Section 23 of Municipal Corporation Of Hyderabad Rules, 1978

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Revision of rolls :- (1) The roll shall be revised under sub-section (2) of Section 12 either intensively or summarily or partly intensively and partly summarily, as the Electoral Authority may direct; (2) Where the roll of any list thereof is to be revised intensively in any year, it shall be prepared afresh and rules 4 to 25 shall apply in relation to such revision as they apply in relation to the first preparation of a roll. (3) When the roll or any list thereof is to be revised summarily in any year, the registration officer shall cause to be prepared a list of amendments to the relevant parts of the roll on the basis of such information as may be readily available and published the roll together with the list of amendments in draft, and the provisions of rules 4 to 22 shall apply in relation to such revision as they apply in relation to the first preparation of a roll. (4) Where at any time between the publication in draft of the revised roll under sub-rule (2) of the roll and list of amendments under sub-rule (3) and the final publication of the same under rule 21, any name have been directed to be included in the roll for the time being in force under rule 25, the registration officer, shall cause the names to be included also in the revised roll unless there is in his opinion, any valid objection to such inclusion.