Hindu Transfers And Bequests Act, 1921

From Advocatespedia

Section 1

. Short Title, Extent, and Commencement Defines the title of the Act and its applicability to the territories of India.

Section 2


Provides definitions for terms such as "Hindu," "transfer," "bequest," and "property."

Section 3

Property Capable of Being Transferred Outlines what types of property can be transferred or bequeathed under the Act.

Section 4

Persons Competent to Transfer

Specifies who is competent to make a transfer of property (e.g., age and sound mind requirements).

Section 5

Modes of Transfer

Describes the various modes of transfer, including sale, mortgage, lease, gift, and exchange.

Section 6


Details the rules governing bequests and testamentary dispositions, including conditions and formalities.

Section 7

Revocation of Transfers and Bequests

Discusses the circumstances under which transfers and bequests can be revoked.

Section 8

Restrictions on Transfer Specifies any restrictions on the transfer of property, such as inalienability or specific conditions.

Section 9

Rights of the Transferor and Transferee

Outlines the rights and liabilities of both parties involved in a transfer.

Section 10

Priority of Claims

Addresses how conflicting claims to property will be resolved, including priority among creditors.

Section 11

. Effect of Registration Discusses the importance of registering transfers and bequests, and the consequences of non-registration. 12. Transfer by

Section 12

Transfer by Way of Trust

Provides provisions related to the creation and management of trusts.

Section 13

Protection of Purchasers Protects the rights of bona fide purchasers of property.

Section 14

Succession and Inheritance Touches on the rules of succession and inheritance among Hindus.

Section 15

. Repeal of Inconsistent Laws Repeals any existing laws that are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act.

Section 16

Saving of Rights

Ensures that existing rights under prior laws are not adversely affected by this Act.