ordinances such Teachers, officers and other employees; (xi) to pass appropriate orders after considering the recommendation of the respective Faculty Council regarding affiliation of a college, institution, institute or centre in one or more subjects or withdrawal of affiliation or recognition of a college, institution, institute or centre or temporary take over of the management of an affiliated or a recognized college, institution, institute or centre; (xii) to make draft of Statutes, on the recommendation of the respective Faculty Council, for colleges, other than Government Colleges, prescribing the constitution, powers and functions of their Governing Bodies; (xi ii) to determine, with the approval of the State Government, the terms and conditions of service of Librarians and non-teaching staff; 357 The Rabindra Bharati Act, 1981. (Chapter 111.—Authorities of the University.—Section 21.) [West Ben. Act (xiv) to make rules for Teachers' Councils for colleges and, with the approval of the State Government, rules for provident fund for colleges; (xv ) to prescribe and collect fees or charges for the registration of students and their admission to courses of studies organised by the University, for holding examinations, for the grant of degrees, diplomas and certificates, and for other like purposes; (xvi) to recommend to the Court, after consulting the respective Faculty Councils, the institution of degrees, titles, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions; (xvii) to recommend to the Court, on the advice of the appropriate body, the conferment of degrees, titles, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions on persons who have pursued the prescribed courses of studies or have been exempted therefrom in the prescribed manner, and have passed such examinations, or have carried on research under such conditions, as may be prescribed; (xviii) to recommend to the Court the conferment of honorary degrees and other academic distinctions; (xix) to approve the constitution or reconstitution of the respective department of teaching in the University on the recommendation of the respective Faculty Council; (xx) to make regulations regarding the courses of studies and the division of subjects after obtaining and considering the recommendation of the Faculty Councils in this regard; (xxi) to make regulations regarding the examinations which shall be recognized as the equivalent examinations held by the University; (xxii) to make regulations regarding the conduct of examinations held by the University and the conditions under which students may be admitted to the different courses of studies of and the examinations held by the University; (xxiii) to make regulations regarding all other matters which may be or are required to be prescribed or provided for by regulations; 358 The Rabindra Bharati Act, 1981. XXXVI of 1981.] (Chapter 111.—Authoraies of the University.—Section 21.) (xxiv) to provide for co-operation and reciprocity among colleges, institutions, and centres and the University so as to foster the development of academic life and to ensure the fullest utilisation of the teaching resources available on the recommendation of the respective Faculty Council; (xxv) to give directions regarding the form, custody and use of the common seal of the University; (xxvi) to acquire, hold and dispose of property, movable and immovable, and to administer all assets, properties and funds of the University, and to undertake all measures necessary or desirable for the conservation or augmentation of the resources of the University: Provided that for the purpose of disposing of any property valued at not less than one lakh of rupees, previous approval of the Court shall be necessary; (xxvii) to accept and administer gifts, endowments and benefactions for the furtherance of the purposes of this Act; (xxviii) to accept grants and with the approval of the State Government, to raise or accept loans on behalf of the University and to make grants or advances from the University Fund or other special funds maintained by the University; (xxix) to enter into an agreement with the State Government or with the approval of the State Government with any other Government or with any person, body or authority for the taking over by the University of the management of any college, institution, institute or centre, including its assets and liabilities, or for any other purpose not repugnant to the provisions of this Act on the recommendation of the Faculty Council concerned; (xxx) to manage the Press Establishment, the Publication Bureau and the Employment Bureau of the University, if any, and to exercise general supervision over Students' Unions, University Extension Boards, University Sports Board and other bodies instituted by the University; (xxxi) to approve the Annual Statement of Accounts, the Audit Report in respect of the Annual Statement of Accounts, the Internal Audit Report and the Annual Budget of the University and to submit the same to the Court for consideration; 359 The Rabindra Bharati Act, 1981. (Chapter 111.—Authorines of the University.—Section 22.) [West Ben. Act (xxxii) to prepare the annual report and submit the same to the Court for consideration; (xxxi i) to make due provisions for the health, welfare, residence and discipline of students and their relationship with the University and to provide for such other training of students as may be considered desirable; (xxxiv) to co-operate with other universities, institutions, associations, societies or bodies on such terms and for such purposes, not inconsistent with the purposes of this Act, as it may determine; (xxxv) to make rules for the transaction of its own business; (xxxvi) to exercise all other powers and perform all other functions conferred and imposed on the Executive Council by or under this Act; (xxxvii) to exercise general supervision over the Faculty Councils and give such directions to these Councils for the due discharge of their respective duties as it may consider necessary.