Delhi Agricultural Produce Marketing General Rules, 2000

From Advocatespedia

Section 1

Short title and commencement

Section 2


Section 3

Procedure for holding enquiry for considering objections and suggestions received under section 3 of the Act

Section 4

Allowances and other facilities admissible to the Chairman of the Board.

Section 5

Allowances and facilities admissible to the Vice-Chairman of the Board

Section 6

allowances to non-official members of the Board

Section 7

Allowances to members of the Committee

Section 8

Qualification of Agriculturist for nomination as a member of the committee

Section 9

Budget of the Board

Section 10

Budget of the Committee

Section 11

Accounts of the Board and Marketing Committees

Section 12

Maintenance of Accounts of the Board and Committee

Section 13

Remittance of contribution to Board and Committee

Section 14

Audit of Accounts

Section 15

Grant of Licences

Section 16

Cancellation and Suspension of licence

Section 17

Refusal to grant or renew a licence

Section 18

Renewal of licence and issue of duplicate thereof

Section 19

Prohibition against grant of certain licences

Section 20

Person exempted from taking licence

Section 21

Books to be kept by the licencee

Section 22

Procedure of appeal

Section 23

Appeal against Penalty

Section 24

Intimation about change of constitution of a firm etc.

Section 25

Employment of broker or commission agent not compulsory

Section 26

Sale of Agricultural Produce

Section 27

Appointment of disputes sub-committee and Arbitrator

Section 28

Settlement of Dispute

Section 29

Transactions of business by the Dispute Sub-Committee

Section 30


Section 31

Use of weighing instruments, weights and measures, their inspection and seizure

Section 32

Dispute regarding construction of rules and weight and measures

Section 33

Weigh-bridges, measuring yard and certificates of weighment or measurement

Section 34

Prevention of adulteration of agricultural produce

Section 35

Grading and standardisation of agricultural produce

Section 36

Incidental, Market Service, Weighment and delivery of Agricultural Produce Fees

Section 37

(1)The Marketing Committee to provide for certain matters

(II) Duties of Marketing Committee

Section 38

Levy or collection of fee on the sale of the Agricultural Produce

Section 39

Account of transaction and of fees to be maintained

Section 40

Procedure of Appeal

Section 41

. Inspection of Account of licence

Section 42

Preservation of the prescribed forms

Section 43

Power to order production of accounts, power of entry, inspection, seizure and stopping vehicles

Section 44


Section 45


Section 46

Interest payable by buyer

Section 47

Administrative Report

Section 48

Condition subject to which a committee may borrow loan from Government and grant loan to another Committee

Section 49

Copies of documents etc.

Section 50

Preservation of records

Section 51

Marketing Committee of National Importance

Section 52

Violation of Rules punishable

Section 53

hese rules shall supersede the Delhi Agricultural Produce Marketing (Regulation) (General) Rules, 1978.