Section 45 of Bombay Children Act, 1948

From Advocatespedia

Committal of child to [Classifying Centre] or to fit person. - [(1) If the court is satisfied on enquiry that such person is a child and is as described within the provisions of section 40 and that it is expedient so to deal with him the court may order the child to be committed to a Classifying Centre or to the care of a fit person named by the court until, if the child is a boy, such boy completes the age of eighteen years, and if the child is a girl, such girl completes the age of twenty years, or in exceptional cases for a shorter period, the reasons for such shorter period to stated in writing.] (2) The court which makes an order committing a child to the care of a relative or other fit person may, when making such order, require such relative or other person to execute a bond, with or without sureties, as the court may require, to be responsible for the good behaviour and well-being of the child and for the observance of such other conditions as the court may impose for securing that the child may lead an honest and industrious life. (3) The court which makes an order committing a child to the care of a relative or other fit person under this section may in addition order that he be placed under supervision for any period not exceeding three years : Provided that, when the court thinks fit, it may allow such child to remain in the custody of a parent or guardian with a direction that he be placed under supervision, on such parent or guardian executing a bond with or without sureties in a prescribed form, and the court may from time to time during the supervision period adjourn the case and compel the production of the child in court to satisfy itself that the conditions of the said bond are being carried out : Provided further that, if it appears to the court on receiving a report from the [Child Welfare Officer (Probation)] or otherwise, that there has been a breach of the supervision order, it may, after making such inquiries as it deems fit, order the child in respect of whom the supervision order has been made [to be detained in a Classifying Centre] or committed to the care of a fit person.