Section 36 of West Bengal Appropriation Act, 1981

From Advocatespedia

6. (1) Any casual vacancy among the elected members of any yattancies. Proceedings of the University or the authorities or bodies of the University not invalidated by vacancies. Election Tribunal. authority or body of the University shall be filled, in such manner and within such time as may be prescribed, by election by such authority or body of a person representing the interest which the member, whose seat has become vacant, represented. (2) Any vacancy among the nominated members of any authority or body of the University shall be filled, within such time as may be • prescribed, by nomination by the person or authority that nominated the member whose seat has become vacant. (3) Vacancies arising by efflux of time in the seats of elected members of any authority or body of the University shall be filled by election to he held on such date or dates, not later than six months or such extended period as the Chancellor may, by order made in this behalf, specify so however that the aggregate period shall not exceed one year, from the date on which the vacancies arise, as the Vice-Chancellor may fix.