Section 47 of Bombay State Reserve Police Force Rules, 1959

From Advocatespedia

Rule 47 :- (1) When a Reserve Police Officer is reported to have committed an offence described under sections Hand 15 of the Act, the Commandant on receipt of a report regarding the facts of the incident shall decide whether the accused should be proceeded against in a court of law or should be dealt with departmentally. (2) If is decided to prosecute the accused, after obtaining previous sanction, if any, required for the prosecution of the accused, information regarding the alleged offence shall be given at the Police Station, in the jurisdiction of which the offence was committed, by any member of the Force as may be authorised by the Commandant in this behalf. (3) If the offence is committed by any such member of the Force outside the territory of this State, such information shall be given to the Officer in charge of the Police Station of the place within the territory of this State 1 [where he may have held his post immediately before proceeding outside the territory of this State and if the offender is not within the territory of this State, the officer in charge of such Police Station may take steps to bring him to this State for being proceeded against in a court of law or departmentally as may be decided]. (4) If it is decided to deal with the alleged offender departmentally, the procedure followed in dealing with officers of the State Police Force shall be followed and the Commandant shall be deemed to be a District Superintendent of Police for the purpose of awarding departmental punishment. (5) If as a resultof the proceedings described in sub-rule (4) above, it is found that the defaulter is guilty of the offence of which he is accused, he shall be given any of the punishments prescribed in section 18 of the Act or in section 25 of the Bombay Police Act, 1951, read with section 19 of the Act as the case may be. 1. Substituted by G.G.Gaz. IV-B, dated 26-8-1965, Page 752.