Section 32 of West Bengal Appropriation Act, 1981

From Advocatespedia

1) If in the case of any dispute between the University and any Teacher, officer or employee of the University no final order has been passed by the University within a period of one year from the date on which the dispute was referred to the University by such Teacher, officer or employee, such dispute shall, on the request of such Teacher, officer or employee, be referred to a Tribunal consisting of the following members, namely:— (i) a Chairman, who shall be nominated by the Chancellor in consultation with the Minister; (ii) one person to be nominated by the Executive Council; (iii) one person to be nominated by the Teacher, officer or employee concerned. (2) Any appeal from an employee of the University in disciplinary matter shall be referred to the Tribunal and shall be decided and disposed of by the Tribunal. (3) The Tribunal may call for any record, report or other information from the University if, in its opinion, such record, report or other information is necessary for efficient discharge of its functions, and the University shall furnish such record, report or other information to the Tribunal. (4) The decision of the Tribunal shall be final and no suit or proceed ing shall lie in any civil court m respect of the matters decided by the Tribunal. (5) Every request under sub-section (1) shall be deemed to be a submission to arbitration upon the terms of this section, within the meaning of the Arbitration Act, 1940, and all the provisions of that Act with the exception of section 2 thereof shall apply accordingly.