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SHRIDHAR SHUKLA AND ORS. v. STATE OF U.P. AND ORS. INSC 75 Background The case of Shridhar Shukla and others v. State of Uttar Pradesh and others arises out of a litigation challenging the appointment and selection process for governmental posts in Uttar Pradesh. A challenge to the validity and fairness of the selection process was thus made by appellants Shridhar Shukla and others on the ground that there were irregularities and nepotism in the appointments made by the State Government of Uttar Pradesh.

The main issues that arose Fairness in Selection Process: Whether the selection process for the government posts was free and transparent. Legality of Appointments: Whether appointments by the State Government of Uttar Pradesh were made in accordance with law and the procedure laid down. Merit and Qualifications: The candidates selected were the most qualified and meritorious for the post. Arguments on behalf of Appellants (Shridhar Shukla and Others) Irregularity in Selection: It was contended that the appellants had pleaded sufficient facts to the effect that the selection was attended by several irregularities, including favoritism and nepotism, which had destroyed fairness and transparency in the selection process. Non-observance of Procedures: Non-observance of established procedures and guidelines for selection and appointment has made the appointments by the government illegal. Inadequate Assessment of Merit: The appellants contended that the selection process has been far from making an adequate assessment of merit and qualifications of the candidates and as a consequence thereof, less qualified candidates have superseded more meritorious candidates. Arguments on behalf of Respondents State of Uttar Pradesh and Others Following Procedures: It is contention of respondents that selection process was made in adhering to prescribed procedure and guidelines; that every requirement of law has been complied with. Fair and open Process; It was submitted that the entire process of selection was completely fair and open and nothing in the allegations on irregularity and favouritism was true. Appointments on merit; It was strongly urged right from the Bar that appointments were done on purely merits and qualification basis and the selected candidates are most fitting ones for the post. Analysis by the Court- Selection process under scanner: The Supreme Court has scanned the minute details of the selection process; the procedure followed, the criteria applied in evaluating the candidates, and the mode of appointment. Appreciation of evidence: The court has evaluated the evidence led by both sides, documents, witness testimonies, and record of the selection process to identify any irregularity or violation of procedural norms. Merit-cum-Merit and Qualification Evaluation: Whether the candidates recommended for appointment were the most meritorious and qualified, and whether their qualifications had been satisfactorily assessed under the selection process. Judgment Elaborately considering the issue, the Supreme Court held:

Irregularities in the process of selection: The court ruled that indeed, there were irregularities in the selection process in which favouritism and deviation from established procedure featured. Evidence availed by the appellants supported their claims of a selection process that was not fair and transparent. Violations of Procedures: Thus, the court found that while appointing the candidates, the Uttar Pradesh government violated the prescribed procedure. The appointments, thus, have been illegal because of these deviations from the laid-down procedures. Inadequate Merit Assessment: On these facts, the court held that the process of selection does not adequately assess the merit and qualifications of the candidates. Appointments were not based on fair evaluation of candidate qualifications and suitability for the positions. Conclusion The judgment of the Supreme Court in Shridhar Shukla and others v. State of U.P. and others was one such milestone that emphasized fairness, transparency, and adherence to laid-down procedures while conducting the selection and appointment process for public posts. The court's verdict called for a merit-based selection process wherein only the most meritorious and deserving ones get appointed to public jobs.

It quashed the appointments made by the State of Uttar Pradesh and directed the authorities to make a fresh selection in accordance with prescribed procedures and principles, ensuring fairness and transparency while ascertaining candidature. This case is undoubtedly of immense importance for setting a precedent to ensure accountability and integrity in the process of selection and appointment to public office bearers, where the matter at hand is to ensure bestowing of public office on the most qualified and worthy persons.