Section 27 of West Bengal Appropriation Act, 1981

From Advocatespedia

(I) A University Professor shall be appointed by the Executive 27. Council on the recommendation of a Selection Committee consisting of— (i) the Vice-Chancellor as Chairman; (ii) the Dean of the Faculty Council concerned; (iii) a person, not holding any office of profit under the University and having special knowledge of the subject which the Professor will teach, nominated by the Chancellor; ( iv) two persons, not holding any office of profit under the University and having special knowledge of the subject which the Professor will teach. nominated by the Executive Council. (2) A University Reader of a University Lecturer shall be appointed by the Executive Council on the recommendation of a Selection Committee consisting of— (i) the Vice-Chancellor as Chairman; (ii) the Dean of the Faculty Council concerned: (iii) the Head of the Department concerned, if any; (iv) a person, not holding any office of profit under the University and having special knowledge of the subject which the Reader or the Lecturer will teach, nominated by the Chancellor; (v) two persons, not holding any office of profit under the University and having special knowledge of the subject which the Reader or the Lecturer will teach, nominated by the Executive Council.