Section 2 of Gujarat Panchayat Services Rules, 1964

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In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires: (a) "the Act" means the Gujarat Panchayats Act, 1961.

(b) "Appendix" means the Appendix appended to these rules.
(c) "Government" means the Government of the State of Gujarat.
1 [(d) "Panchayat" means a District Panchayat, a taluka panchayat
or as the case may be a gram panchayat or a Nagar Panchayat].
(e) "Panchayat Service" means the panchayat service as constituted
under section 203 of the Act.
(f) "Member of a panchayat service or a Panchayat Servant" means
any person appointed to the Panchayat service and includes an
officer or servant allocated to the panchayat service under section
206 or 206A of the Act.
(g) "Members of the family" means in relation to a male member of
the Panchayat Service, include his

(i) wife, child or step-child, whether residing with him or not;

(ii) any other person related to him or to his wife whether by blood
or by marriage and wholly dependent on him; and in relation to a
female member of the panchayat service

(i) child or step-child, whether residing with her or not, and the

husband residing with her and dependent on her, and

(ii) any other person related to or to her husband whether by blood

or by marriage and wholly dependent on her, but does not include
a wife or husband legally separated from the member of the
Panchayat Service or child or step-child who is no longer dependent
on him or her, or of whose custody he or she has been deprived by
reason of legal proceedings.
1. Substituted vide Gujarat Government Gazette, Extraordinary, Pt.
I-A, dated 21-5-1985 p. 53-2.