Section 29 of West Bengal Appropriation Act, 1981

From Advocatespedia

. (1) Every Teacher, every officer and every employee of the University shall, on appointment as such, be provided with a letter of appointment containing such terms and conditions of appointment as may be prescribed by Ordinances. (2) A Teacher or an officer or an employee appointed against a permanent vacancy shall be on probation ordinarily for a period of one year from the date of such appointment and such period of probation may, at the discretion of the appropriate authority of the University, be extended for a further period not exceeding one year. (3) If, at any time during the period of probation, the probationer's work is not considered satisfactory, the probationer shall be discharged by the authority concerned. (4) On satisfactory completion of the period of probation, a Teacher or an officer or an employee, as the case may be, shall be confirmed with effect from the date of his appointment on probation by an order in writing made by the University in this behalf and the fact of such confirmation shall be communicated to the person concerned: Provided that if, on completion of the period of probation, no such order of confirmation is made and communicated to the person concerned within a period of two months of the completion of the period of probation, the person concerned shall be deemed to have been confirmed with effect from the date of his appointment on probation.