Section 44 of West Bengal Appropriation Act, 1981

From Advocatespedia

(1) The State Government shall have the right— (a) to cause an inspection to be made, by such person or persons as it may direct,— (i) of the University, its buildings, laboratories, libraries, museums, press establishment, workshops, and equipments, (ii) of the college affiliated to the University, and (iii) into all affairs of the University and of such college including examination and other work conducted or done by the University or such college, and (b) to cause an equiry to be made into the income, expenditure, properties, assets and liabilities of the University and of the college affiliated to the University. (2) The State Government shall, in every such case of inspection or enquiry, give notice to the University, and if the inspection or enquiry relates to the college affiliated to the University, both to the University and the college, of its intention to cause such inspection or enquiry. (3) The State Government shall communicate to the Court and the Executive Council or to such college as the case may be, its views on the results of such inspection or enquiry and may, after considering the opinion of the Court and the Executive Council or of such college thereon, advise the University or such college regarding the action which the State Government considers fit to be taken by the University or by such college in the matters concerned and the University or such college 370 The Rabindra Bharati Act, 1981. XXXVI of 1981.] (Chapter VI.—Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations and Rules.— Section 45.) shall report to the State Government, within such time as the State Government may direct, the action which is proposed to be taken or has been taken by the University or by such college to give effect to such advice of the State Government. (4) The State Government may, after considering the report referred to in sub-section (3), advise the University or such college, as the case may be, to take such further action in the matters concerned as may, in the opinion of the State Government, be necessary, and the University or such college shall take or cause to be taken such further action within such time as may be specified in that behalf by the State Government.