Section 5 of Shree Somnath Sanskrit University Act, 2005

From Advocatespedia

Subject to the provisions of this Act, the University shall exercise the following powers and discharge the following functions, namely:- (a) to provide for instruction including correspondence courses, teaching and training in such branches of learning and courses of study, as it may think fit; (b) to make provisions for research in Sanskrit, post-graduate courses, conduct special and under-graduate courses, advancement and dissemination of knowledge; (c) to promote national integration and nourish cultural heritage; (d) to establish, maintain and manage University colleges, schools, departments and institutes of research or specialised studies; (e) to sanction affiliation, recognition and approval to the colleges, institutions and Pathashalas respectively; (f) to withdraw or modify affiliation, recognition, or approval of educational institutions; (g) to organise language laboratories, libraries, museums and other equipments for teaching and to promote research; (h) to institute professorships, readerships, lecturerships and other posts of teachers required by the University; (i) to lay down the courses of instructions for the various examinations; (j) to institute degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions and titles; (k) to hold examinations or tests and confer degrees and diplomas on, and grant certificates to, persons who – (i) have pursued approved courses of study in the University or an affiliated colleges, unless exempted there from, in such manner as may be prescribed and have passed the examinations or tests prescribed by the University; or (ii) carry out research on such conditions as may be prescribed; (l) to confer honorary degrees or other academic distinctions in such manner as may be prescribed; (m) to withdraw or cancel any degree, diploma or certificate conferred or granted by the University in such manner as may be prescribed; (n) to associate or admit educational institutions with, or to the privileges of the University by way of affiliation, recognition or approval; (o) to grant such diplomas and certificates to, and to provide such lectures, instructions and training to, persons who are not enrolled as students of the University on such conditions as may be prescribed; (p) to organise and conduct conferences, debates, discussions, seminars, symposia, workshops, refreshers courses and such other programmes at national and international level in furtherance of the objects of the University; (q) to maintain archives, libraries, information centres, data bank, museums and such other institutions which are useful for the furtherance of the objects of the University; (r) to collect, conserve, edit and publish ancient manuscripts, to conserve materials of archaeological values and importance and to reproduce the valuable works of the Sanskrit; (s) to accept donations, grants, gifts, or to borrow money from the Central Government, any State Government or from any individual, association or body corporate: Provided that power to borrow moneys shall be exercised after obtaining previous approval of the State Government; (t) to institute, hold and manage endowments for the promotion of Sanskrit and to give financial and other assistance to deserving institutions or individuals engaged in the dissemination of Sanskrit learning and to institute and award fellowships, scholarships and prizes in accordance with the Regulations for the promotion and propagation of Sanskrit; (u) to give financial and other assistance to institutions or individuals for the publication of literature through printing and electronic media which are conducive to the furtherance of the objects of the University; (v) to inspect colleges, recognised and approved institutions and to take measures to ensure that proper standards of instruction, teaching and training are maintained in them and that adequate library and laboratory provisions are made therein; (w) to lay down and regulate the salary scales, allowances and other conditions of service of the members of the teaching, other academic and non-teaching staff in the affiliated colleges, University colleges and recognised and approved institutions as per the rules of and guideline issued by the University Grants Commission; (x) to control and co-ordinate the activities of and to give financial aid to, University colleges and University Departments; (y) to regulate the fees to be paid by the students in affiliated colleges, recognised and approved institutions; (z) to institute and award fellowship, traveling fellowships, scholarships, studentships, medals, prizes and other awards; (aa) to take disciplinary action against the teachers and students of the University and to impose such punishment upon them as may be deemed fit for the breach of discipline or misconduct, within or outside the University including the use of unfair means at an examination or in relation thereto by themselves or by any other persons or abatement thereof; (bb) to conduct, co-ordinate, supervise, regulate and control post-graduate teachings and research work in the University Departments and affiliated colleges and recognised and approved institutions; (cc) to acquire, hold, manage and dispose of any property movable and immovable, including trust or endowed property within or outside the University and to invest any funds representing such property in such manner as the University thinks fit under the intimation to the State Government; (dd) to institute and manage,- (i) Printing and Publication Department, (ii) Information Bureau, and (iii) Distance Education Department; (ee) to make provisions,- (i) for continuing education, adult education, extra-mural activities, extension services and other recognised educational activities, (ii) for physical education, National Cadet Corps, National Services Scheme, National Sports Organisation and such other recognised activities, and (iii) for yoga, sports, and athletic activities; (ff) to co-operate with other University, authorities or associations or any other public or private bodies in such manner and for such purposes as the University may determine; (gg) to raise public loans on security of the assets of the University for the purposes of the University with the previous approval of the State Government; (hh) to generate resources by frugal and productive utilisation of the University resources; (ii) to organise the projects and programmes for making the Sanskrit languages to be a language of mass for conversation; (jj) to establish within the University area or without the area such field stations, campuses, specialised laboratories and other units for research and instructions and for postgraduate studies in a specialise subjects; (kk) to guide and regulate teaching and research work in University colleges, University Departments and recognised institutions; (ll) to enforce and maintain discipline among the teachers, students, officers and staff and to make necessary arrangements for their welfare; (mm) to fix and collect fees and other charges as may be prescribed by the regulations; (nn) to supervise and control the residence and regulate the conduct and discipline of students of the University and to make arrangements for promoting their health and general welfare and cultural activities; (oo) to do all such other acts and things whether they are incidental to the aforesaid powers and functions or not, as may be necessary in order to further the objects of the University or which may be incidental or ancillary to achieve these objects.