Section 4 of Madhya Pradesh Electricity Supply Code 2004

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CHAPTER 4: NEW POWER SUPPLY Licensee’s Obligation to Supply 4.1 The Licensee shall, on an application by the owner or occupier of any premises located in his area of supply, give supply of electricity to such premises within the time specified in this Code (refer clause 4.74), provided (a)the supply of power is technically feasible, b) the consumer has observed the procedure specified in this Code, and c) the consumer agrees to bear the cost of supply and services as specified. Licensee’s obligation to extend the Distribution System and Consumer’s share in theCost 4.2 The Licensee shall meet the cost for strengthening / upgradation of the system to meet the demand of the existing consumers through its annual revenues or funds arranged by the licensee and this cost shall be recovered from the consumers through tariff. A part of such expenses shall be met by system strengthening/ capacity building charges if any. 4.3 The cost of extension of distribution mains and extension /upgradation of the system upto the point of supply for meeting demand of new consumers shall be payable by the consumer, or any collective body of the consumers or otherwise as may be directed by the Commission keeping in view the provisions of section 46 of the Act. 4.4 In all cases of new connections the consumer shall bear the Service Connection Charges, that is the cost of extension of service connection from the Distribution Mains to the point of supply. 4.5 The licensee shall arrange to prune tree branches that have the possibility of touching or falling on live wires, after due permission of the concerned authorities. Cost of service connection/ extension 4.6 The Service Connection Charges shall be as approved by the Commission from time to time. In cases where the charges are not approved, the consumer shall bear the actual cost of extension the service connection. 4.7 For uniformity and simplification in calculating the actual cost of extension, the licensee shall prepare a ready reckoner to show the per-unit material cost of LT line, HT line, substations of different capacities etc. The licensee may update the ready reckoner every year, and after every update, refer the same to the Commission for information. 4.8 In case the connected / contracted load of any new connection is projected to be 50 kW or more, a separate transformer of adequate capacity shall be installed at consumer’s cost. The land/room with easy access required for housing the transformer sub station, switch gears, meters and panels shall be provided by consumer, free of cost, for which rent or premium shall not be payable by the licensee. 4.9 The service connection/ extension of distribution mains, notwithstanding that it has been paid for by the consumer, shall be the property of the licensee. The licensee shall maintain it at its cost and shall also have the right to use the same service connection/ extension for supply of energy to any other person but such extension or service connection should not adversely affect the supply to the consumer who paid for the extension of the distribution supply network. 4.10 When the licensee completes the work of extension of distribution mains and is ready to give supply, the licensee shall serve a notice on the consumer to take power supply within one month in case of LT consumers and three months in case of HT or EHT consumers. If the consumer fails to avail supply within the notice period, the agreement shall come into force from the day following the end of the notice period, and thereafter the consumer shall be liable to pay any charges due thereon as per the agreement. Service connection/ extension work got done by consumers 4.11 The consumer can get the work of drawing of service line from the licensee’s distribution mains up to his premises as per the estimates and layout approved by the licensee through a ‘C’ or higher-class licensed electrical contractor, and the work of extension of EHT and HT line, distribution or HT substation and LT line through an ‘A’ class contractor as per the estimates and layout approved by the licensee. In such case the consumer himself shall procure the materials. The material should, conform to relevant BIS specification or its equivalent and should bear ISI mark wherever applicable. The licensee may ask for documentary evidence to verify the quality of materials used. The consumer shall be required to pay the supervision charges as approved by the Commission in the Schedule of Miscellaneous Charges on the cost of works as per the estimates approved by the licensee. The rates of the materials shall be available in the ready reckoner (refer clause 4.7). 4.12 The consumer shall get the work done within the timeframe as provided in clause 4.74, failing which the licensee may, on giving fifteen days notice treat the requisition for supply as cancelled. Requisition for Supply 4.13 Requisition for a new supply or an additional supply of electrical energy must be made in duplicate in the appropriate prescribed form, copies of which shall be available at a cost from the local office of the licensee. The format of the After application forms is provided in Annex 1 and Annex 2. Photocopies of a blank form or form downloaded from the website of the licensee may also be used by the consumer and shall be accepted by the Licensee. Charges of application form, in case of that being downloaded or photocopied, shall be recovered at the time of submission of the application form to the licensee. 4.14 The occupier of the premises, for which supply is required, shall make the requisition and shall indicate his full name and address with telephone number (if available) where the supply is required and also the name and address of the Licensed Electrical Contractor through whom the wiring will be carried out; but it is not necessary that requisition should be made through the Licensed Electrical Contractor. Any assistance or information required in filling up the form should be given to the consumer at the local office of the licensee. 4.15The consumer shall furnish, along with the requisition form, copies of following documents (please refer to the application format in Annex1 & Annex2 for further details). The licensee may ask for the original documents, from the consumer, for verification. (a) Proof of ownership of the premises in the form of registered sale deed or partition deed or succession or heirship certificate or deed of last will, OR Proof of occupancy such as valid power of attorney or latest rent receipt or valid lease deed or rent agreement or copy of allotment order issued by the owner of the property, OR (b) In case of supply for agriculture/ irrigation pump set, the ‘khata nakal’ giving the ‘khasara’ number of the field within which the supply is required and water availability certificate from competent government authority. Approval / permission of the local / statutory authority, if required under any law /statute. (c) In case of a partnership firm, partnership deed, authorization in the name of the applicant for signing the requisition form and agreement. (d) In case of a Public or Private Limited Company, Memorandum and Articles of Association and Certificate of incorporation together with an authorization in the name of the applicant for signing the requisition form and agreement. In case of applications for power supply to stone crushers, stone polishing and hot- mix plants, the following additional information shall also be furnished. (e) Documentary evidence from the department concerned to show that he will be able to take requisitioned quantum of power supply for at least two years. (f) His permanent address. The consumer shall also intimate whether the service line and extensions, if any, shall be laid by the consumer or the licensee. 4.16 For availing of a new connection for Domestic and single-phase Non-domestic categories, in case, the applicant is unable to provide the proof of legal occupation of the premises, the officer in charge of the concerned distribution circle may waive such requirement and record, in writing, the reasons thereof. However, in such cases, the security deposit to be paid by the consumers shall be equal to the cost of ninety days of average consumption to be determined by the licensee’s local office. The serving of connection to such premises shall not be used as a proof of legal rights on the premises or for any other legal use. 4.17If the consumer, in respect of an earlier agreement executed in his name or in the name of a firm or company with which he was associated either as a partner, Director or managing director, has any arrears of electricity dues or other dues for the premises where the new connection is applied for and such dues are payable to the licensee, the requisition for supply may not be entertained by the licensee until the dues are paid in full. In case of a person occupying a new property, it will be the obligation of that person to check the bills for the previous months or, in case of disconnected supply, the amount due as per the licensee’s records immediately before his occupation and ensure that all outstanding electricity dues as specified in the bills are duly paid up and discharged. The licensee shall be obliged to issue a certificate of the amount outstanding from the connection that was installed or is installed in such premises on request made by such person. The licensee may refuse to supply electricity to the premises through the already existing connection or refuse to give a new connection to the premises till such outstanding dues to the licensee are cleared. 4.18For the purpose of these terms and conditions of supply, establishments/ premises (a) having distinct set up and staff, or b) owned or leased by different persons, or c) covered by different licenses or registrations under any law where such procedures are applicable, and (d) for domestic category households having relevant document from local authorities, identifying the premises as separate will be deemed to be separate establishments and each separate establishment will be given separate point of supply. Supply to different categories of consumers (A) Supply at LT 4.19 The Licensee shall verify the application and the enclosed documents at the time of receipt of application. A written acknowledgement shall be issued on the spot if the application is complete. If the application is incomplete, the shortcomings in the form shall be intimated to the applicant in writing within 3 working days. After complete application is received from the consumers, the licensee shall issue a written acknowledgement to the consumer immediately. Within 2 working days of receipt of the completed application form, the licensee shall intimate the consumer the proposed date of inspection, which should be within the next 5 working days in urban areas and 10 working days in rural areas. 4.20The applicant along with the licensed contractor or his representative shall be present during the inspection. During the inspection, the Licensee shall: (i) Fix the point of supply and the place where meter and the cut-out/ MCB shall be fixed. (ii) Fix the layout of the proposed lines and substation and estimate the distance between the point of supply and the nearest Distribution mains from where supply could be given. (iii) Determine if the supply line is to go over any property belonging to a third party. (iv) Verify other particulars mentioned in the application form, as required. When the consumer’s premises has no frontage on a street and the service line from the licensee's mains has to go upon, over or under the adjoining premises of any other person (whether or not the adjoining premises be owned jointly by the consumer and such other person), or in any other case the consumer shall bring at his own expense any necessary way-leave, license or sanction for extension of distribution mains and service line and furnish to the licensee. The licensee shall not arrange supply of power until the way-leave, license or sanction is received. Any extra expense incurred in placing the supply line in accordance with the terms of the way-leave, license or sanction shall be borne by the consumer. In the event of the way-leave, license or sanction being cancelled or withdrawn, the consumer shall, at his own cost arrange for, or in case the work is carried out by the licensee at the consumer’s request, pay full cost of, any diversion of the service line or the provision of any new service line thus rendered necessary. 4.22It shall not be incumbent on the licensee to ascertain the validity or adequacy of way-leave, license or sanction obtained by the consumer. 4.23 In case it is possible to extend supply from the existing mains, the licensee will forward to the consumer, within 3 working days in urban areas and 5 working days in rural areas, an advice for the charges for laying the service line, the amount of security deposit and any other charges as applicable. The amount shall be payable in full within 15 working days, after which only any work for laying the service line will be taken up. The licensee will also intimate to consumer to execute the agreement. 4.24In case it is necessary to extend distribution mains for giving supply to the consumer,the licensee will forward to the consumer, within 15 days in urban areas and within 30 days in rural areas, an advice containing the charges for extension of the distribution main, laying the service line, the amount of security deposit, any other charges as applicable and will also intimate if any additional formalities are required to be carried out by the consumer. In cases where the consumer has to lay the service line and extension of mains, the consumer shall pay the supervision charges on cost of extension of the distribution mains and laying the service line in addition to payment of other charges as may be applicable. The amount shall be payable in full within 15 working days along with completion of formalities, after which only any work for laying the distribution mains and service line can be taken up. The licensee will also intimate the consumer to furnish test report in the prescribed form. 4.25In case the consumer fails to complete the formalities within 15 days, the licensee shall give him notice to complete the formalities within the next 15 days failing which, his requisition for supply shall be cancelled. Thereafter the consumer shall have to apply afresh for supply or additional supply as the case may be. 4.26 On deposit of charges as indicated above by the consumer, execution of the agreement and receipt of test report and intimation that the service line and extension work have been completed, the licensee shall intimate the consumer, within 3 days, the date of testing of the consumer’s installation. The consumer shall ensure that the licensed electrical contractor, who has carried out the wiring, should remain present during the testing. 4.27 On testing the consumer’s installation, if the licensee is satisfied with the test results, the licensee shall arrange to install the meter with the cut-out or MCB, seal the meter in presence of the consumer and provide supply. If the Licensee is not satisfied, he shall intimate the consumer the shortcomings in the wiring, in writing. The applicant shall be required to get the defects rectified. On payment of the prescribed fee, testing shall again be conducted as per Clause 4.26. 4.28 All work shall be completed within the timeframe specified in clause 4.74(1). (B) LT Supply to Multi-Consumer Complex including Commercial Complexes: 4.29For the purpose of providing new power supply to a building or a group of buildings having more than one connection and a total load of 50 kW or more, the building shall be considered as a multi-consumer complex. 4.30 The supply to a multi-consumer complex shall be arranged through a separate distribution transformer of adequate capacity but not less than 100 kVA. The cost of extension including H.T. line, distribution transformer and L.T. lines/ cables shall be borne by the developer/ builder/ society/ consumer. 4.31 The developer/ builder/ society/ consumer shall also pay ‘system strengthening charges’ or capacity building charges if any. 4.32 In case it is not possible to give supply to the Multi-Consumer Complex by augmentation of the capacity of existing 33/11 kV substation or the load of the housing colony exceeds 2150 kW, the developer/ builder/ society/ consumer shall bear the cost of the 33 kV line and 33/11 kV substation of required capacity. In such cases System Strengthening Charges or Capacity Building Charges, if any, shall be payable according the procedure approved in the Schedule of Miscellaneous Charges. 4.33 The developer/ builder/ society/ consumer includes any agency whether Government, local body or private that constructs the Multi-Consumer Complex. 4.34 Meters shall normally be provided at the ground floor in accordance with the procedure stated in the chapter on Meters. 4.35 The land/room required for housing the transformer substation and meters shall be provided by the developer /builder/ society/ consumer free of cost for which rent or premium shall not be paid by the licensee. Transformers should preferably be placed in open areas. In case installation of transformer in a room or closed area is unavoidable, all safety measures as per prevailing rules and regulations should be taken. 4.36 Connections for common facilities like lift, water pumps etc. shall be given in the name of the builder/developer/society. If requisitions for supply to individual flats are not received from the flat owners, connections may be given in the name of the builder/developer/society. Such connections may subsequently be transferred to the individual flat owner/occupier of the flat after completing the necessary formalities prescribed in this regard. The agreement for such individual connection shall be executed accordingly. 4.37In case the original approved plan is for a multi-consumer complex, but the builder/developer/ society/ consumer desires to avail connection for a portion of it, the connections shall be provided treating it as multi-consumer complex. 4.38 Due to additional construction or additional requirement of load, if a building comes under the category of multi-consumer complex and if a separate distribution transformer of sufficient capacity, for giving supply to such building was not provided earlier, it will be provided at the cost of the builder/developer/ society/ consumer. Alternatively, the builder/ developer/ society/ consumer shall arrange to suitably augment the capacity of the existing substation, if found feasible by the licensee. However, the system strengthening charges or capacity building charges, if any, shall be payable for the new connections or additional load only. 4.39 For the purpose of considering the criteria of a multi-consumer complex, for development of infrastructure for extension of distribution mains and for calculating the system strengthening charges or capacity building charges, if any, the load of the multi-consumer complex shall be calculated on the following basis (area represents built-up area of individual unit): AREA LOAD

(a) Upto 400 sq ft                                                                                   1.5 kW

(b) Above 400 sq ft & upto 700 sq ft 2.0 kW c)Above 700 sq ft & upto 1000 sq ft 3.0 kW d)Above 1000 sq ft & upto 1300 sq ft 4.0 kW e) Above 1300 sq ft & upto 1600 sq ft. 5.0 kW f)Above 1600 sq ft & upto 2000 sq ft 7.0 kW g)Above 2000 sq ft & upto 2500 sq ft. 10 kW h) For every additional 500 sq ft or part thereof over 2500 sq ft of built up area, 1 kW of load should be added. The load of the common facilities like lift, water pump, parking lights etc shall be taken as declared by the developer/builder/society/ consumer. The aforesaid procedure for estimation of load is for the purpose of bringing about uniformity in the assessment of the load of the multi-consumer complex. However, security deposit etc shall be worked out on the basis of the load as declared by the consumer and supported by the test report at the time of providing connection to individual consumer. 4.40On receipt of requisition from the builder/developer/ society/ consumer for supply of electricity to multi-consumer or commercial complexes, the licensee shall take action for extending the supply as per procedure given in clauses 4.19to 4.28as applicable. C) LT Supply to housing colonies: 4.41The developer/ builder/ society/ consumers of a housing colony shall bear the cost of extension including the cost of 11 kV line, distribution transformer and LT lines/ LT cables. The developer/ builder shall also pay ‘System Strengthening Charges’/ ‘Capacity Building Charges’, if any. In case it is not possible to give supply to a housing colony by augmentation of the capacity of existing 33/11 kV substation or the load of the housing colony exceeds 2150 kW, the developer/ builder/ society/ consumer shall bear the cost of 33 kV line and 33/11 kV substation of required capacity. In such cases System Strengthening Charges or Capacity Building Charges, if any, shall be payable according the procedure approved in the Schedule of Miscellaneous Charges. The developer/ builder/ society/ consumer includes any agency whether Government, local body or private that constructs the building/ colony. 4.42 For the purpose of considering the criteria of a housing colony, for development of infrastructure for extension of distribution mains and calculating the system strengthening charges or capacity building charges, if any, the load of the housing colony shall be calculated on the following basis (area represents plot area): AREA LOAD (a) Upto 500 sq ft 1.0 kW (b) Above 500 sq ft & upto 1000 sq ft 2.0 kW (c) Above 1000 sq ft & upto 1500 sq ft. 3.0 kW (d) Above 1500 sq ft & upto 2000 sq ft. 4.0 kW (e) Above 2000 sq ft & upto 2400 sq ft 5.0 kW (f) Above 2400 sq ft & upto 3000 sq ft. 7.0 kW (g) Above 3000 sq ft & upto 3500 sq ft. 10.0 kW (h) Plot or house for EWS 1.0 KW (i) Informal sector (reserved slum area) 0.5 KW per connection The load of the common facilities like lift, water pump, parking lights, street lights etc may be taken as declared by the developer/builder/society/ consumer. If, subsequently, the builder/ developer/ society/ consumer constructs houses or buildings for sale, instead of sale of plots, the load will be reassessed on the basis of the guideline given in clause 4.39. The developer/ builder/ society/ consumer shall be liable to pay the additional amount payable, if any, as per the new assessment. The developer/ builder/ society/ consumer will also be required to pay the cost of the additional infrastructure required for the purpose. The aforesaid procedure for estimation of load is for the purpose of calculation of charges and also for deciding the number and capacity of distribution transformers and the length of HT/ LT line required. However, the service connection charges, security deposit etc shall be worked out on the basis of the load as declared by the consumer and supported by the test report at the time of serving connection to individual consumer. 4.43 On receipt of requisition from the builder/developer/ society/ consumer for supply to housing colony, the licensee shall take action for extending the supply as given in clause 4.19to 4.28, as applicable. (D) LT Supply for agriculture/irrigation pump sets: 4.44 The procedure laid down in clause 4.19to 4.28, as applicable, shall be followed for giving supply to agriculture/irrigation pump sets where extension of distributing mains and /or augmentation of distribution transformer is not required. 4.45 Supply for agriculture/irrigation pump set, at one point, may also be given to a registered co-operative society or to a group of farmers recognized by the licensee. 4.46 If on inspection of the premises it is found that extension of distributing mains and/or augmentation of distribution transformer capacity is required, the possibility of taking up the work from financial assistance available from the Government or financial institution like Rural Electrification Corporation etc. shall be examined. Within 10 days of inspection, if no extension of line is required, and within 30 days of inspection if extension of line is required, the consumer shall be intimated whether the licensee can take up the work from funds available with the licensee from other sources or whether the work can be taken up only after the full cost of the works is deposited by the consumer. In case the work can be taken up only after the consumer deposits the estimated expenses, the licensee shall specify the amount along with the intimation. The work of electrification of such pump set(s), for which the full cost of the work is deposited by the consumer(s), will be taken up and completed within the period as mentioned in clause 4.74, of depositing the amount by the consumer(s) if extension work is involved. In case of long queue, work on new connection shall be taken up on the broad principle of first-come first serve basis. Within 3 working days of completion of work, the licensee shall intimate the date of testing of the installation of the consumer and request the consumer(s) to furnish the test report. In case he is satisfied with the test report and the wiring in the premises of the consumer, the connection shall be served within 3 working days of the inspection. 4.47 An agricultural consumer, if he so desires, may shift the location within his premises of his connection, with approval of the licensee, within the premises after payment of charges as applicable.

(E) LT Supply to Public Street Lightings:

4.48 Requisition for power supply to new or additional public street lights shall be submitted in the prescribed format to the local office of the licensee by the Municipal Corporation or Municipality or Municipal Board or Gram Panchayat or Local Body or the Government Department or any other organization made responsible by the Government to maintain public street lights (in context of public street lights herein after called ‘local body’). 4.49 The requisition for public lights shall be accompanied by resolution of the local body and the sketch indicating the number of poles, existing or new, where streetlights are required. Except otherwise directed by the Commission, the licensee may not provide a new street light connection if the local body, applying for new street light connection, has any electricity dues against it. 4.50 The fittings, brackets or any special fittings shall be in accordance with the relevant BIS specifications or its equivalent and shall maintain required clearances as per prevailing rules and regulations. The local body shall bear the full cost of arranging of power supply to public streetlights including complete fittings and brackets. In case, any special fittings are to be provided, the local body shall arrange for it. 4.51 The licensee shall intimate the cost of extension in writing, within 15 days in urban areas and within 30 days in rural areas from the date of inspection of the site. The work shall be taken up only after deposit of the amount and execution of agreement by the local body. 4.52 A suitable double compartment weatherproof metal box to house the energy meter and streetlight switch/ M.C.B./ timers shall be provided by the licensee. 4.53 The licensee shall carryout the maintenance of street light poles and electrical lines on payment basis and shall arrange to switch on fifteen minutes before sunset and switch off the streetlights fifteen minutes after sunrise as per local sunset/ sunrise timings. The licensee shall also carry out replacement of fixtures/ bulbs (of same wattage) etc on the poles on request by the streetlight consumers. The fixtures, bulbs etc. shall be supplied by the consumers and replaced by the licensee within 7 days of receipt. All such services shall be chargeable. Such maintenance charges shall be included in the schedule of miscellaneous charges. (F) Temporary Power Supply 4.54 Any person requiring power supply for purpose that is temporary in nature, for a period of less than one year may apply for temporary power supply in the prescribed form (Annex- 1 or 2). Requisition for temporary supply shall normally be given 7 days before the day when supply is required for loads up to 10 kW and 30 days before for higher loads. 4.55 He shall also furnish the proof of occupation or permission from the local authority or from the owner of the premises, as the case may be, where temporary connection is required as stated in clause 4.15. In case temporary supply is required in premises/ place where 100 or more persons are likely to assemble, the consumers shall comply with the provisions of section 54 of the Act. 4.56 If the supply is feasible, the licensee shall intimate the consumer the charges to be paid for the cost of laying and dismantling the extension work, service line, meter, cut-out/ MCB etc, together with the charges for the estimated consumption during the period of supply applied for and the rental of equipment & material. All the charges shall be payable in advance. If available, the licensee shall provide prepaid meters. The consumer shall have the option either to receive the material used for temporary connection or receive credit, in the final bill, as per prevailing rules, for materials dismantled and returned to stores, in good condition, after disconnection of supply. 4.57 In case temporary supply is required for a period more than 90 days, the licensee may permit the consumer to pay charges for estimated consumption for 90 days and serve the bills for monthly consumption. In case the consumer fails to pay the bills in time and the advance with the licensee does not cover the charges for the balance period, the supply is liable for disconnection. 4.58 If an agricultural consumer wishes, he may seek temporary connections for agricultural use. In such case the consumer shall pay the entire amount of bill charges payable for the period of proposed connection as advance. All charges and other conditions as applicable to temporary connections shall be applicable. In case a consumer defaults in clearing any dues under this provision, he shall not be provided new connection till previous dues are cleared. The licensee shall have the right to remove any equipment specifically installed for providing supply under this provision, after the period of supply is over. 4.59 The licensee shall release the supply within 3 days of payment of charges and compliance of other requirements by the consumer for loads up to 10 KW and within 15 days in other cases where extension of distribution mains is not required. Where extension of distribution mains is required, the supply shall be released within 60 days in case of LT consumers, 90 days for HT consumers and 180 days for EHT consumers. 4.60 The readings of the meter may be taken during the period of the temporary connection to ensure that the charges for actual consumption does not exceed the advance payment received. 4.61After the period of temporary supply is over and supply has been disconnected, the licensee shall prepare the final bill and send it to the consumer within 30 days from the date of disconnection of supply and return the balance amount, if any, within 30 days of surrender of original money receipt or submission of indemnity bond by the consumer. On any delay beyond the said time limit, the licensee will be liable to pay an interest @ 1% per month on the amount of refund outstanding for the number of days beyond the last date of payment, as specified above. 4.62 The licensee shall have in place a procedure of reporting and checks to see that provisions made herein are properly observed and no connections are given without realizing dues. (G) Tatkal Yojana 4.63 The licensee may give temporary supply at a notice of 24 hours under Tatkal Yojna, if it is technically feasible, on payment of an additional fee as approved by the Commission in the order on Miscellaneous Charges. (H) Supply at H.T. 4.64 After receipt of the requisition for supply of energy at H.T. in the prescribed format, the licensee shall intimate the consumer in writing the date of inspection of the site to examine the feasibility. The licensee shall intimate the feasibility or otherwise of supply within 15 days of receipt of the requisition. The consumer or his authorized representative shall remain present at the time of inspection. The licensee shall check the feasibility of supply and if found feasible, shall fix the point of entry of the supplier’s line, the position of meter, metering equipment and other equipments of the supplier. The consumer may with the written permission of the licensee house his own HT switchgear and other apparatus connected with a supply of energy to him under the agreement signed between the consumer and the licensee and as must necessarily be placed therein; but such enclosure shall not be used for any other purpose. The licensee may insist on use of ‘Ariel Bunched Cable’, wherever considered appropriate, for the last span. The difference of cost of the last span on account of laying of ‘Ariel Bunched Cable’ with respect to overhead bare conductor shall be borne by the licensee. 4.65 Supply to HT industrial consumers shall normally be given through HT feeder exclusively meant for industries. It may be preferable to extend supply through a separate feeder from the nearest 33/11 kV or EHT substation in case of consumers with continuous process industry or load of 3 MVA or more. 4.66Supply to new HT consumer (both at 11 kV or 33 kV) shall normally not be extended from the rural feeder. If due to the prohibitive cost of extension of separate feeder from the nearest 33/11 kV or EHT sub station, or for any other reason, the supply is given from a rural feeder, the consumer shall be informed that the supply shall be restricted and regulated in accordance with the restrictions imposed on the rural feeders as per grid conditions. Such consumer may be required to furnish a declaration to the licensee indemnifying the licensee for the restrictions in supply. Within 30 days of intimating the feasibility, the licensee shall intimate the consumer the charges required to be paid for the cost of extension, if any, and the amount of security deposit and other charges if any. Copies of the draft agreement and the form of the required test report shall also be forwarded simultaneously. After the payment of charges including security deposit, and execution of the agreement, the licensee shall take up the work of extension of mains. If the consumer wishes, he may execute the job on his own after payment of due supervision charges to the licensee. The work shall be completed within 90 days if extension work is required and within 30 days if no extension work is required. After completion of the installation, the consumer shall furnish to the licensee the test report and the permission from the Electrical Inspector to energize the installation. In case of mines, the permission from the Inspector of Mines shall have to be furnished. On receipt of the reports, the licensee shall intimate the consumer in writing the date of inspection and testing of the consumer’s installation. In case the consumer’s installation is found in order, the licensee shall seal the meter in the presence of the consumer and serve the connection. (I) Supply at Extra High Tension: After receipt of the requisition in the prescribed format for supply of energy at E.H.T., the licensee shall intimate the consumer in writing the date of inspection to check the feasibility of supply. The licensee and the Transmission Licensee shall carry out the inspection jointly. The consumer or his authorized representative shall remain present at the time of inspection. The two licensees shall check the feasibility of supply and if found feasible shall fix the point of entry of the supplier’s line, the position of meter, metering equipment and other equipments of the supplier. The Licensee shall intimate the feasibility of supply within 15 days of receipt of the requisition. Within 60 days of intimating the feasibility, the licensee shall intimate the consumer the charges required to be paid for the cost of extension, if any, and the amount of security deposit and other charges, if any. Copies of the draft agreement and the form of the required test report shall also be forwarded simultaneously. After the payment of charges including security deposit and execution of the agreement, the licensee shall request the Transmission licensee to take up the work of extension required to give supply. If the consumer wishes he may execute the job on his own after payment of due supervision charges to the licensee. The work shall be completed within 180 days. 4.72 4.73 4.74 After the consumer executes his internal electrical works, he shall furnish to the licensee the test report and the permission from the Electrical Inspector to energize the installation (refer section 47 of IE Rules). In case of mines, the permission from the Inspector of Mines shall have to be furnished. On receipt of the reports, the licensee shall intimate the consumer in writing the date of inspection and testing of the consumer’s installation. If the consumer’s installation is found in order, the licensee shall seal the meter in the presence of the consumer and serve the connection. Nothing contained in this chapter on New Power Supply shall be taken as requiring a licensee to give supply of electricity to any premises if he is prevented from doing so due to Force Majeure Conditions provided in clause 11.1. The following table provides the target period of completion of various activities: sub station, switch gears, meters and panels shall be provided by the consumer, free of cost, for which rent or premium shall not be payable by the licensee . 4.9 The service connection/ extension of distribution mains, notwithstanding that it has been paid for by the consumer, shall be the property of the licensee. The licensee shall maintain it at its cost and shall also have the right to use the same service connection/ extension for supply of energy to any other person but such extension or service connection should not adversely affect the supply to the consumer who paid for the extension of the distribution supply network. 4.10 When the licensee completes the work of extension of distribution mains and is ready to give supply, the licensee shall serve a notice on the consumer to take power supply within one month in case of LT consumers and three months in case of HT or EHT consumers. If the consumer fails to avail supply within the notice period, the agreement shall come into force from the day following the end of the notice period, and thereafter the consumer shall be liable to pay any charges due thereon as per the agreement. Service connection/ extension work got done by consumers 4.11 The consumer can get the work of drawing of service line from the licensee’s distribution mains up to his premises as per the estimates and layout approved by the licensee through a ‘C’ or higher-class licensed electrical contractor, and the work of extension of EHT and HT line, distribution or HT substation and LT line through an ‘A’ class contractor as per the estimates and layout approved by the licensee. In such case the consumer himself shall procure the materials. The material should, conform to relevant BIS specification or its equivalent and should bear ISI mark wherever applicable. The licensee may ask for documentary evidence to verify the quality of materials used. The consumer shall be required to pay the supervision charges as approved by the Commission in the Schedule of Miscellaneous Charges on the cost of works as per the estimates approved by the licensee. The rates of the materials shall be available in the ready reckoner (refer clause 4.7). 4.12 The consumer shall get the work done within the timeframe as provided in clause 4.74, failing which the licensee may, on giving fifteen days notice treat the requisition for supply as cancelled. Requisition for Supply 4.13 4.14 4.15 Requisition for a new supply or an additional supply of electrical energy must be made in duplicate in the appropriate prescribed form, copies of which shall be available at a cost from the local office of the licensee. The format of the application forms is provided in Annex 1 and Annex 2. Photocopies of a blank form or form downloaded from the website of the licensee may also be used by the consumer and shall be accepted by the Licensee. Charges of application form, in case of that being downloaded or photocopied, shall be recovered at the time of submission of the application form to the licensee. The occupier of the premises, for which supply is required, shall make the requisition and shall indicate his full name and address with telephone number (if available) where the supply is required and also the name and address of the Licensed Electrical Contractor through whom the wiring will be carried out; but it is not necessary that requisition should be made through the Licensed Electrical Contractor. Any assistance or information required in filling up the form should be given to the consumer at the local office of the licensee. The consumer shall furnish, along with the requisition form, copies of following documents (please refer to the application format in Annex1 & Annex2 for further details). The licensee may ask for the original documents, from the consumer, for verification. (a) Proof of ownership of the premises in the form of registered sale deed or partition deed or succession or heirship certificate or deed of last will, OR Proof of occupancy such as valid power of attorney or latest rent receipt or valid lease deed or rent agreement or copy of allotment order issued by the owner of the property, OR (b) In case of supply for agriculture/ irrigation pump set, the ‘khata nakal’ giving the ‘khasara’ number of the field within which the supply is required and water availability certificate from competent government authority. Approval / permission of the local / statutory authority, if required under any law /statute. (c) In case of a partnership firm, partnership deed, authorization in the name of the applicant for signing the requisition form and agreement. (d) In case of a Public or Private Limited Company, Memorandum and Articles of Association and Certificate of incorporation together with an authorization in the name of the applicant for signing the requisition form and agreement. In case of applications for power supply to stone crushers, stone polishing and hot- mix plants, the following additional information shall also be furnished. 4.16 4.17 4.18 (e) Documentary evidence from the department concerned to show that he will be able to take requisitioned quantum of power supply for at least two years. (f) His permanent address. The consumer shall also intimate whether the service line and extensions, if any, shall be laid by the consumer or the licensee. For availing of a new connection for Domestic and single-phase Non-domestic categories, in case, the applicant is unable to provide the proof of legal occupation of the premises, the officer in charge of the concerned distribution circle may waive such requirement and record, in writing, the reasons thereof. However, in such cases, the security deposit to be paid by the consumers shall be equal to the cost of ninety days of average consumption to be determined by the licensee’s local office. The serving of connection to such premises shall not be used as a proof of legal rights on the premises or for any other legal use. If the consumer, in respect of an earlier agreement executed in his name or in the name of a firm or company with which he was associated either as a partner, director or managing director, has any arrears of electricity dues or other dues for the premises where the new connection is applied for and such dues are payable to the licensee, the requisition for supply may not be entertained by the licensee until the dues are paid in full. In case of a person occupying a new property, it will be the obligation of that person to check the bills for the previous months or, in case of disconnected supply, the amount due as per the licensee’s records immediately before his occupation and ensure that all outstanding electricity dues as specified in the bills are duly paid up and discharged. The licensee shall be obliged to issue a certificate of the amount outstanding from the connection that was installed or is installed in such premises on request made by such person. The licensee may refuse to supply electricity to the premises through the already existing connection or refuse to give a new connection to the premises till such outstanding dues to the licensee are cleared. For the purpose of these terms and conditions of supply, establishments/ premises (a) (b) (c) having distinct set up and staff, or owned or leased by different persons, or covered by different licenses or registrations under any law where such procedures are applicable, and (d) for domestic category households having relevant document from local authorities, identifying the premises as separate will be deemed to be separate establishments and each separate establishment will be given separate point of supply. Supply to different categories of consumers (A) Supply at LT 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 The Licensee shall verify the application and the enclosed documents at the time of receipt of application. A written acknowledgement shall be issued on the spot if the application is complete. If the application is incomplete, the shortcomings in the form shall be intimated to the applicant in writing within 3 working days. After complete application is received from the consumers, the licensee shall issue a written acknowledgement to the consumer immediately. Within 2 working days of receipt of the completed application form, the licensee shall intimate the consumer the proposed date of inspection, which should be within the next 5 working days in urban areas and 10 working days in rural areas. The applicant along with the licensed contractor or his representative shall be present during the inspection. During the inspection, the Licensee shall: (i) Fix the point of supply and the place where meter and the cut-out/ MCB shall be fixed. (ii) Fix the layout of the proposed lines and substation and estimate the distance between the point of supply and the nearest Distribution mains from where supply could be given. (iii) Determine if the supply line is to go over any property belonging to a third party. (iv) Verify other particulars mentioned in the application form, as required. When the consumer’s premises has no frontage on a street and the service line from the licensee's mains has to go upon, over or under the adjoining premises of any other person (whether or not the adjoining premises be owned jointly by the consumer and such other person), or in any other case the consumer shall bring at his own expense any necessary way-leave, license or sanction for extension of distribution mains and service line and furnish to the licensee. The licensee shall not arrange supply of power until the way-leave, license or sanction is received. Any extra expense incurred in placing the supply line in accordance with the terms of the way-leave, license or sanction shall be borne by the consumer. In the event of the way-leave, license or sanction being cancelled or withdrawn, the consumer shall, at his own cost arrange for, or in case the work is carried out by the licensee at the consumer’s request, pay full cost of, any diversion of the service line or the provision of any new service line thus rendered necessary. It shall not be incumbent on the licensee to ascertain the validity or adequacy of way- leave, license or sanction obtained by the consumer. 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29 In case it is possible to extend supply from the existing mains, the licensee will forward to the consumer, within 3 working days in urban areas and 5 working days in rural areas, an advice for the charges for laying the service line, the amount of security deposit and any other charges as applicable. The amount shall be payable in full within 15 working days, after which only any work for laying the service line will be taken up. The licensee will also intimate to consumer to execute the agreement. In case it is necessary to extend distribution mains for giving supply to the consumer, the licensee will forward to the consumer, within 15 days in urban areas and within 30 days in rural areas, an advice containing the charges for extension of the distribution main, laying the service line, the amount of security deposit, any other charges as applicable and will also intimate if any additional formalities are required to be carried out by the consumer. In cases where the consumer has to lay the service line and extension of mains, the consumer shall pay the supervision charges on cost of extension of the distribution mains and laying the service line in addition to payment of other charges as may be applicable. The amount shall be payable in full within 15 working days along with completion of formalities, after which only any work for laying the distribution mains and service line can be taken up. The licensee will also intimate the consumer to furnish test report in the prescribed form. In case the consumer fails to complete the formalities within 15 days, the licensee shall give him notice to complete the formalities within the next 15 days failing which, his requisition for supply shall be cancelled. Thereafter the consumer shall have to apply afresh for supply or additional supply as the case may be. On deposit of charges as indicated above by the consumer, execution of the agreement and receipt of test report and intimation that the service line and extension work have been completed, the licensee shall intimate the consumer, within 3 days, the date of testing of the consumer’s installation. The consumer shall ensure that the licensed electrical contractor, who has carried out the wiring, should remain present during the testing. On testing the consumer’s installation, if the licensee is satisfied with the test results, the licensee shall arrange to install the meter with the cut-out or MCB, seal the meter in presence of the consumer and provide supply. If the Licensee is not satisfied, he shall intimate the consumer the shortcomings in the wiring, in writing. The applicant shall be required to get the defects rectified. On payment of the prescribed fee, testing shall again be conducted as per Clause 4.26. All work shall be completed within the timeframe specified in clause 4.74(1). (B) LT Supply to Multi-Consumer Complex including Commercial Complexes: For the purpose of providing new power supply to a building or a group of buildings having more than one connection and a total load of 50 kW or more, the building shall be considered as a multi-consumer complex. 4.30 4.31 4.32 4.33 4.34 4.35 4.36 4.37 The supply to a multi-consumer complex shall be arranged through a separate distribution transformer of adequate capacity but not less than 100 kVA. The cost of extension including H.T. line, distribution transformer and L.T. lines/ cables shall be borne by the developer/ builder/ society/ consumer. The developer/ builder/ society/ consumer shall also pay ‘system strengthening charges’ or capacity building charges if any. In case it is not possible to give supply to the Multi-Consumer Complex by augmentation of the capacity of existing 33/11 kV substation or the load of the housing colony exceeds 2150 kW, the developer/ builder/ society/ consumer shall bear the cost of the 33 kV line and 33/11 kV substation of required capacity. In such cases System Strengthening Charges or Capacity Building Charges, if any, shall be payable according the procedure approved in the Schedule of Miscellaneous Charges. The developer/ builder/ society/ consumer includes any agency whether Government, local body or private that constructs the Multi-Consumer Complex. Meters shall normally be provided at the ground floor in accordance with the procedure stated in the chapter on Meters. The land/room required for housing the transformer substation and meters shall be provided by the developer /builder/ society/ consumer free of cost for which rent or premium shall not be paid by the licensee. Transformers should preferably be placed in open areas. In case installation of transformer in a room or closed area is unavoidable, all safety measures as per prevailing rules and regulations should be taken. Connections for common facilities like lift, water pumps etc. shall be given in the name of the builder/developer/society. If requisitions for supply to individual flats are not received from the flat owners, connections may be given in the name of the builder/developer/society. Such connections may subsequently be transferred to the individual flat owner/occupier of the flat after completing the necessary formalities prescribed in this regard. The agreement for such individual connection shall be executed accordingly. In case the original approved plan is for a multi-consumer complex, but the builder/developer/ society/ consumer desires to avail connection for a portion of it, the connections shall be provided treating it as multi-consumer complex. 4.38 Due to additional construction or additional requirement of load, if a building comes under the category of multi-consumer complex and if a separate distribution transformer of sufficient capacity, for giving supply to such building was not provided earlier, it will be provided at the cost of the builder/developer/ society/ consumer. Alternatively, the builder/ developer/ society/ consumer shall arrange to suitably augment the capacity of the existing substation, if found feasible by the licensee. However, the system strengthening charges or capacity building charges, if any, shall be payable for the new connections or additional load only. 4.39 For the purpose of considering the criteria of a multi-consumer complex, for development of infrastructure for extension of distribution mains and for calculating the system strengthening charges or capacity building charges, if any, the load of the multi-consumer complex shall be calculated on the following basis (area represents built-up area of individual unit): AREA LOAD 4.40 (a) Upto 400 sq ft 1.5 kW (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Above 400 sq ft & upto 700 sq ft 2.0 kW Above 700 sq ft & upto 1000 sq ft 3.0 kW Above 1000 sq ft & upto 1300 sq ft 4.0 kW Above 1300 sq ft & upto 1600 sq ft 5.0 kW Above 1600 sq ft & upto 2000 sq ft 7.0 kW Above 2000 sq ft & upto 2500 sq ft 10 kW For every additional 500 sq ft or part thereof over 2500 sq ft of built up area, 1 kW of load should be added. The load of the common facilities like lift, water pump, parking lights etc shall be taken as declared by the developer/builder/society/ consumer. The aforesaid procedure for estimation of load is for the purpose of bringing about uniformity in the assessment of the load of the multi-consumer complex. However, security deposit etc shall be worked out on the basis of the load as declared by the consumer and supported by the test report at the time of providing connection to individual consumer. On receipt of requisition from the builder/developer/ society/ consumer for supply of electricity to multi-consumer or commercial complexes, the licensee shall take action for extending the supply as per procedure given in clauses 4.19to 4.28as applicable. 4.41 4.42 (C) LT Supply to housing colonies: The developer/ builder/ society/ consumers of a housing colony shall bear the cost of extension including the cost of 11 kV line, distribution transformer and LT lines/ LT cables. The developer/ builder shall also pay ‘System Strengthening Charges’/ ‘Capacity Building Charges’, if any. In case it is not possible to give supply to a housing colony by augmentation of the capacity of existing 33/11 kV substation or the load of the housing colony exceeds 2150 kW, the developer/ builder/ society/ consumer shall bear the cost of 33 kV line and 33/11 kV substation of required capacity. In such cases System Strengthening Charges or Capacity Building Charges, if any, shall be payable according the procedure approved in the Schedule of Miscellaneous Charges. The developer/ builder/ society/ consumer includes any agency whether Government, local body or private that constructs the building/ colony. For the purpose of considering the criteria of a housing colony, for development of infrastructure for extension of distribution mains and calculating the system strengthening charges or capacity building charges, if any, the load of the housing colony shall be calculated on the following basis (area represents plot area): AREA LOAD (a) Upto 500 sq ft 1.0 kW (b) Above 500 sq ft & upto 1000 sq ft 2.0 kW (c) Above 1000 sq ft & upto 1500 sq ft 3.0 kW (d) Above 1500 sq ft & upto 2000 sq ft 4.0 kW (e) Above 2000 sq ft & upto 2400 sq ft 5.0 kW (f) Above 2400 sq ft & upto 3000 sq ft 7.0 kW (g) Above 3000 sq ft & upto 3500 sq ft 10.0 kW (h) Plot or house for EWS 1.0 KW (i) Informal sector (reserved slum area) 0.5 KW per connection The load of the common facilities like lift, water pump, parking lights, street lights etc may be taken as declared by the developer/builder/society/ consumer. If, subsequently, the builder/ developer/ society/ consumer constructs houses or buildings for sale, instead of sale of plots, the load will be reassessed on the basis of the guideline given in clause 4.39. The developer/ builder/ society/ consumer shall be liable to pay the additional amount payable, if any, as per the new assessment. The developer/ builder/ society/ consumer will also be required to pay the cost of the additional infrastructure required for the purpose. 4.43 4.44 4.45 4.46 4.47 The aforesaid procedure for estimation of load is for the purpose of calculation of charges and also for deciding the number and capacity of distribution transformers and the length of HT/ LT line required. However, the service connection charges, security deposit etc shall be worked out on the basis of the load as declared by the consumer and supported by the test report at the time of serving connection to individual consumer. On receipt of requisition from the builder/developer/ society/ consumer for supply to housing colony, the licensee shall take action for extending the supply as given in clause 4.19to 4.28, as applicable. (D) LT Supply for agriculture/irrigation pump sets: The procedure laid down in clause 4.19to 4.28, as applicable, shall be followed for giving supply to agriculture/irrigation pump sets where extension of distributing mains and /or augmentation of distribution transformer is not required. Supply for agriculture/irrigation pump set, at one point, may also be given to a registered co-operative society or to a group of farmers recognized by the licensee. If on inspection of the premises it is found that extension of distributing mains and/or augmentation of distribution transformer capacity is required, the possibility of taking up the work from financial assistance available from the Government or financial institution like Rural Electrification Corporation etc. shall be examined. Within 10 days of inspection, if no extension of line is required, and within 30 days of inspection if extension of line is required, the consumer shall be intimated whether the licensee can take up the work from funds available with the licensee from other sources or whether the work can be taken up only after the full cost of the works is deposited by the consumer. In case the work can be taken up only after the consumer deposits the estimated expenses, the licensee shall specify the amount along with the intimation. The work of electrification of such pump set(s), for which the full cost of the work is deposited by the consumer(s), will be taken up and completed within the period as mentioned in clause 4.74, of depositing the amount by the consumer(s) if extension work is involved. In case of long queue, work on new connection shall be taken up on the broad principle of first-come first serve basis. Within 3 working days of completion of work, the licensee shall intimate the date of testing of the installation of the consumer and request the consumer(s) to furnish the test report. In case he is satisfied with the test report and the wiring in the premises of the consumer, the connection shall be served within 3 working days of the inspection. An agricultural consumer, if he so desires, may shift the location within his premises of his connection, with approval of the licensee, within the premises after payment of charges as applicable. 4.48 4.49 4.50 4.51 4.52 4.53 4.54 (E) LT Supply to Public Street Lightings: Requisition for power supply to new or additional public street lights shall be submitted in the prescribed format to the local office of the licensee by the Municipal Corporation or Municipality or Municipal Board or Gram Panchayat or Local Body or the Government Department or any other organization made responsible by the Government to maintain public street lights (in context of public street lights herein after called ‘local body’). The requisition for public lights shall be accompanied by resolution of the local body and the sketch indicating the number of poles, existing or new, where streetlights are required. Except otherwise directed by the Commission, the licensee may not provide a new street light connection if the local body, applying for new street light connection, has any electricity dues against it. The fittings, brackets or any special fittings shall be in accordance with the relevant BIS specifications or its equivalent and shall maintain required clearances as per prevailing rules and regulations. The local body shall bear the full cost of arranging of power supply to public streetlights including complete fittings and brackets. In case, any special fittings are to be provided, the local body shall arrange for it. The licensee shall intimate the cost of extension in writing, within 15 days in urban areas and within 30 days in rural areas from the date of inspection of the site. The work shall be taken up only after deposit of the amount and execution of agreement by the local body. A suitable double compartment weatherproof metal box to house the energy meter and streetlight switch/ M.C.B./ timers shall be provided by the licensee. The licensee shall carryout the maintenance of street light poles and electrical lines on payment basis and shall arrange to switch on fifteen minutes before sunset and switch off the streetlights fifteen minutes after sunrise as per local sunset/ sunrise timings. The licensee shall also carry out replacement of fixtures/ bulbs (of same wattage) etc on the poles on request by the streetlight consumers. The fixtures, bulbs etc. shall be supplied by the consumers and replaced by the licensee within 7 days of receipt. All such services shall be chargeable. Such maintenance charges shall be included in the schedule of miscellaneous charges. (F) Temporary Power Supply Any person requiring power supply for purpose that is temporary in nature, for a period of less than one year may apply for temporary power supply in the prescribed form (Annex- 1 or 2). Requisition for temporary supply shall normally be given 7 days before the day when supply is required for loads up to 10 kW and 30 days before for higher loads. 4.55 He shall also furnish the proof of occupation or permission from the local authority or from the owner of the premises, as the case may be, where temporary connection is required as stated in clause 4.15. In case temporary supply is required in premises/ place where 100 or more persons are likely to assemble, the consumers shall comply with the provisions of section 54 of the Act. 4.56 If the supply is feasible, the licensee shall intimate the consumer the charges to be paid for the cost of laying and dismantling the extension work, service line, meter, cut-out/ MCB etc, together with the charges for the estimated consumption during the period of supply applied for and the rental of equipment & material. All the charges shall be payable in advance. If available, the licensee shall provide prepaid meters. The consumer shall have the option either to receive the material used for temporary connection or receive credit, in the final bill, as per prevailing rules, for materials dismantled and returned to stores, in good condition, after disconnection of supply. 4.57 In case temporary supply is required for a period more than 90 days, the licensee may permit the consumer to pay charges for estimated consumption for 90 days and serve the bills for monthly consumption. In case the consumer fails to pay the bills in time and the advance with the licensee does not cover the charges for the balance period, the supply is liable for disconnection. 4.58 If an agricultural consumer wishes, he may seek temporary connections for agricultural use. In such case the consumer shall pay the entire amount of bill charges payable for the period of proposed connection as advance. All charges and other conditions as applicable to temporary connections shall be applicable. In case a consumer defaults in clearing any dues under this provision, he shall not be provided new connection till previous dues are cleared. The licensee shall have the right to remove any equipment specifically installed for providing supply under this provision, after the period of supply is over. 4.59 The licensee shall release the supply within 3 days of payment of charges and compliance of other requirements by the consumer for loads up to 10 KW and within 15 days in other cases where extension of distribution mains is not required. Where extension of distribution mains is required, the supply shall be released within 60 days in case of LT consumers, 90 days for HT consumers and 180 days for EHT consumers. 4.60 The readings of the meter may be taken during the period of the temporary connection to ensure that the charges for actual consumption does not exceed the advance payment received. 4.61 4.62 4.63 4.64 4.65 After the period of temporary supply is over and supply has been disconnected, the licensee shall prepare the final bill and send it to the consumer within 30 days from the date of disconnection of supply and return the balance amount, if any, within 30 days of surrender of original money receipt or submission of indemnity bond by the consumer. On any delay beyond the said time limit, the licensee will be liable to pay an interest @ 1% per month on the amount of refund outstanding for the number of days beyond the last date of payment, as specified above. The licensee shall have in place a procedure of reporting and checks to see that provisions made herein are properly observed and no connections are given without realizing dues. (G) Tatkal Yojana The licensee may give temporary supply at a notice of 24 hours under Tatkal Yojna, if it is technically feasible, on payment of an additional fee as approved by the Commission in the order on Miscellaneous Charges. (H) Supply at H.T. After receipt of the requisition for supply of energy at H.T. in the prescribed format, the licensee shall intimate the consumer in writing the date of inspection of the site to examine the feasibility. The licensee shall intimate the feasibility or otherwise of supply within 15 days of receipt of the requisition. The consumer or his authorized representative shall remain present at the time of inspection. The licensee shall check the feasibility of supply and if found feasible, shall fix the point of entry of the supplier’s line, the position of meter, metering equipment and other equipments of the supplier. The consumer may with the written permission of the licensee house his own HT switchgear and other apparatus connected with a supply of energy to him under the agreement signed between the consumer and the licensee and as must necessarily be placed therein; but such enclosure shall not be used for any other purpose. The licensee may insist on use of ‘Ariel Bunched Cable’, wherever considered appropriate, for the last span. The difference of cost of the last span on account of laying of ‘Ariel Bunched Cable’ with respect to overhead bare conductor shall be borne by the licensee. Supply to HT industrial consumers shall normally be given through HT feeder exclusively meant for industries. It may be preferable to extend supply through a separate feeder from the nearest 33/11 kV or EHT substation in case of consumers with continuous process industry or load of 3 MVA or more. 4.66 4.67 4.68 4.69 4.70 4.71 Supply to new HT consumer (both at 11 kV or 33 kV) shall normally not be extended from the rural feeder. If due to the prohibitive cost of extension of separate feeder from the nearest 33/11 kV or EHT sub station, or for any other reason, the supply is given from a rural feeder, the consumer shall be informed that the supply shall be restricted and regulated in accordance with the restrictions imposed on the rural feeders as per grid conditions. Such consumer may be required to furnish a declaration to the licensee indemnifying the licensee for the restrictions in supply. Within 30 days of intimating the feasibility, the licensee shall intimate the consumer the charges required to be paid for the cost of extension, if any, and the amount of security deposit and other charges if any. Copies of the draft agreement and the form of the required test report shall also be forwarded simultaneously.