Advocatespedia:Today's featured article/August 30, 2024

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Revision as of 15:11, 24 August 2024 by Advocatespedia (talk | contribs) (Created page with "200px|left My name is Svitlana Hoskin. You can call me Lana. I wanted to be a lawyer because law felt good and satisfying for my brain. I felt empowered by holding the knowledge that stems from early civilizations, evolved with centuries of human societies. My journey as an Attorney at Law lasted only 11 years, including law school (Master in Law) and working as a corporate lawyer at several Ukrainian organizations, including the Toyota branch in...")
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My name is Svitlana Hoskin. You can call me Lana. I wanted to be a lawyer because law felt good and satisfying for my brain. I felt empowered by holding the knowledge that stems from early civilizations, evolved with centuries of human societies. My journey as an Attorney at Law lasted only 11 years, including law school (Master in Law) and working as a corporate lawyer at several Ukrainian organizations, including the Toyota branch in the City of Odesa, Ukraine. I also passed the State Exam to become a civil court judge, and my name was placed in the pool of future judges. In 2006, I chose to leave my profession and Ukraine to move to the USA (the country with the most democratic Constitution, as my Law professor praised it). Unfortunately, my law degree could be accepted only through a bachelor’s degree. I decided to focus my attention on my family (after feeling burned out from practicing law in Ukraine) because I was scared of the most challenging law language that felt to me like a fourth foreign language I had to learn in addition to English. Now, I am a licensed mental health therapist practicing in Idaho. I also help high achievers to release trauma from the body and regulate the nervous system without talk therapy.

Svitlana Hoskin @lanahoskin