Section 22 of Himachal Pradesh Urban Rent Control Act, 1987

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2. Time limit for making deposit and consequences of incorrect particulars in application for deposit.- (1) No rent deposited under section 21 shall be considered to have been validly deposited under that section, unless the deposit is made within twenty-one days of the time referred to in section 20 for payment of the rent. (2) No such deposit shall be considered to have been validly made, if the tenant willfully makes any false statement in his application for depositing the rent, unless the landlord had withdrawn the amount deposited before the date of filing an application for the recovery of possession of the building or rented land from the tenant. 20 THE HIMACHAL PRADESH URBAN RENT CONTROL ACT, 1987 (3) If the rent is deposited within the time mentioned in sub-section (l) and does not cease to be a valid deposit for the reason mentioned in sub section (2), the deposit shall constitute payment of rent to the landlord as if the amount deposited had been validly tendered.