Roerich And Devikarani Roerich Estate Act, 2001

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Section 1

Short title and commencement: This section provides the title of the Act and specifies when it comes into force.

Section 2

Definitions: Key terms used in the Act, such as "Estate," "Committee," "Custodian," "Property," etc., are defined.

Section 3

Acquisition of the estate: Details the acquisition of the Roerich estate by the state government for its preservation and administration.

Section 4

General effect of the vesting of the estate in the State Government: Outlines the effect of the acquisition, including transfer of ownership rights to the state.

Section 5

Estate to be free from encumbrances: Specifies that once acquired, the estate will be free of any legal burdens, claims, or mortgages.

Section 6

Power of the Government to direct vesting of the estate in the Committee: Grants the state government the authority to transfer the management of the estate to a Committee formed for its preservation.

Section 7

Duty to deliver possession of property acquired and documents relating thereto: Mandates those in possession of the estate to hand over all relevant property and documents to the state.

Section 8

Estate not liable to attachment: Prevents any part of the estate from being attached in legal proceedings.

Section 9

Duty of the person in possession of the estate to furnish particulars: Requires those managing the estate prior to its acquisition to provide details of the property and its management.

Section 10

Penalty for willful withholding of property, etc.: Sets penalties for failing to comply with provisions such as withholding property or relevant documents.

Section 11

Power of entry for inspection, etc.: Grants authority to state officials to inspect the estate for its management and administration.

Section 12

Protection of action taken in good faith: Protects state officials or Committee members from legal action when performing duties in good faith.

Section 13

Special provisions for enforcement of claims by or against the estate: Addresses how claims involving the estate should be enforced or dealt with after acquisition.

Section 14

Power to remove difficulties: Gives the government the power to remove any practical or administrative difficulties in implementing the Act.

Section 15

Constitution of the Committee: Establishes the Roerich Estate Preservation Committee, specifying its composition and members.

Section 16

Functions of the Committee: Outlines the duties and responsibilities of the Committee in managing the estate.

Section 17

Powers of the Committee: Grants the Committee specific powers related to managing and maintaining the estate.

Section 18

Custodian of the estate: Provides for the appointment of a custodian responsible for the daily management of the estate under the Committee’s supervision.

Section 19

Meetings of the Committee: Details the procedures for calling and conducting Committee meetings.

Section 20

Terms and conditions of service of the Custodian: Specifies the terms and conditions under which the custodian is appointed.

Section 21

Annual report and budget: Requires the Committee to submit an annual report and budget related to the estate’s activities to the state government.

Section 22

Power to make rules: Grants the state government the power to make rules to carry out the purposes of the Act.

Section 23

Transfer of employees of the estate: Specifies the provisions for transferring any employees of the estate to the state government or Committee.

Section 24

Transfer of liabilities of the estate: Addresses how any liabilities of the estate prior to its acquisition will be dealt with.

Section 25

Bar of jurisdiction of civil courts: Excludes the jurisdiction of civil courts in matters concerning the estate covered by the Act.

Section 26

Officers and authorities to act in aid of the Custodian: Requires all officers and authorities of the state to assist the Custodian in managing the estate.

Section 27

Repeal and savings: Provides for the repeal of any previous conflicting laws and ensures that actions taken under previous laws are not invalidated.