Section 18 of West Bengal Appropriation Act, 1981

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(1) Subject to such conditions as may be provided by or under 

the provisions of this Act, the Court shall exercise the following powers and perform the following functions:— (i) to e,,_ablish University Departments, institutions, institutes, centres, libraries and museums for study and research; (ii) to create and institute, with the approval of the State Government, Professorships, Readerships, Lectureships, and such posts including posts of officers as may be necessary for the establishment of the University Departments, institutions, institutes, centres, libraries and museums referred to in clause (1); (iii to institute degrees, titles, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions; (iv) to institute fellowships, travelling fellowships, scholarships, studentships, stipends, bursaries, exhibitions, medals and prizes to be awarded out of the University Fund; (v) to confer degrees, titles, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions on persons who— (a) have pursued prescribed courses of studies or have been exempted therefrom in the manner prescribed, and have passed such examinations as may be prescribed, or (b) have carried on research in accordance with such conditions as may be prescribed; (vi) to withdraw or to cancel degrees, titles, diplomas, certificates or other academic distinctions under such conditions as may be prescribed by Statutes and after giving the person affected a reasonable opportunity to present his case; (vii) to confer honorary degrees or other academic distinctions; (viii) to consider the Annual Statement of Accounts, the Audit Report in respect of the Annual Statement of Accounts, the Internal Audit Report and the Annual Budget approved by the Executive Council and to pass such resolutions relating thereto as may be considered necessary: Provided that for the purpose of passing a resolution adopting, modifying or rejecting the Annual Budget, it shall be necessary fora majority of the total membership of the Court to vote in favour of the resolution; Powers and functions of the Court. 353 The Rabindra Bharati Act, 1981. (Chapter 111.—Authoriaes of the University.—Section 18.) [West Ben. Act (ix) to consider the Annual Report as prepared by the Executive Council and to pass such resolutions relating thereto as may be considered necessary; (x) to consider, and advise on, such other reports from the Executive Council orany other body as may be made to it; (xi) to consider, and advise on, proposals from the Executive Council for entering into agreement with the Government or, with the approval of the State Government, with any person, body or authority for the taking over by the University of the management of any affiliated or recognised college, institution or institute other than a Government College, including its assets and liabilities, or for any other purpose not repugnant to the provisions of this Act; (xii) to consider, and advise on, proposals from the Executive Council for co-operation with other universities, institutions and educational authorities in matters that relate to or further the educational objectives of the University; (xiii) to consider and suggest measures for the improvement of the administration and finances of the University, and generally for the furtherance of its objectives; (xiv) to make rules for the transaction of its own business; (xv) to exercise all other powers and perform all other functions conferred and imposed on the Court by or under this Act. (2) The Court shall not exercise the powers and perform the functions referred to in clauses (i) to (vii) of sub-section (1) except on the recommendation of the Executive Council, but may send proposals in respect thereof to the Executive Council for its recommendation. (3) The Court shall have the power to review the action of the Executive Council, save where .the Executive Council has acted in accordance with the powers conferred on it by or under this Act: Provided that if any question arises as to whether the Executive Council has acted in accordance with the powers conferred on it by or under this Act, the matter shall be decided by reference to the Chancellor whose decision shall be final.