Section 27 of Madras District Police Act, 1865

From Advocatespedia

Remands.—If from the absence of witnesses, or from any other reasonable cause, it shall become necessary or advisable to defer the examination of any case, or the further examination of any witnesses, it shall be lawful for any Magistrate form time to time by his warrant to remand the accused to the custody of any Police Officer, for such time as he shall deem necessary and reasonable, not exceeding eight clear days, to be secured in any Station House or jail or to be otherwise detained in custody as to the said Magistrate shall appear expedient: Proviso. provided always that any such Magistrate may order such accused party to be brought before him at any time or place before the expiration of the time for which such accused party shall have been remanded; or may discharge such accused party on his recognizances, with or without sureties, conditioned for his appearance at the time and place appointed for such further examination.