Section 11 of Gujarat Panchayat Services Rules, 1964

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(1) Save as otherwise provided in this rule, a panchayat servant

shall not, except with the previous sanction of the relevant district
(a) receive any complimentary or valedictory address or accept any
testimonial presented to him, or attend any public meeting or
entertainment held in his honour, or
(b) take part in the presentation of any complimentary or
valedictory address or a testimonial to any other panchayat servant
or to any person who had recently quitted panchayat service, or
attend any public meeting or entertainment held in honour of such
panchayat servant or person.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1)

(a) a panchayat servant may at the request of any public body or

panchayat, sit for a portrait, bust or statue not intended for
presentation to him;
(b) Subject to the provisions of any general or special order of the
relevant district panchayat a panchayat servant may attend a
farewell entertainment of a substantially private and informal
character held as a mark of regard to himself or to some other
panchayat servant or to a person who has recently quitted the
panchayat service on the occasion of the retirement from the
service l'or departure from a district or station of himself or such
other panchayat servant