Section 5 of Karnataka Prohibition Order, 1965

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(1) Part I of the permit shall be kept on the record in the Deputy

Commissioner's Office; Part II of the permit shall be sent by post to
the Deputy Commissioner or Chief Prohibition and/or Excise
Authority of the District from where the intoxicant is to be
transported; Part III shall be handed over to the transporter or to
the person authorised by him to receive it; and Part IV shall be
sent to the Prohibition and/or Excise Officer having jurisdiction over
the place to which the intoxicant is to be transported.
(2) The transporter or his agent at the place from which the
intoxicant has to be transported shall present his copy of the
transport permit with an application to the Deputy Commissioner
having jurisdiction over the licensed premises (in case such licensed
premises are situated in a different District) from which the
intoxicants have to be transported. On receipt of this application
t h e Deputy Commissioner if he sees no objection, will after
comparing it with the copy of transport permit received by him
authorise the transport of the intoxicants mentioned in the
transport permit by making suitable endorsement on the copy of
the permit presented by the transporter. In cases where the
transport is from one place to another place in the same District,
Part II of the permit shall be sent to the Prohibition and/or Excise
Officer having jurisdiction over the place from which the intoxicant
is to be transported, and he will endorse on the transporter's copy
of the permit his permission approving the transport after
comparing the transporters copy of the transport permit with the
copy received by him