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Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(): Fork failed: Resource temporarily unavailable Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(): Fork failed: Resource temporarily unavailable Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(): Fork failed: Resource temporarily unavailable


This template returns the current Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(): Fork failed: Resource temporarily unavailable minus (text in parentheses) or the final set of parentheses where more than one set exist.

e.g. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(): Fork failed: Resource temporarily unavailable on page Chiton (genus) returns Chiton

on Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) (album) returns Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)
on Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) returns Sweet Dreams
on Stadion der Freundschaft (Frankfurt (Oder)) returns Stadion der Freundschaft

Can also pass an optional page parameter:

  • {{PAGENAMEBASE|foo (bar)}} → "foo"
  • {{PAGENAMEBASE|foo bar}} → "foo bar"

It is not to be confused with {{BASEPAGENAME}}, which is a magic word that strips subpages, not parentheses.

See also