Gujarat Repealing Act, 2000

From Advocatespedia

Section 1

Short title: This Act may be called the Gujarat Repealing Act, 2000.

Section 2

Definition: n this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, "Land Tenure Abolition Act" means an Act specified in Part I of the Schedule.

Section 3

Repeal of certain Acts: The Acts specified in the Schedule are hereby repealed.

Section 4


(1) Notwithstanding the repeal of Land Tenure Abolition Act (hereinafter).

in this sub-section and sub-section (2) referred to as "the said Act") by section 3,-

a) land made liable to payment of land revenue in accordance with the Bombay Land Revenue Code, 1879 and the rules made there Bom. V of 1879.

under by the said Act shall continue to be so liable, and

(b) the liability to pay land revenue levied under the said Code imposed on the holder of land by the said Act shall continue.

(2) The repeal of the said Act by section 3 shall not affect -

(a) any restriction imposed by the said Act on transfer of land; or

(b) the application of the provisions of the Bombay Tenancy and Bom.LXVII

Agricultural Lands Act, 1948 or, as the case may be, the Bombay of 1948.

Tenancy and Agricultural Lands (Vidarbha Region and Kutch Area) Bom.XCIX

Act, 1958, to any land or the relationship between holder of land or, of 1958.

as the case may be, landlord and his tenant made by the said Act.

(3) Without prejudice to the provisions contained in sub-sections (1) Bom. 1

and (2) and subject thereto, section 7 of the Bombay General Clauses of 1904.