Karnataka Prohibition Order, 1965

From Advocatespedia

Section 1

(1) These rules may be called the Karnataka Prohibition

(Possession, Transport, Import and Export of Intoxicants) Rules,
(2) They shall extend to all the areas of the Karnataka State where
the Karnataka Prohibition Act, 1961 , is in force.
(3) They shall come into force at once

Section 2

In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires. (a) "Act" means the Karnataka Prohibition Act, 1961 ;

(b) "Bonded Warehouse" means a licensed private bonded
warehouse or part of a public bonded warehouse established under
clause (d) of Section 8 of the Karnataka Prohibition Act, 1961 ;
(c) "Form" means a form appended to these rules;
(d) "License" means a license granted under any of the rules made
under the Act;
(e) "Permit" means and includes a pass and an authorisation;
(f) "Section" means a section of the Act;
(g) "Verification" means.

(i) examining the seals of the cask, drum or other receptacle

forming the consignment of intoxicants to verify that they are not
tampered with during transit;
(ii) ascertaining that the number and marks on the casks, drums or
packages tally with those shown on the reverse of the permit;
(iii) ascertaining that the quantity transported tallies with the
quantity mentioned in the permit and includes in the case of spirit
the real strength of which can be ascertained by the Hydrometer
examining the contents by drawing samples from the cask of drum
or other package in order to find out that the strength of the spirit
corresponds to that shown on the reverse of the permit; and
(iv) satisfying that the duty etc., required to be paid under the
rules have been correctly levied and credited.

Section 3

Any person holding a license, or permit for the possession,

consumption and/or sale of any intoxicants and desiring to
transport the same from any licensed premises to his place of
residence or licensed premises shall apply to the Deputy
Commissioner of the District to which the intoxicant is to be
conveyed for a transport permit

Section 4

The Deputy Commissioner shall after verifying the application and

after making such enquiries as he may consider necessary issue a
transport permit in quadruplicate in Form MP (T).

Section 5

(1) Part I of the permit shall be kept on the record in the Deputy

Commissioner's Office; Part II of the permit shall be sent by post to
the Deputy Commissioner or Chief Prohibition and/or Excise
Authority of the District from where the intoxicant is to be
transported; Part III shall be handed over to the transporter or to
the person authorised by him to receive it; and Part IV shall be
sent to the Prohibition and/or Excise Officer having jurisdiction over
the place to which the intoxicant is to be transported.
(2) The transporter or his agent at the place from which the
intoxicant has to be transported shall present his copy of the
transport permit with an application to the Deputy Commissioner
having jurisdiction over the licensed premises (in case such licensed
premises are situated in a different District) from which the
intoxicants have to be transported. On receipt of this application
t h e Deputy Commissioner if he sees no objection, will after
comparing it with the copy of transport permit received by him
authorise the transport of the intoxicants mentioned in the
transport permit by making suitable endorsement on the copy of
the permit presented by the transporter. In cases where the
transport is from one place to another place in the same District,
Part II of the permit shall be sent to the Prohibition and/or Excise
Officer having jurisdiction over the place from which the intoxicant
is to be transported, and he will endorse on the transporter's copy
of the permit his permission approving the transport after
comparing the transporters copy of the transport permit with the
copy received by him

Section 6

The transporter shall, unless he holds a Bonded Warehouse license after payment of duty, if any, in the manner prescribed produce a

challan showing such payment to the Officer-in-charge of the
Distillery, Brewery, or Bonded Warehouse. On production of the
challan, if any, and or the transport permit duly endorsed in the
manner prescribed in Rule 5, the officer or the licensee shall issue
the intoxicants mentioned in the transport permit. The issuing
officer or the licensee shall seal each cask, drum, package or other
receptacles containing the intoxicants issued and shall return to the
transporter or his agent his copy of the transport permit after filling
in the particulars on the reverse thereof

Section 7

Immediately after the consignment covered by the transport permit

is received, the transporter shall intimate the local Prohibition
and/or Excise Officer or the Officer-in-charge of the warehouse of
the arrival of the consignment. On receipt of such intimation the
Prohibition and/or Excise Officer or the Officer-in-charge of the
warehouse shall verify the consignment.

Section 8

After verifying the consignment the Prohibition and/or Excise

Officer or the Officer-in-charge shall then permit the sale or
consumption or warehousing of the intoxicants, as the case may be

Section 9

Any person holding a license, or permit for the possession,

consumption and/or sale of any intoxicants and desiring to import
the same shall apply to the Deputy Commissioner of the District or
other authorised officer who granted him the license, or permit, for
the grant of an import permit.

Section 10

Every application under Rule 9shall contain the following

particulars, namely.

(a) Name of the importer, his address and license number;

(b) Name and place of the distillery or bonded warehouse or
customs house or other place from which intoxicants are to be
(c) Descriptions of the intoxicants to be imported;
(d) Quantity of each kind of intoxicant to be imported;

(e) The alcoholic or other strength of the intoxicant;

(f) Number and nature of receptacles or packages containing
(g) Purposes for which intoxicants are to be imported; and
(h) Route by which the intoxicants are to be imported.

Section 11

On receipt of an application under Rule 10, the Deputy

Commissioner or any other authorised officer shall after making
such enquiries ,as he deems fit and if he is satisfied that there is no
objection to grant the import permit applied for, in all cases where
the importer does not have a bonded warehouse license, calculate
the duty leviable on the different kinds of intoxicants intended to
be imported at the rates in force for the time being. He shall then
communicate the same to the applicant who shall prepare the
required challans in respect of the amount payable by him or if the
applicant can himself correctly calculate the duty payable by him he
may with a view to save time, calculate the duty and prepare the
challans. The applicant shall then credit the amount to the Treasury
or Bank, as the case may be, and produce the challan to the
Deputy Commissioner or other Authorised Officer for the grant of
an import permit who shall thereupon prepare the import permit in
Form MPI in four parts

Section 12

Part I of the permit shall be kept on the record of the Deputy

Commissioner or other Authorised Officer issuing the permit;
Part II shall be sent by post to the Chief Prohibition and/or Excise
Authority of the State from where the intoxicant is to be imported
or to the Collector of customs in case the import is from ship;
Part III shall be handed over to the importer or to the person
authorised by him to receive it; and
Part IV shall be sent to the Prohibition and/or Excise Officer having
jurisdiction over the place to which the intoxicant is to be imported
or the Officer-in-charge in case of a Bonded Warehouse

Section 13

Immediately after the consignment covered by the import permit is

received, the importer shall intimate the authority to whom Part IV
of the permit has been sent of the arrival of the consignment. On
receipt of such intimation the Prohibition and/or Excise Officer or
Officer-in-charge shall verify the consignment.

Section 14

After verification the Prohibition and/or Excise Officer or Officer-in charge shall then permit the sale, consumption, warehousing of

imported intoxicants as the case may be.

Section 15

Any person holding a license for the possession and sale of

intoxicants and desiring to export the intoxicants from his licensed
premises shall apply to the Deputy Commissioner of the District
where his licensed premises is situated for the grant of an export
permit. The application shall be accompanied by an import permit
granted by the Chief Prohibition and/or Excise Authority of the
State to which the intoxicants have to be exported

Section 16

Every such application shall contain the following particulars. (a) Name of the exporter and his address;

(b) Name of the importer and his address, including the nature of
license held by him;
(c) Description of intoxicants to be exported;
(d) Quantity of each kind of intoxicants to be exported; the nature
of license held by him;
(e) The alcoholic or other strength of intoxicant;
(f) Number and nature of receptacles or packages containing
intoxicants; and
(g) Route by which intoxicants are to be exported

Section 17

On receipt of an application under Rule 15, the Deputy

Commissioner or other Authorised Officer after making such
enquiries as he deems fit and if he sees no objection, may grant,
an export permit in Form MP(E) subject to the following

conditions. (i) That the exporter executes a bond with or without sureties for

the payment of duty on the intoxicants covered by the export
permit at the rates for the time being in force;
(ii) That the exporter pays and produces the challan for having
credited the export duty, if any, on the intoxicants at the rates for
the time being in force;
(iii) That the bond will be in force till a report of verification of the
consignment from the Chief Excise or Prohibition Officer o

Section 18

Part I of the permit shall be kept on the record of the Office of the

Deputy Commissioner; Part II of the export permit shall be sent by
post to the Chief Excise and/or Prohibition Authority of the State to
which the intoxicants have to be exported; Part III shall be handed
over to the exporter; and Part IV shall be sent to the Officer-in

charge of the Bonded Warehouse or to the officer within whose

jurisdiction the licensed premises of the exporter is situated

Section 19

The exporter shall after executing the bond and after paying the

export duty, if any, in the prescribed manner produce the challan,
export permit and bond before the Officer to whom Part IV of the
permit was sent. On presentation of these, the Officer-in-charge
shall issue the intoxicants mentioned in the export permit. The
officer shall seal each receptacle 6r package containing the
intoxicants and return to the exporter the copy of his permit after
duly endorsing thereon the issue of intoxicants

Section 20

After receipt of a report of either payment of duty or warehousing

of the intoxicants in the importing State the bond executed by the
exporter shall be cancelled by the Deputy Commissioner and the
Officer-in-charge of the warehouse or other officer shall also note
the verification in the registers of the exporters. In cases where the
report of verification of the consignment or warehousing of the
intoxicants in the importing state has not been received within the
stipulated time then the duty on the intoxicants shall be collected
from the exporter and the sureties

Nothing contained in these rules shall apply to the possession or

transport of liquor by persons who have been granted permits
under R.60 of the Karnataka Prohibition (Liquor) Rules, 1965, R.61
of the Karnataka Prohibition (Liquor) Rules, 1965, R.62 of the
Karnataka Prohibition (Liquor) Rules, 1965, R.63 of the Karnataka
Prohibition (Liquor) Rules, 1965, r.64 of the Karnataka Prohibition
(Liquor) Rules, 1965, r.65 of the Karnataka Prohibition (Liquor)
Rules, 1965 and r.66 of the Karnataka Prohibition (Liquor) Rules,
1965, in the areas covered by such permits.
1. Rule 20-A inserted by GSR 1081, dated 6-8-1966, w.e.f. 11-8


Section 21

All rules corresponding to the foregoing rules framed under any

enactment repealed by sub-section (1) of Section 129 of the
Karnataka Prohibition Act, 1961 are hereby repealed:
Provided that any permit, pass, licence or authorisation made or
issued under any of the repealed rules shall so far as it is not in
consistent with the provisions of these rules, be deemed to have
been made or issued under the corresponding provisions of these
rules and shall continue to be in force accordingly. Unless and until
it expires or is superseded by anything done or any action taken
under the Act or these rules as the case may be