Advocatespedia:Today's featured article/October 3, 2024

From Advocatespedia

My name is Nicholas A. Pagliara, Esq. also known as LAW LION or the Workers Warrior. From a young age, I knew I was committed to being a fearless advocate for justice and equality. My resolve was tested in 6th grade when I witnessed and was personally bullied by an older and stronger 8th grader. Despite the intimidation, I refused to back down or allow him to intimidate me and took a stand to defend myself and others who were victims. I am the DefENDer of DISCRIMINATION, driven by a passion to ensure fairness for my clients. As such, my goal as a Plaintiff’s Litigation Trial lawyer is to fight to level the playing fields. My practice encompasses a wide range of practices. Whether, it being litigating against the police, against your employer who wrongfully terminates and discriminates to sexual assault cases. Even consumer cases against unscrupulous car dealers or insurance companies in personal injury cases. My approach to the law is guided by a central principal. My motto and common theme in all my cases is: Giving a voice to the voiceless and restoring the power to the powerless who were taken advantage of by the powerful. While a lawyer should not maintain personal attachment to a client’s case. I practice law differently. I take each client’s case personally as if it happened to myself. This allows me to zealously advocate. I consider my clients like family which allows me to fight harder and in turn they know I trust in them and their case. This gains a client for life. Employers, insurance companies, and law enforcement must be held accountable when they put profit/power over people.

Nicholas A. Pagliara, Esq. aka Law Lion Managing Attorney & CEO of Pagliara Law Group, P.A. @the_dapper_attorney @lawlion1