Himachal Pradesh Civil Services Rules, 2007

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Section 1

1. Short Title And Commencement :- (1) These Rules may be called the Himachal Pradesh Civil Services (Premature Retirement) (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2007 (2) These Rules shall come into force form the date of publication in the Rajpatra, Himachal Pradesh.

Section 2

2. Insertion Of Third Proviso To Sub Rule (2) Of Rule 3 :- In the Himachal Pradesh Civil Services (Premature Retirement) Rules, 1976, after second proviso to sub rule (2) of Rule 3, the following third proviso shall be inserted, namely: " Provided further that Medical Officer (General Wing), Medical Officer (Dental), Block Medical Officer, Chief Medical Officer/Medical Superintendent/ Principal (Training), Members of the Himachal Pradesh Medical Education Service and Himachal Pradesh Medical Education Service and Himachal Pradesh Medical Education (Dental) Service seeking retirement under this Rule shall retire from service only after completion of minimum 30 years of service or 55 years of age, after such notice of three months has been accepted by the competent authority." S.S Parmar, General Secretary to the Government of Himachal Pradesh.