Section 23 of West Bengal Appropriation Act, 1981

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Subject to the provisions of this Act, and the Statutes, the Ordinances 

and the Regulations, a Faculty Council shall exercise the following powers and perform the following functions:— (i) to make proposals to the Executive Council for the establishment of the University Departments, institutions, institutes, centres, libraries and museums for, study and research to be maintained by. the University; (ii) to recommend to the Executive Council the affiliation of a college, institution or institute in one or more subjects; (iii) to re‘Commendito the Executive Couticil the creation and institution of Professorship's, Readet-ships, Lectureships and other teaching posts and the duties and emoluments thereof; (iv) to make proposals to the Executive Council for the proinotion of research and through special committees, if any, constituted for the purpose, to call for reports on such research work from persons engaged therein, and to make recommendations to the Executive Council thereof; (v) to recommend to the Executive Council the minimum qualifications for the posts of Teachers of the University; (vi) to make proposals to the Executive Council regarding provisions to be made for enabling the University to undertake specialisation of studies and for organisation of libraries, museums, institutes of research and other institutions or institutes, maintained by the University; (vii) i ) to make proposals to the Executive Council for constituting or reconstituting the departments of teaching in the University; (viii) to make provisions for lectures and instructions for students of affiliated colleges, institutions, institutes and University Departments, and also for other persons who are not such students; Powers and functions of the Faculty Council. 361 The Rabindra Bharati Act, 1981. (Chapter [LL—Authorities of the University.—Section 23.) [West Ben. Act (ix) to advise the Executive Council on the institution of degrees, titles, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions; (x) to fix the date of commencement of, and to hold and conduct, subject to general supervision by the Executive Council, University examinations at the post-graduate and undergraduate stages and to approve and publish the results thereof in accordance with the regulations made in this behalf; (xi) to provide for the inspection or the investigation into the affairs of University Departments and submit report to the Executive Council; (xii) to provide for the inspection or the investigation into the affairs of the affiliated college, institutions or institutes recognised by the University and submit report to the Executive Council and to exercise general supervision and control over them; (xiii) to have general supervision over the Boards of Studies attached to the Faculty Council; (xiv) to frame rules relating to the courses of post-graduate and undergraduate studies and division of subjects in regard thereto and to recommend to the Executive Council the making of regulations in this behalf; (xv) to recommend to the Executive Council the disaffiliation or withdrawal of affiliation of any college, institution or institute in respect of any subject or subjects, if on receipt of written report from a team of Inspectors appointed by the University, the Faculty Council is of opinion that proper standard of teaching is not maintained or conditions of affiliation are not properly fulfilled or the results of the candidates sent up by the college, institution or institute for any examination are unsatisfactory or the college, institution or institute fails to comply w ith the directives of the Faculty Council; (xvi) to recommend to the Executive Council the temporary take over of the management of an affiliated or recognized college, institution or institute, other than a Government College, in order to ensure that proper standard of teaching, training or instruction is maintained therein; 362 The Rabindra Bharati Act, 1981. XXXVI of 1981.] (Chapter 111.—Authorities of the University.—Section 24.) (xvii) to recommend to the Executive Council the dissolution of the Governing Body of an affiliated college, institution or institute, other than a Government College, and pending reconstitution of the Governing Body, the appointment of an Administrator or an ad hoc Governing Body; (xviii) to appoint, if required by the Executive Council, after considering the views of the Boards of Studies attached to the Faculty Council, Boards of Examiners in the subject or subjects relating to post-graduate and undergraduate studies including the subjects for doctoral thesis and for prizes and medals; (x x) to call for such reports or information as the Faculty Council may consider necessary for efficient discharge. of its duties from the teaching departments, research units or Boards of Studies; (xx) to consider any educational matter relating to the Faculty Council and to arrive at decisions or make recommendations pertaining thereto to the appropriate authority or officer; (xxi) to maintain contact with other Faculty Councils for the purpose of sharing ideas and ensuring co-ordination; (xxii) to submit each year its annual report to the Executive Council; (xxiii) to make rules for the transaction of its own business; (xxiv) to exercise all other powers and perform all other fiLnctions conferred and imposed on it by or under this Act; • (xxv) to delegate to the teaching•departments, research units, and Boards of Studies attached to it the responsibility for such academic matters as respectively concern such departments, units and Boards; (xxvi) to recommend to the ExecutiYe Council the conferment of degrees, diplomas and certificates.