Section 8 of Madhya Pradesh Electricity Supply Code 2004

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CHAPTER 8: METERS Requirement of Meters 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 No new connection shall be given without a Meter and cut-out or a Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) or Circuit Breaker (CB) of appropriate specification from the date of issue of this Code. All consumers shall have to accept the installation of an appropriate metering device, load-limiter, tamper proof boxes or other apparatus when the licensee approaches them to install one, and the consumer shall be required to provide appropriate and suitable site for placement of meter and related equipments to the satisfaction of the licensee. In case of HT supply, if HT metering cannot be readily provided, LT metering may be provided on the LT side of the consumer’s transformer. In such cases, electrical quantities for billing purposes shall be computed by adding three percent to the quantities registered by the LT meter towards transformation loss. This arrangement shall not continue for more than three months and the licensee shall arrange to install a meter on the HT side of the transformer within the said period. If supply to an HT or EHT consumer is given on an independent feeder for his exclusive use, the metering arrangement may be installed either at the consumer’s premises or, if mutually agreed, at the Licensee’s Sub station. The licensee is authorised to review the status of the meters already installed in the context of upgraded technology becoming available and suitability of the site where meter is placed in the consumer’s premises. The licensee may install remote metering device in the consumer premises as per the technical requirements of the specific device and in such cases the consumers shall provide access to the meter through his telephone line. The licensee may also install maximum demand (MD) meter having MD recording feature or such additional features in the consumer’s premises. The licensee is also authorised to install ‘check meter’ at one consumer’s location or for a group of consumers. In case the difference in consumption recorded by the ‘check meter’ and the ‘billing meter’ is found to be more than permissible limits, the licensee shall be free to install the billing meter on electricity pole or pillar boxes after giving due intimation in writing to the consumer. The licensee shall inform such cases to the Commission. Supply and Installation of Meters and Cut-outs/ MCBs / CBs 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 The licensee shall supply the meter and metering equipments, cut-out/ MCB/ CB/ load limiter to consumers at the time of serving new service connection or at any other time as required. The licensee shall keep the meter in proper working condition and the consumer shall pay the monthly rent, if any, for the meter and metering equipments at the rate approved by the Commission. If the licensee fails to keep the meter or metering equipment in proper working condition, the consumer shall not be liable to pay the meter rent for the period the meter remains defective. Meter should be ordinarily fixed outside the premises in such a manner that it is protected from the elements (weather etc.) and can be read from outside without the need of meter reader to get the premises unlocked or opened for this purpose. In special situation, the licensee may permit the meter to be fixed at a place different from the one indicated above and this permission shall be accorded by the officer not below the rank of Assistant Engineer and shall be in writing. The consumer shall run his wiring from such point of supply. The meter box shall normally be mounted at such a height that meter reading counter/ display window is at eye level. In case of LT consumers meter and the cut-out/ MCB or, in case of HT /EHT consumers, meter, circuit breakers and its associated equipment including cables shall be installed by the Licensee at the point (s) of supply. All new meters should be installed in a tamper-proof meter box. The licensee shall prepare and implement a phased plan to install tamper-proof metering boxes for all the meters, which are at present installed without meter boxes. In case of semi-permanent (kuchha) houses the licensee shall ensure that the meter is properly fixed on a wall and is accessible to the meter reader. In case the consumer does not provide good quality wall for fixing the meter, the licensee shall be free to fix the meter on the electricity pole or in a pillar-box to be provided by the licensee. The licensee shall also ensure that the earthing of the installation is proper. In case meter is installed inside the premises the meter and other equipments of the licensee shall be placed very near to the point of entry of supplier’s line, so that the metering unit is visible from outside the premises and independent/ unobstructed entry to the meter or metering cubical can be provided. Wherever required the consumer shall provide and maintain at his expense a locked and weatherproof enclosure of a design to be approved by the licensee for the purpose of housing the licensee’s terminal high tension switchgear and equipment. 8.11 Whenever new meter/ metering equipment is installed (as a replacement or for a new connection), the meter shall be properly sealed on behalf of and in the presence of representatives of both the parties. Both the representatives, witness to the sealing shall affix their signatures on the specified documents mentioning their full name. The seal, name plates and distinguishing numbers or marks affixed on the meter and metering equipment shall not be broken, erased, altered or in any way interfered with by either party except in the presence of a duly authorised representative of the other party. 8.12 The consumer shall be responsible for safe custody of Meter(s), cut-outs/ MCB/ CB etc., except in cases where such meter(s), cut-outs/ MCB/ CB etc. are installed in the premises of the licensee. 8.13 The licensee shall submit a list of all the types of meters installed in its area of operation, to the Commission annually. The information shall include the specification of each type of meter and the total number of units of each type in use and in stock with the licensee. Testing of Meters 8.14 It shall be the responsibility of the licensee to satisfy himself regarding the accuracy of the meter before it is installed and may test them for this purpose. 8.15 The licensee shall also conduct periodical inspection/testing of the meters as per the following schedule: (a) (b) (c) Single phase meters: at least once every five years LT 3 phase meters: at least once every 3 years HT meters including MDI: at least once a year. Wherever practicable, CT and PT shall also be tested along with meters Records of these test results shall be maintained in accordance with Rule 57 of Indian Electricity Rules, 1956. If required, the licensee may remove the existing meter for the purpose of testing. The representatives of the licensee must, however, produce an authenticated notice to this effect and sign the document, mentioning his full name and designation, as a receipt, before removing the meter. The consumer shall not object to such removal. Defective Meters 8.16 The Licensee shall have the right to test any meter and related apparatus if there is a reasonable doubt about the accuracy of the meter, and the consumer shall provide the licensee necessary assistance in conduct of the test. The consumer shall be allowed to be present during the testing. 8.17 A consumer may request the licensee to test the meter, if he doubts its accuracy, by applying to the licensee along with the requisite testing fee. The licensee shall test the meter within 30 days of the receipt of the application. Preliminary testing of electronic meters can be carried out in the premises of the consumers through electronic testing equipment. 8.18 In all cases of testing of a meter in the laboratory, the consumer shall be informed of the proposed date of testing at least 7 days in advance, so that he may be present at the time of testing, personally or through an authorized representative. The signature of the consumer or his authorized representative, if present, shall be obtained on the Test Result Sheet. 8.19 If a consumer disputes the results of testing, he may make a representation to the Electrical Inspector till such time the licensee sets up independent meter testing facilities at convenient locations. The licensee shall endeavour to identify and develop these facilities in one year from the date of notification of this Code. Meter (Including Maximum Demand Indicator) Not Recording 8.20 The consumer is expected to intimate the licensee in writing, as soon as he notices that meter has stopped/ is not recording if the situation comes to his notice. The licensee shall acknowledge the intimation given by the consumer. 8.21 If during periodic or other inspection by the licensee, any meter is found to be not recording, or a consumer makes a complaint in this regard, the licensee shall arrange to test the meter within 7 days. In case of LT consumers the meter should be repaired/ replaced within 15 days in urban areas, and within 30 days in rural areas. In case of HT consumers, meter should be repaired/ replaced within 7 days